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The Student News Site of Niles West High School

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The Student News Site of Niles West High School

Niles West News

2024 Senior Accolades Awards Ceremony

The ceremony began with Ronit Rahman, senior, playing the flute to the Star Spangled Banner.

On Wednesday, April 15, the Class of 2024 Accolades took place in the Niles West auditorium, showcasing several accomplished seniors as they accepted their well deserved awards. The auditorium seats were packed as this annual event highlights the scholarships, academic awards, athletic awards, student involvement awards and more.

Teachers presented the awards to the students, along with Student Activities Director Caitlin Lucci. The event was organized by the accolades committee, which includes Caitlin Lucci, student activities executive secretary Barb Carabio, English teacher Sharon Swanson, math teacher Natalie Moscovitch, and guidance counselor Stephanie Lau. Director of Mathematics Lucas Leavenworth announced all of the awards and called teachers to give their awards as well as students to walk the stage and receive them in an organized manner.

Starting the night off strong was the Niles West Jazz Band accompanied by senior Vaughn Holleran. 

“I was really blessed to be able to sing with jazz band. It was something I had been wanting to do since the beginning of the year, so Mr. Johnson allowing that to happen is something I am very grateful for. Also being in the atmosphere as other people who appreciate and love to make music as much as you do is really inspiring. It was just such an amazing performance and experience,” Holleran said.

Holleran was also awarded the Choir Department Award, recognition for ILMEA All State, and a Booster Club Scholarship.

The awards varied from athletic awards, to department awards as well as extracurricular awards.

“I really appreciated the recognition while attending the Accolades, it was really rewarding,” senior Aspasia Kostopoulos said. Kostopoulos won the department award for World Languages, the French Language Award and the Tri-Lingual Scholar Award.

Senior Asma Patel felt that the event was a success and enjoyed every moment of the night from recieving her Award to supporting other students and her classmates receive their awards.

“The whole night was really beautiful and it was nice to see all of the seniors be recognized for all their accomplishments this year. I found myself smiling at every name, whether I knew them or not, because each person walking that stage had a talent, skill or trait that deserved to be applauded. I received the Math Department Award, John Cahill Scholarship Award, and recognition for being a National Merit Scholarhip Finalist,” Patel said.

The hard work of these seniors has truly paid off, and they are ready to start the newest chapter in their lives: college. Congrats to all of the seniors and best of luck in your bright futures!

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