Setting up the nets, boys volleyball tryouts started on Monday, March 10. They ended last year with a record of 16-16 overall and 5-5 in conference.
To prepare for the upcoming season, the boys worked with physical welfare teacher Thomas Dellota during off-season workouts in the weight room. Lifts were twice a week for a couple of months, and then open gym started in November, and attendance was strong.
“The off-season went great. This year, I have seen the highest amount of people attend afterschool lifts, even more attending the open gyms, and lots of us playing club for most of the off-season. I have seen many players improve since last season, and I am excited to see how the team will do this year,” senior Gabriel Pena said
Last year, the team had both a new head coach, Zachery Sinn, and a new assistant coach, Michael Hoffman, so they had to adjust but were pleased with the new changes.
“I believe the new coaching staff brought a new perspective to the way practices are structured and a new mindset to the team. I wasn’t there to experience the old varsity coach, but looking at how the season went last year, they definitely steered the team in the right direction,” senior Pena said.
There are many goals for the team, especially with Sinn having learned a lot from his first year of coaching.
“Like with anything, you learn a lot after the first time around. One change that I hope to make is to have the boys hold each other more accountable throughout the season,” Sinn said.
Returning players from last year also have specific things they want to critique or work on. Winning is important.
“Well, I obviously wanna improve as much as possible and play as best as I can so we can win. For the team, I think we all mainly just want to win, especially against Niles North because they’ve beaten us the past two years,” senior Will Arvizu said.
Expectations are being set by the coaches so the team can get better every day, emphasizing daily improvement and staying disciplined.
“I expect the boys to come in and work hard every day. I expect them to be disciplined and to do the little things right, no matter what the drill is. And most importantly, I expect them to compete together as a team,” Sinn said.
The team is working to get a regional title this year, and with all the returning and new players, they have the talent to make it happen.
“I think that we have the talent to improve on that record greatly and compete for a conference and regional title this year. Between the returners that we have and the newcomers to Varsity, I am very excited and think there is a lot of potential for this group. The challenge will just be turning that potential into actual accomplishments,” Sinn said.