Relay for Life will be held on Friday, June 8 at 6 p.m. to Saturday, June 9 at 6 a.m. at Niles West.
Relay for Life benefits the American Cancer Society. It is a District 219 event, meaning a collaboration with Niles North, but the community in general is invited to attend. Food and entertainment will be provided.
Relay for Life sponsor and bookkeeper Harriet Poulos, a breast cancer survivor, feels that Relay is a way for her to give back to her supporters.
“Personally speaking, it’s a great way to give back to everyone who helped me. It’s an overwhelming and emotional experience.” Poulos says.
Junior Stephanie Swanson has a personal connection with cancer as well.
“I attend because my grandmother died of cancer and I am there to support in the fight against cancer! And other students should attend because it is a very noble cause and it is also a time to hang out with friends!” Swanson says
Poulos feels that students who attend will learn a lot about cancer.
“It teaches[students] that cancer is a disease that affects everyone because of the different ages of the survivors. It shows that cancer is a disease that needs to be eradicated. Whatever the student gets out of it, it will be good.”
Students are required to turn in permission forms, which can be found with Poulos in the bookstore. If students have raised $100, they get a free T-Shirt.