Senior Will Lefler at swim practice. Photo by Rebecca Yun
It’s the day of the West vs. Waukegan swim meet and the natatorium is quiet, save for a referee in all white, who holds a speaker to his mouth and says, “Take your mark…” before pushing a button to start the varsity 200 freestyle. Senior Will Lefler is in lane 4 and he’s off to a great start. Lefler swims hard and comes out victorious, winning the race with a time of 1:59.83.
Although he isn’t one of the captains for this season, Lefler still leads a very interesting life. Aside from being on the swim team, Lefler manages to have time to referee hockey games, play in the school band, and play video games, all while maintaining good grades in school.
NWN: What influenced you to start swimming?
Lefler: My mom actually pushed be back towards swimming. I had taken swim lessons at the YMCA when I was younger and I really enjoyed it, but then I transitioned into hockey and played for 8 years. After the fall hockey season my freshman year, I felt that it was my time to leave.
NWN: Do you have a favorite swimmer? If so, why?
Lefler: I don’t really have a favorite swimmer, actually. I do enjoy watching Michael Phelps but he’s not my favorite. I enjoy watching my friends more than watching professionals because I’ve known them for a couple years and I know their skill level.
NWN: How long have you been swimming? Does it ever feel like you just need a break from swim season? Lefler: I’ve been swimming competitively for the last 3 years. Occasionally I do wish I could just take a break from swimming, but I know that if I do I’ll get out of shape. During the fall during Marching Band, I try and swim on the days that the marching band doesn’t have practice after school.
NWN: How hard is it juggling band and swimming?
Lefler: It’s extremely hard balancing the two! In band, I’m one of the main student leaders and the band director relies on me quite a lot. During the winter, I feel bad that I’m not there as often, but I know that swimming is important and that if I don’t dedicate my time, I won’t succeed.
NWN: What other extra-curriculars do you have (if any)?
Lefler: Last year I was a part of the school musical where I played in the pit. I’ve also played in the pep band that can be seen on the balcony during girls and boys basketball games. I did play water polo the first season that it started, but I unfortunately couldn’t play last year.
NWN: If there was one thing you wish people could know about you, what would it be?
Lefler: I really can’t think of anything actually. I feel like I am a pretty open person to my friends so I don’t really need to keep things to myself.
NWN: What are your favorite parts of being on a swim team?
Lefler: Definitely the family-like atmosphere. We may pick on each other but it’s all in good fun. The guys on the team are the guys that I hang out with the most outside of school because we share the same interests.
NWN: Anything you dislike about swim season?
Lefler: Ironically, the people sometimes. When you spend so much time with the same group of people for 3 to 4 months, there are just some days where the tiniest things drive you crazy.
Here are some more fun facts about Lefler:
He loves pretty much all foods, except for chocolate, which he can’t stand.
He’s a late-night kind of guy.
He has a diverse taste in music.
His favorite class is math with Ms. Natalie Moscovitch.
His favorite events are the 100-backstroke and the 200-medley relay (with seniors Stephen Giddens, Nick Giffen, and Ryan Miller).
He has a habit of conducting music, whether it’s on his iPod or on the radio.
One place he’d love to go to in the world is Berlin, Germany. “I got to go to Germany this summer with the exchange program but when we went, we only stayed in the southern part of the country. Berlin has such an interesting history from WWII to the Cold War and the Iron Curtain,” said Lefler.