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The Student News Site of Niles West High School

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The Student News Site of Niles West High School

Niles West News

From Wolf to Wildcat: Jad Dibs

Jad attending Northwestern Wildcat Day.

Senior Jad Dibs has left a profound impression on several students and staff members during his time at Niles West. Involved in RIOT (Researchers and Investigators of Tomorrow), SIRS (STEM Inquiry/Research Students), NHS (National Honor Society), Math Team, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Ping Pong, Orchestra and more, Dibs has left his mark on student activities at Niles West. Additionally, his first place awards in both regional and state science fairs and his numerous recommendations due to his high grades and standardized test scores make Dibs both a stellar and role model student.

A great deal of Dibs’s rigor can be attributed to the various opportunities he was provided with at Niles West. Dibs shared how the community he immersed himself in was pivotal in his success and perseverance.

“Through the abundant academic and extracurricular opportunities at West, I’ve found a community that has been very uplifting and mutually supportive. I am thankful for my family and friends for their continuous encouragement as well,” Dibs said.

A stop on Dibs’s academic journey this year was Post-Calculus Topics, a class very few students are qualified to take. Director of Mathematics and Post-Calculus teacher Lucas Leavenworth spoke to Dibs’s enthusiasm for learning in his classroom while also expressing his pride at being able to call himself Dibs’s teacher this past year.

“Jad is a tremendous student who asks the best questions. He clearly thinks deeply about mathematics. Getting to know Jad during Post-Calculus Topics this year has been a joy and an honor! There have been many times that I have left class with homework of my own so that I can be ready for Jad’s next line of inquiry,” Leavenworth said. 

As a student dedicated to research, Dibs was heavily involved in SIRS throughout the course of his high school career. In addition to offering him advice on his future endeavors, SIRS teacher Thomas Jodelka spoke on Dibs’s work ethic.

“Jad is hard-working, dedicated, meticulous, and has a passion for research. All of his work is of a high quality. He has a wealth of experience that he can offer to other students and is both an asset and an aspiration for others in the class. The advice that I have for Jad as he prepares to enter college is to simply be himself, he has gotten this far because of his abilities, and that will serve him well in college and beyond. Although it is important for Jad to be himself, he must also realize when it is necessary to step outside of his comfort zone and challenge himself, for this is really the only way that we grow. A challenge always seems impossible until it is complete and he will be surprised by what he is capable of if he simply applies himself and puts forth maximum effort. Based on what I have seen of Jad’s high school career, I know that he is capable of great things. I do not doubt that he will leave his mark on the world and that the world will be a better place for it,” Jodelka said.

Dibs also shared his post-high school plans, which include but are not limited to, attending Northwestern University, a highly ranked and prestigious university located in Evanston, Illinois.

“After graduating from Niles West, I will be attending Northwestern University as an engineering student. I plan on studying electrical or computer engineering with a focus on the intersection of healthcare/medicine and technology. I aspire to apply my knowledge to positively advance humanity,” Dibs said.

It’s safe to say that Dibs has exceeded expectations and standards for students and will continue to do so throughout his journey at Northwestern University and beyond.

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