Why “Bindis” Should Not Be a Fashion Trend

Junior Fatima Farha reflecting on her junior year.
Apr 22, 2013
Fashion trends are ongoing. One day it’ll be something, and the next day it will be something else, and that is completely fine. There is nothing wrong with fashion, and there is nothing wrong with the trends that people set. However, there is a limit, a limit that requires respecting people’s cultures, heritage, traditions, and most importantly, what can be fashion and what can’t.
In the past couple of months, I have seen a rising fashion trend of the bindi, a gem worn on the forehead between the eyebrows. On fashion websites, I’ve seen these bindis sold as sticky gems that can just be stuck to the forehead, sold in different shapes and colors, in different designs.
The bindis have grown prominence and many girls have started wearing them. Just last weekend, Selena Gomez decided to sport a huge bindi during her performance at the MTV Movie Awards for her new single, “Come and Get It.”
The girls who wear it call the bindi “exotic” and find it very cool because it is a part of the Indian culture, and they think it’s pretty. The funny part is, none of the girls who actually wear the bindi in terms of this fashion trend are Indian. Or even close to South Asians.
So where did this “exotic” bindi come from? The bindi is a forehead decoration worn by women in South Asia. It comes from the Hindu culture and religion, so the majority of the women who wear it are South Asian Hindus.
The bindi can symbolize many aspects of the Hindu culture, but from the beginning it has always been a red dot worn on the forehead, most commonly to represent a married woman. The bindi is also said to be the third eye in Hindu religion, and it can be used to ward off bad luck. The women who wear it in India wear it with some representation of their own culture, whether it’s because they’re married, or if they have another cultural tie to it.
As times progressed, the bindi acquired more designs, and today there are many different kinds of bindis that women wear, with different colors and designs to match their daily outfits, or fancy ones for their fancy dresses. However, at the end of the day, it is a part of their culture, and they wear with that significance.
The women who wear it today, in the Western countries, are not wearing it with that culture in mind. Instead, they wear it because it looks exotic and they try to be trendy, but do they even know what the cultural significance is?
A bindi has a lot of significance to the women who wear it in South Asia, and by not keeping that in mind, the women who wear it here and who are not from South Asia are disrespecting it to a very high degree. They are culturally appropriating the bindi.
Cultural appropriation is a term that defines the adoption of a minority’s culture by the dominant culture. The dominant culture takes the minority’s culture, or a part of it, and makes it seem menial, without any of the significance that it was supposed to have.
Even though many people think that adopting aspects of another culture can be thought of as “sharing,” that doesn’t justify not respecting what that object means in the actual culture it was stolen from. And the reason it is so frustrating is because the dominant culture does not have to suffer any racism because of it.
When Hindu women in the United States wear the bindi, people love to make fun of them. I have heard a countless number of jokes about the bindi. If you watch “Family Guy,” and even if you don’t, you’ve probably seen the scene where Peter Griffin asks his neighbor whether he uses the “red button” on his wife’s forehead as a remote control to shut her up. When people in the Western countries, such as America, see an actual Indian woman wearing the bindi, she is coined as a fob, a backwards and old-fashioned person who does not know how to embrace the American culture.
But somehow, when the dominant culture in America decides to adopt this “trend,” they are called exotic and beautiful. The stigma that the South Asian women face because of their cultural identity choices is very offensive, and it hurts more when people who aren’t even from this culture wear it and don’t get any heat.
Coming from personal experience, I can’t identify with this struggle more. Growing up, I would see people making fun of my mom and I for wearing our traditional outfits when we would go out for parties. However, when I see the the others wear it, I hear people giving them the greatest compliments. And that doesn’t make sense to me. Why are they being exotic and creative, while I am being ridiculed for embracing an aspect of my culture?
When Selena Gomez wore that bindi and decided to go on stage and dance to a song in which the lyrics do not go with the music at all, she was insulting every single South Asian woman. This is cultural appropriation. It is no different from adorning Native American moccasins and headdresses. If you have ever taken a history class, you know how badly the Native Americans were treated because of their culture, a culture that was very different from the Western culture. They were tortured, asked to abandon their heritage, and assimilate into the white dominant culture.
So today, when people from the dominant culture decide to wear those clothes and try to be exotic and treat them like Halloween costumes, it is offensive. The argument that people are just “honoring” them is ridiculous because at one time in American history, the natives were considered filth.
In the same way, trying to adopt the Indian culture while not understanding the significance of that culture is wrong. It is important to think twice before wearing garments and other objects of another culture; it is necessary to understand that these items can really mean something to the people of that culture.
C. Sugumar • Jun 21, 2024 at 9:12 AM
The biggest misconception one can have about the Bindi is to believe that it is used exclusively for a religious purpose and not for any other purpose. In fact, a wide variety of bindis are made for different uses. However, most women, whether they admit it or not, wear one for cosmetic reasons. Bindis are popular because they can enhance the beauty of a woman’s face by at least 25 percent.
Even though its origin may be traced to Hinduism, 95 of Hindus have no objection to people of other religions or cultures sporting a bindi. I cannot understand why a Muslim lady should go to the trouble of drawing up a code of practice for the use of the bindi!
Gan Gineandro • Aug 20, 2023 at 6:01 PM
Seeing as I am a scholar of many cultures, and follow Vedic Yoga and Buddhism and follow a number of real Yogis, among other wisdom traditions, and I am always working to expand my spiritual and yogic practice. In particular, right now I am doing a twice-daily mantra inviting Jai Guru Siyag to inhabit my third eye, to help heal, and take over my body and awaken the force of kundalini in me.
Do you think occasional use of a small spot on my forehead such as in my Meta avatar would be acceptable?
John • Feb 26, 2023 at 9:20 PM
Seeing as I am not Hindu and understand the correct shape of the Bindi, I am offended that Hindu’s wear the shapes that they do. The Bindi should almost be an hourglass shape. I find it extremely offensive to be told that I cannot wear a Bindi (in the correct shape) because I am of western heritage. The Bindi represents the Third Eye and the Third Eye is indeed the Third Ventricle of the Brain (The Ancient Egyptians understood this). Focus on the Third Ventrical of the Brain and you will move that Cerebrospinal fluid (Sushumna) and become Unified and Balanced Beyond Doubt (Nirvikalpa Samadi) in a very short time. You will then begin to see with Clarity. I will wear the Bindi Where and When I Want.
Rtika • Nov 3, 2022 at 2:27 PM
Wow a girl who wears Hijab now lectures about Bindi?
Bindi is fashion ?decoration?
Binka/Tika was actually worn by bith men and women in Indian subcontinent Hindus,Budh,Jain all of them. It is not decoration it represents and safeguards one of the chakras-pineal gland.
What kind of journalism is this?
Clearly depicts HinduPhobia..
Amber Dean Sanchez • Sep 10, 2022 at 11:59 AM
This generation is trying to break the division and racism in the world humanity must embrace all cultures and thoroughly understand them to honor them . For we are all combination of multiple races multiple cultures if we just take the time to embrace the beauty of all cultures and break the invisible barriers between us and live once more in peace . It is happening and we should stop shaming each other everyway possible and just be free to be whoever we truly want to be and not be judged anymore. I’m breaking that cycle through my 4 kids and 5 grandkids now . And my community around me I inspire the same daily.. peace
Amber Dean Sanchez • Sep 10, 2022 at 12:02 PM
I personally dress however I feel that day my ancestors shine through and dress in the way they want to reflect that day . My goddess shines daily through my appearance.
tar • Jun 29, 2022 at 1:12 PM
its a hindu thing, more than third eye it improves focus, our ancient science is way ahead than yall know or even think.
its not just blatantly “third eye” Sanatan dharma is a science bigger than today’s science
all these cHaKRAs , yoGA, KarMA, BUDDY HINDUISM, SANATANI CULTURE HAD IT, FOR AGES, WE ARE THE PROPOGATORS OF THIS STUFF, JUST WAIT 100 YRS UNTIL western world and the rest of the world realizes. infact a recent studies showed pressure points to increase focus and the point at the bindi was shown to do that,got it? our ancestors, literal walking science itself.
the rest of the world only now realizing the power and science of yoga, WE INVENTED IT. almost every actual belief written in our books is of scientific and spiritual meaning, half the comments just barely know sh!!z.
John • Feb 27, 2023 at 7:01 AM
If you understood anything on the sceince of this, you would know that by looking slightly upwards is what leeds to greater Focus. To Focus your eyesight on the Bindi will only cause fatigue of the “Superior Rectus” muscle of the eyes, possibly leading to your eyes feeling exreme pain and double vision. I do find it rather amusing when a “Know it all” lays down the Law.
Gem • May 13, 2022 at 12:23 AM
I’m a spiritual coach a light worker and since going through my third eye awakening I’ve had a repeated vision of me drawing one in between my eyebrows for acknowledgment and protection. I’ve put it off as to not offend anyone but I. Actual fact, me drawing one onto my face for my beliefs is only my business.if anyone else has an issue that’s a deep rooted fear that they need to deal with. The fact that I googled this makes me realise that I’m still in people pleasing mode (that’s my deep rooted issue to deal with)
Remember as long as we’re not intentionally hurting someone then other peoples opinions about us do not matter and any negativity from them is a fear of theirs.
Aailyah • May 6, 2022 at 2:47 PM
hey im Aailyah and im black im 10 years old. im very sorry that i put a red dot on my forehead i thought doin that will make me look nice. im really sorry that i was bein raist to all the people that have red dots happy earely motherday
Maya • Sep 28, 2022 at 11:26 AM
Seriously if you want to wear a chanlo (Bindi) please do. There is nothing wrong with it. in fact it will ward off bad luck!!!! I think everyone should share their culture with others and not get offended by it! Happy Navaratri!
Mayur • Apr 13, 2022 at 6:20 AM
Besides research and all, sad and narrow commentary on human cultural and sociology
Let anyone wear whatever they feel right regardless of whatever it was derived for..
Shame to extremism
Extremism, of any sort, green, saffron white etc only leads to destruction
Angela Fiero • Sep 3, 2022 at 6:39 AM
Thank you! I am a white lady and i wear Binds because i am a spiritualist and because they look real pretty! xxxx
John • Feb 28, 2023 at 1:59 PM
I think that what I have learned from this article and comments is that racial intolerance is still a thing. As a kid, my Father used to say, “Pay attention to what you are doing and not to what other people are doing”.
Rakshita • Mar 22, 2022 at 8:53 AM
I dont get why a non-hindu is pretending as if she knows everything and who are you to even give a perspective for us hindus? its completely fine if people wear bindi as fashion it doesnt really matters for me as hindu.
– bindi is signify of shiva’s 3rd eyes and yes…..
he was great indian scientist who said “you are god , you are cosmos” when your left and right brain meets that is symbol of “oneness” were humanity lies and bindi signifies a point were left and right brain meets.
-the point between your two eyebrows is important pressure point in yoga and meditation.
– no one can hypnotise you if you wear bindi.
– mens,womens,childerns everyone wears bindi in india and u are free to wear it or otherwise doesnt signifies marriage but culture.
Rakshita • Mar 22, 2022 at 8:29 AM
As a hindu i really dont mind people wearing bindi . I mean it has got nothing to do with religion its just a indian culture and in acient time it was culture of entire SEA countries. its okay if people wear bindi because they find it “exotic”
Garima • Mar 6, 2022 at 9:44 AM
Is it allowed to wear bindi in France??
A • Feb 16, 2022 at 12:57 AM
I doubt if any Hindu has ever complained about westerners wearing Bindis. As a hindu south Asian I can say that most of us feel happy to see others wearing it.
We do not see it as cultural appropriation.
S. • Jan 15, 2022 at 12:42 PM
Much gratitude for this article and the empathy from a (second-generation?) person from a non-Hindu/Buddhist community: thank you for sticking up for us! Rarely have I seen such an on-target explanation of this particular type of cultural appropriation.
I’ve taken a quick look at the comments and see a lot of a lack of understanding from both non-South Asians (note: that is distinct from “South Indians”) and from first-generation or non-immigrant Indians.
It echoes a debate I’ve often had with my own first-get immigrant parents (what’s wrong with it? it’s a form of flattery).
Not when you’ve grown up on playgrounds being ridiculed and ostracized for being “different”, which includes your mom or grandmother wearing a bindi.
Then it’s like the playground bully beating you up, stealing your lunch, then crowing about how yummy it is.
That’s not an honor; that’s theft. Context is everything. It’s not the same as an invited guest coming into your home, enjoying that same lunch you have prepared for them, and complimenting you on how delicious it is.
Without the humiliation / ridicule / experience of this distinct type of racism part, the objection being lodged here of course doesn’t make sense to those who haven’t experienced it.
It’s like the cool kids making fun of the nerds or punks, then copping their style — while still shutting them out. You can’t help but think — that’s rich. (And note: exotifying is just the flip side of rejecting outright: it’s a fetishization that makes someone less than human, than “normal”.)
In the end it’s trivializing and yes, breeds resentment.
It’s different if there’s been an initiation of some sort, an invitation to participate in an event (like being part of a wedding party), or if you are of Indian/Hindu or Buddhist South Asian descent, wherever on the globe you may be.
Then too, wear with respect / appropriately.
So folks: stop splicing hairs and try to listen to the spirit of what this courageous writer is trying to convey to you. And if you’re a person with dominant culture privilege in the West (i.e. white), or have grown up in a place where most people are like you (i.e. those born/raised in the same country as their parents): this goes double. Check your privilege for a hot minute and listen to someone who’s maybe had a different set of life experiences.
Rakshita • Mar 22, 2022 at 8:55 AM
“south india” thats enough to prove how dumb u are. AIT has been debunked and r1a gene orginates in india and as north indian and hindu i dont mind people wearing bindi
Jason • Dec 9, 2021 at 12:06 AM
The comments and thoughts contained in this article is absolutely correct. Just amazing with the comments posted by those who are privileged and justifying their practice to culturally appropriate.
Amy whitney • Nov 26, 2021 at 5:14 PM
Wow…im not Indian or Hindu, I am not all for or against any religion. I am however a student of religion and believe that we as a HUMAN race have gotten too caught up on these things that we have learned by generations of retelling. I believe we originate from the same source and will all return to it. BUT, it is our duty to LEARN about others religions and spiritual customs- WITH AN OPEN MIND AND HEART, for that is the only way we will be worthy as flawed human individuals, to return to the pure divine source that sent us here to learn…..to that point, it’s our duty to be open to sharing and teaching our religions. No true religion teaches hate and selfishness or promotes ignorance. Come on people, let’s be the solution not argue over it…..blessings.
Sonya • Nov 1, 2021 at 5:49 AM
This article. Is…..wow. There are so many things. I find. Wrong. With this article….it leaves a bad taste in my mouth if I must say…..Firstly. You should not assume. You don’t know a person’s religion,What they study,Or what the go by….I am not a wearer of the bindi. But I would love to be. It is beautiful and I am a person who is deep into energy,crystals,meditation,etc and who’s third eye is open. I am into Buddhism,Fully understanding it and I am into Christianity….Assuming someone is mocking a culture or religion makes you no better as a person…you haven’t even asked the person. And even if you did and they didn’t know of it’s meaning or have any knowledge of it….say they just…simply thought it was beautiful. Gorgeous to have as an accessory. Then. So be it. I am not Indian. I am not South Asian . I am Jamaican. But I am sure many of those ethnicities simply would not mind if such piece was being worn by many others…especially if they desire to be into Hinduism. Or Buddhism And even then if not. Imitation is a form of flattery. I’m sure many Hindus are happy to see the bindi being worn. Hinduism is all embracing I’m sure. Plus. If they’re wearing it. It means they love it. No one is gonna wear it if it were to be despised. Or a form of disrespect mind you……if it is thought to be beautiful. And simply lovely to have as just an accessory to most. I believe it’s. Respect. No one. Is going to wear it if it were despised. In any way. It is not your place to assume and judge by what you see on the outside. You know nothing of someone’s intentions just by looking at them. Assuming to me. Is a form of disrespect. Because you have refused to so much as do any kind of research. So much as talking to the person could reveal your answer. Assuming is disrespectful. In my small opinion. I believe it is….it pains me to see how so sensitive this world has become. The Largest most serious of things. To the smallest more not so serious of things……..can now be stretched. And taken. So far. In the most ridiculous of ways.
ryan • Nov 12, 2021 at 12:04 AM
i agree with this
Anthony • Jan 16, 2022 at 8:39 PM
Funny how you speak out against assumption but then assume yourself.
Srilatha • Jan 18, 2022 at 4:14 PM
I am a south asian practicing Hindu, I sport my Bindi living in America all the time. I agree with you. Other cultures wearing Bindi, to me would mean that they love it and imitation is a flattery. Even if they think it is beautiful.
tar • Jun 29, 2022 at 1:04 PM
i am happy for u, my cousin wore it to school one day and was mocked terribly. i dont know my stance on this yet, but either way cultural appropriation is bad that’s what i’ll say
Apoorva N • Aug 30, 2021 at 10:27 PM
I think there is absolutely no problem in any one else wearing a bindi. Instead of getting bullied by someone else’s opinion about our clothing/style,I guess we need to embrace our culture and when someone (who is not an Indian) does it, that’s great, if not now, some day they will know what it stands for.
And if someone decides to make fun of it, well, that shows their upbringing, doesn’t it?
rgupta • Aug 13, 2021 at 4:26 PM
Can’t believe all these white people who think you can “convert” to or “become” a Hindu lmfaooo. (Also what is all this about “studying” under a “sadhu/yogi” to become Hindu…what? That’s not a thing, fam.
There’s only way to be Hindu – to be born to Hindu parents. Unlike other religions, there is no concept of conversion in Hinduism.
Also no one is stopping white folks from sticking a bindi on their heads…it just looks suuuper tacky when you’re not Indian. Also, white folks have a strange obsession with buying ugly, glittery, massive bindis. No commoner in India actually wears those anyway. We wear bindis of colours and sizes matched to the occasion.
Srilatha • Jan 18, 2022 at 4:18 PM
There is no need to convert into Hinduism, its not a religion its Sanathan Dharma. Its a way of life and accepts everyone who are willing to learn, understand and practice the ways.
I don’t agree with your comments that you are a Hindu only if you are born to Hindu parents.
And sticking on a tacky glittery thing over your forehead as a bindi defeats the purpose. Wear a bindi like it should actually be worn using kumkum and see the effects of opening the Agnya chakra. Anyone can practice this and see the benefits.
Mayann • Mar 2, 2024 at 1:50 PM
You taking representing who exactly..shiva told you that lmao… Hinduism is for every human being .
Soma • Jul 23, 2021 at 4:34 PM
lol @ these comments.
Hiral Pattel • Jul 18, 2021 at 6:33 AM
Just a question here: So, suppose a Western woman goes to India, manages to study with/under an Indian sadhu(s?)/yogi (however it works-if it doesn’t, create a parallel universe here), and he wishes to mark her with a bindi or tilaka. Should she refuse because it’s not part of her original culture? How about marrying into a Hindu family that wants a traditional wedding? Does she deject the bindi, sari, and the henna ink? Not looking to argue, just asking as a point. What is she supposed to do?
Rawtie • Jul 14, 2021 at 12:38 PM
Hello friend, so what about other Indian women and Afro Indian women who were born in the Caribbean and South America? We are devout Hindus and have been wearing full East Indian garb for generations. The bindi or tikka is not just for South Indians although that is where my ancestors came from prior to becoming indentured laborers in the Caribbean. I think to say it is associated with Hinduism and Buddhism more than a particular race of people – South Indians will be a more accurate statement.
We can’t put a claim on religion – religion is for all my friend, as long as the person wearing the bindi isn’t making a mockery of it, then I see no problem with other human beings wanting to connect with Buddhism and Hinduism. Thank you.
rabbitman • Jul 3, 2021 at 6:39 PM
Here is a circumstance, what do you all think?
I was born with a bindi on my forehead. I started getting a lot of unwanted attention because of it, and without my approval, my family had it surgically removed. I was about 4.
Now as an adult, I have a degree in philosophy, and ended up becoming a Hindu. I have well researched, and dealt with the exact rare states of religious consciousness that a westerner would call a “third eye”. I understand I am ignorant to the contemporary meanings of the bindi, but well understand the ancient ones.
If I, someone who both was born with a bindi & can justify its significance (both historically and to myself), wore a bindi, am i culturally appropriating?
mangesh • Jul 2, 2021 at 3:59 PM
What a stupid article. As a Hindu
Yes I am a dot Indian not a feather Indian …you guys are such snowflakes. Everything hurts your feelings
Imitation is the biggest form of flattery . Who cares I want people to imitate my culture whatever they like , eat Indian food , sambar, savodana khichadi, lavanglara whatever .
India • Jun 30, 2021 at 11:35 PM
Bullshit! I am Indian and have lived extensively in USA and Canada. I wear a Bindi at home and when I go to temples. I refrain from wearing one at work to respect the work culture. I don’t understand why a non Hindu is so worried about white people wearing a Bindi? Hinduism is a religion/culture that is all embracing and very tolerant. We are extremely happy to see the world wearing a Bindi! even if people are wearing it without knowing the significance, it doesn’t matter because no one would wear it if they despise it! Wearing it as a fashion statement I think is just the beginning, for when they feel the blessing flow into their life, they will understand the significance and embrace it whole heartedly! So all you wonderful people that are expressing a desire to wear a Bindi but are unsure of the response, please don’t be afraid, go ahead and wear it and feel the blessings abound in your lives!
Tammy • Jun 22, 2021 at 1:01 AM
When we realize that the culutres of the world have deeper meaning to the souls of those who practice their spiritual heritage we will realize the depth of the insult fashion does to all religions…crosses.. bindi..bells..incence..many things are taken for granted without the knowlege ofthe truth..as people we need to emphasize with the people…both sides have TRUTH but only ONE is blessed.
Sam • Apr 21, 2021 at 4:51 PM
They’re worn by people of many different religious and spiritual backgrounds. Catholics historically wore and still wear them, before preaching you own something do some research.
Also how is it an offense if they’re using it for the same reasons but don’t advertise their reasonings behind their choices.
So quick to judge others with an article of nonsense.
Saavi • Mar 24, 2021 at 12:37 PM
Political correctness is going way to far and it’s purposely created to backlash at white people only. It is racism.
You yourself wearing hijab sitting comfortably in western country full of makeup, feeling entitled to write article about bindi which represent 3rd eye. Isn’t it haram?
If you are so ashamed of your culture and not confident enough to be proud of the asian outfits because of the opinion of others, then what’s the point anyway? You come to free country and want to wear whatever you want to wear, demanding respect from obviously white people, as that’s the whole problem.
It’s not about bindis, which have nothing to do with your culture. You shouldn’t write article about something has no importance to you and is not even allowed in your religion.
You feel you are a messenger that need to further spread hate towards white people.
It’s not the colonial era.
All the people of colour want their culture respected in western countries what a hypocrisy. When a white person goes to other country needs to respect their culture. It’s a systematic racism.
Do not live in a western country if you don’t agree with freedom of choice and beliefs.
Funny that Hindu and Indian people in India have no problem with sharing their culture.
Only some westernised Asians living in western countries doing whatever they like, wearing western clothes makeup, why is that.
If someone said something mean about culture you coming from because of you wearing bindi in western country and you felt as it’s being part of your culture you don’t feel comfortable wearing it, and weren’t able to say and explain with pride the meaning of it to the person making fun of it, maybe you don’t understand your culture and don’t agree with it yourself. Look at deeper issues why do you actually have a problem in a first place. Appropriating something and someone embracing the culture are two different things.
Also you write about bindis which as a third eye chakra doesn’t belong to South Asians. Especially not to Muslim south Asian.
It’s a ancient symbolism found in many cultures around the world even in ancient Europe.
Read about symbolism of Pinecones which represents a third eye all over the world.
This world is getting redicules. Looks like the people of colour try everything they can to punish modern white young people generation for past colonialism.
Well for your information, not all white people were to blame and also young white people had nothing to do with it.
Learn and educate yourself about the history of the world before you put up a judgement for someone’s skin colour.
Candice • Mar 10, 2021 at 8:35 PM
Just love each other. Don’t assume somebody is disrespecting you unless you know, no matter what color your skin is or your religion. If your third eye is open and you want to be closer to god, drop your ego. No matter what color you are, be quiet and stop being hateful. Stop assuming hate. To hate is not to be close to your god.
Nanny Red • Feb 4, 2021 at 5:53 AM
I’ve not read such crap in a long time.
Just remember, if it’s unacceptable for a’western’ girl to wear a bindi because she considers it to be pretty, then surely it’s culturally inappropriate for Chinese girls to bleach their hair, or for an Indian girl to wear jeans instead of a sari or for a black girl to wear a long straight weave! Is it ok to have a cleaner if she’s of different colour or ethnicity?
Wearing black eye kohl stems from ‘foreigners’ (Egyptian I think)
I guess we are all a little racist if the authors definition of racism is wearing things from other cultures.
Lehcar • Jan 16, 2021 at 7:15 PM
Ok so what if the wearer of a Bindi, Is White…. But her Genealogy/Ancestry dates back to Indian Culture? You Haven’t asked them, You’re assuming that they are “Appropriating” a culture.
I’m Irish/Scottish and East European but have had Aboriginal Australians ask if I was Aboriginal.
So Perhaps instead of assuming a White girl isn’t Hindi, perhaps consider, Her Great Grandma was and that she’s embracing part of her heritage.
Abhishek Mishra • Sep 22, 2020 at 3:46 AM
Lol wears Burkha/Hijaab and writes against Bindi, what an Irony haha
Muhammad Al-Kafir • Sep 3, 2020 at 6:25 PM
Fatima- You wear a hijab on ur head bc you are trying to be “modest” and at the same time you have the whole makeup counter on your face. That’s not what modest women do. Religious fail.
Don’t worry about looking like a man… just take off the make-up. Peace.
Amanda • Aug 15, 2020 at 11:55 PM
How do you Know in which purpose Somebody wears a bindi? I think it is not good to disrespekt anybody wearing a bindi. We are all human, and the Same. I dont mind ,why Somebody wears a Cross or bindi. It is a single choice for every human , not a collective privileged group Status. I think it is a shame to even question why ….
Marilyn • Jun 27, 2020 at 4:13 AM
I went to India several years ago and I worn the bindi and learned the meaning and what it stood for, I embraced it then and still do today. I have several things I wear which I have collected from around the world.and I wear them out of love and respect and also as a remembrance of the beautiful places I have been.
heather t. • May 17, 2020 at 12:57 PM
hi i just wanted to say that i love other cultures so if i want to wear something from them its because i respect them not because im trying to make fun of them at all. not all amercians are the same
Conwaye Fleming • Apr 23, 2020 at 6:23 AM
All of you who have trashed this writer should be ashamed of yourselves. None of you have understood a word that they have said. What is this thing you call adopt the bindi and respect for that culture, there is no respect for the culture here. You have all taken offense to the article given. if you truely understood the culture and ‘assimilated’ yourself to that culture the wearing of the bindi would be something you would naturally gravitate toward. You mock the practice and the culture when you wear the bindi then go off with your friends to Burger King or you get offended when someone calls you out for wearing the bindi, If you truly understood the culture you would know Hindu’s don’t eat meat and they are a non-aggressive people, and those are just the obvious indicators of this ancient culture. If anything, my response would have been… I’m so sorry, please help me understand. But nah, trash the writer because your precious feeling have just been trampled on. You neither practice nor do you understand where that red dot comes from. You neither respect it nor do you understand it. this is not a racial slur on the west, but a plea to get the west to understand. The sooner you do the more ‘respect’ the west will receive… they call it karma. In no way does it make the west weaker but rather stronger. At least show a little more respect here by trying to understand what has actually been said here.
Maya • Sep 28, 2022 at 11:39 AM
1) are you Hindu? 2) why wasn’t your response “I’m so sorry, please help me understand”, from the way you have written your response it seems like your feelings have been trampled on. But anyway wishing you a happy Navaratri.
MeLisa • Mar 31, 2020 at 12:35 AM
Have you every heard that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery? It could be a conversation starter, i.e. Do you know what the bindi represents? I love learning about other cultures and will adopt dress or traditions as appropriate and teach them to my kids and where they come from. Things that are considered sacred to other cultures I also treat as sacred and teach my children why they are special to that culture and I don’t casually adopt them, but what I do adopt is because I admire it and find it worth celebrating in my life. (Pop culture tends to trivialize everything so…). I have been exposed to many different cultures and while I would never adopt anything of deep spiritual value without being converted to that belief I find many things I enjoy and love about other cultures that I can safely add to enrich my life. By the way, I stumbled across this site because saw bindi on sale on amazon and was wondering about the appropriateness of wearing one. Because it has a spiritual significance I would not wear one. They are beautiful and I do admire it. People may simply not know any better than to adopt something they find beautiful. Not to trivialize, but to emulate.
Srilatha • Jan 18, 2022 at 4:37 PM
MeLisa – Kumkum – wearing a bindi is beyond race, religion and gender. Anyone can wear this. But dont use a sticky bindi as it causes more harm than good.
I am a practicing Hindu from India and living in United states and I sport Bindi every where due to all its benefits.
Kendall • Mar 29, 2020 at 3:04 PM
When I was a child I had a box of beautiful gems inside it. My favorite one was round and red. As I kid I always glued it to my forehead and felt it was supposed to be there. It was very special to me. I’m from America and nobody had shared what the Hindu religion was with me at that age, I was raised without religion. After a while I stopped wearing it because my parents would ask me to take it off when we went in public. I think they were afraid of people seeing it as a cultural offense. Over the years I’ve studied many religions from all over the world and have come to know that every one of them is beautiful, all religion stems from the same seed. As a people it’s important to come together and accept all people no matter their race, sex, or religion. To me, the bindi still has great significance in my life. It is a symbol of not only my marriage to my husband but to myself, and the world. It reminds me that we are all one and that all I have to do is keep my third eye open to all the possibilities of this reality. I respect the origins of which the bindi came from and even believe I could have once been a South Asian woman in a previous life. I think that the symbol of the bindi should be used by whoever feels called to wear it, no one possesses anything in this world.
Nathaly • Mar 21, 2020 at 4:08 PM
Hello, I really loved reading this. However, I would like to ask something… I read about the meaning of bindis and I really loved the meaning and symbolism of them. I wanted to get a piercing on my forehead thinking about the meaning of bindis because of the third eye meaning and search of awakening. Besides the marriage meaning, I associated it to being commited to the search of that spiritual connection embracing everything in the universe. I really loved the meaning of the bindi. However, I´m from South America…I really don´t want to disrespect anybody though. Would it be disrespectful if I get one?
Stacy Gutierrez • Mar 14, 2020 at 2:19 AM
I am currently wearing one, I’ve been undergoing a third eye awakening and I wanted to embrace it and remind myself the bigger purpose and somehow my intuition drove me to my closet where I had a few, I don’t recall buying them! And I wore one once but i didnt leave it long on bc I didn’t know enough about it and yes it felt wrong somehow.. fast forward to right now, I’m curious to learn more about the actual meaning, it’s super cool that my intuition guided me to something that served the purpose I was using it for, my third eye, I am not married, but I do respect cultures, I am half wayuunaiki and half vallenata from South America, Colombia. Did a DNA test and turns out I have a bunch of other stuff… whatever it is I never felt like I was part of one place, I consider myself multicultural, I live in New York atm and I’ve been living here for 16 years, so it’s officially that I’m “more” Americanized. Yet I still hold my culture in me.
I will say that since I don’t hold an offensive message or never did I bully anyone wearing a bindi or clothes or anything I don’t take this article personally, I get it when people jst do it for the fashion and don’t bother learning more about it, that IS wack and disrespectful. But also expressing the way you did selecting everyone white or western into a box like that… it’s no different. Bottom line things are always changing. Nothing stays the same… and we jst have to open our minds and maybe teach and educate the ignorant behavior and I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in, its admiring in a woman.
Much love ?????
Skii Riettie • Mar 6, 2020 at 1:20 PM
Do not ever say people are disrespecting your culture . I love your culture and how about why or how did you people come to my country in Jamaica and live and have kids in Jamaica. Jamaica is all cultured even we have Indian in us and Chinese and aribic. My real dad is from Canada and his mother is French Canadian native Indian and my ancestry say I have Indian in me and more Asian in me so I have the right to wear a bindi and tika and henna and remember native Indians wear paint in there body as well. And head wear. Think about it before you judge. Look at your self in the mirror before you judge some one.
Miriam • Mar 3, 2020 at 5:54 AM
Today I wore a bindi to work. I wore it to work to: honour my ancestors, to honour the/ my third eye and to protect myself from the constant attempts to re-religionise me. As much as I think that being conscious of the history or significance of doing anything is important, sometimes we do things for ourselves- irrespective of what humankind chooses to label those things.
This is my body. I can choose to decorate my body as I choose. I trust that I am conscious enough not to offend. I trust that I am mature enough not to take offence to what rebuke there may be for my post.
Wow- a 7 year old post @Andy B
And I honour the dissonance…and respect the many views. My beliefs are no better than yours- neither are yours.
Auguste • Feb 24, 2020 at 2:25 PM
I am a Canadian of French/English descent, so I obviously cannot speak for those of the Hindi faith or others who wear a bindi for religious/cultural reasons. I feel like the issue being taken is that Western/European culture takes pleasure in accruing bits and pieces of cultures outside of their own without understanding the significance of the symbol. As a white person, I haven’t lived the life of someone of Asian descent; I haven’t felt the pressures of society to conform or felt unsafe in the workplace because of my race. Many people of colour struggle to maintain their heritage in Western culture, a culture that is so eager to erase and assimilate them.
It is paradoxical to appropriate religious/cultural symbols while trying to squash said religion/culture simultaneously.
Bella Singh • Feb 17, 2020 at 4:18 AM
I’m not Indian or Asian I am Mexican and I like to wear the bindi for my husband because he is Indian and I embrace the culture and my husband likes when I wear it
Andy B • Jan 15, 2020 at 1:05 PM
How does an article from a high school newspaper from seven years ago keep getting traction? Awesome topic. Embrace the cognitive dissonance.
Dunya • Dec 23, 2019 at 5:40 AM
I find that despising bindi wearers for fashion is very close to fundamentalism. I am a woman with mixed roots, European and Indian background, with greater reference to northern India, but my origin are ramified and I like it in his multiplicity. I want to be able to wear an Indian dress and a bindi and also a miniskirt … so what? Nowadays are we still talking about these things? All our cultures are the result of mixtures and, moreover, the highlighting of the third eye is also done in other ancient cultures, as well as the sari is similar to the Roman toga and I could go on like this for dozens of lines … so what about when an African puts on a tie?
Do you really believe that all Indian girls wear bindi for spiritual purpose and not for fashion? If so there would be no billions of different bindi stickers! Even Christian women put the cross in jewelry and not all of them are fervent Catholics! And the turban then? How many cultures it belongs to, if we start discussing these things we’ll end up being ridiculous!
Come on, girls, please open your mind and don’t stand there identifying yourself excessively with these symbols which are pure and simple cultural constructions of human beings and in the broad sense all “fashion”.
And in the end what do you say to mixed blood like me? Indian enough to wear a bindi? And if I come from a non religious family, it is ok or not? Bindi only for Hindus or only for Indians? If the aim is criticize Western racism, you end up being the worst racist!
Cultures belongs to who love, study and respect them, it’s not a matter of blood!
Carrie • Oct 25, 2019 at 10:21 PM
So here’s the way I see it. Yes we have many, many different cultures and religions on this planet and we should absolutely respect each other’s beliefs and culture. But the real truth is that we are all one. We all come from the same place and we are all going to the same place, we are all brothers and sisters. So to wear something from another culture because you admire it is not a bad thing. Instead of using it to separate ourselves we should celebrate the fact that we are all, indeed, connected by the very life that we are. We should give freely to each other the things that are important to us, that way we can experience the true connection that we are to each other and the world will be a more coherent peaceful place.
Shazz • Sep 18, 2019 at 6:50 AM
I know your article is an old one but I think as a Hindu woman with a colourful background I should share my opinion. I 100% agree that at some points in the main stream culture appropriation does occur, infact growing up in South Africa (a place mixed with many many races) I would be embarassed even wearing my traditional outfits and playing my traditional music around others, that is due to the way some cultures are percieved and I have long since abandoned that to realise I have a beautiful heritage. However, funny enough when I visit India as a tourist, knowing well that my roots lie in india as during the colonial period the British brought indian slaves to africa to work the sugar cane fields, we are sometimes looked upon with the same distaste by indian hindu people as I have read in your article, why? because some indian people from india assume you have lost touch with your real heritage if you are not part of a culture at its origin i.e being born in india and not a product of colonialism or maybe even just that person who has adopted a liking for your traditional practices, this in its own is an issue in a globalised world you cannot assume you know all the dynamics a culture has to it over a period of time. Soon enough here in South Africa we will be celebrating heritage day, a day for everyone from mixed races to embrace each others cultures in goodwill, in fact I really love that time in our country because we learn a lot from each other, and thats the purpose of our religion isnt it ? Enlightenment, knowledge? I do not think we should condemn people who pick up our traditions even if its out of popular culture we should educate them, and then you will realise that tolerance makes for the best method of teaching respect for others cultures.
Bee • Sep 3, 2019 at 4:06 AM
I recently have found the Hinduism faith and it’s truly beautiful. I hope i will be welcomed into the community As i believe everything and love worshipping just like you. I understand where you are coming from but as a white person does this make me not welcome? Does this mean that I can’t wear bindis when I know the true meaning behind it all? I am also disabled and I truly love the way of life. I really hope that in time all people feel welcome in whatever religion there heart leads them too. I may not be Indian but I understand the culture, respect it and truly embrace it.
I need guidance as a person we are all equal and beautiful and no body should feel they don’t belong.
C. Sugumar • Aug 29, 2019 at 9:13 AM
When Eastern women wear lipstick that originated in the West, are they guilty of ‘cultural appropriation’?
Tired • Nov 24, 2021 at 11:47 AM
I didn’t realize the West “invented” makeup. Are you familiar with Ancient Egypt and the word kohl? Let’s not play this game.
Priyanka • Aug 20, 2019 at 3:09 PM
I am and Indian, and honestly I don’t see what the big deal is. It would be nice if people who wear it for the looks new about the culture behind it, but how do you even know if the do or don’t?
Abby • Jun 26, 2019 at 7:04 PM
I would hope that people who wear bindis know what they are and what they represent. Unfortunately there are far too many people that prefer the blindness to this beautiful culture. When I wear a bindi. It’s with the upmost respect and love of the culture.
Lisa Amuso • Jun 13, 2019 at 5:31 PM
I wouldn’t wear any religious item without researching the culture and what the item stands for. For me to wear the bindi, (not the stylized sticker), means I am embracing not only the culture, but the beliefs of that culture. I respect your religion as your right, and I respect my own choice to embrace a culture that touches my heart and soul.
Just as I would not judge you if you stopped wearing your religious items here, I wish not to be judged for wearing them. I understand not treating these items as fashion statements, but to judge me for embracing your culture is divisive and disrespectful, and keeps Big STOP signs between cultures accepting one another. Namaste
Kallien • Jun 12, 2019 at 3:19 PM
Nice. Thank you for writing this article.
Lauren • Apr 21, 2019 at 4:50 PM
Here’s my concern with this entire topic.
You’re walking down the street and you see someone: wearing a bindi, wearing a hijab, has dreads, body modifications, tattoos, wearing jewelry that are religious in nature…
Where do you feel you can look at this person, from the outside, and say: Well, they’re wearing that because of this reason, they’re not really wearing it for this reason.
One word: judgemental
Talk to someone, there could be an emotional and spiritual reason they are wearing, even if they’re not from the place it originated.
You begin talking to this stranger and ask about one of things I listed prior:
1) realize you’re very interested in something that is material to you that you’re not wearing, you see it, but it’s not your hijab you wrap every morning, it’s not your hair wrap, it’s not your bindi on your forehead, etc.
Why are you offended by a stranger’s life? It’s not your life, walk by them. You know what your hijab means, you know what your bindi means to you.
The bindi is in relation to the anja chakra: to see beyond the material, the physical world and yet in this article and most of the comments that is what it’s about: focusing on what someone looks like.
One word: contradicting.
2) after talking to this stranger you realize they know far more than you gave them credit for, concerning the bindi, the hijab, the jewelry, etc.
But, really, one shouldn’t be so nosy and judgemental about someone’s spiritual path, their life path, and their choices as long as it does not harm you.
Being offended is in your control. You choose to be offended or not. People will do what they want. So, you dont like the American woman is wearing a bindi, or the Vietnamese woman wearing a Nigerian head wrap, or the Japanese woman wearing a hijab, then walk the other way and wear your bindi, your hijab, your hair wrap and thank God you can.
Gabriela • Apr 19, 2019 at 2:34 PM
Hi! If Bindis are so sacred, why in every Indian restaurant they sell them for few cents? With all the respect I have been reading about it because I want to understand why is not good to wear them.
I was very young, and I remember I was using them along with my friends, for fashion I have to say, and I am latin, and, I did not know about Indian culture at all. In this globalized world I guess we will find similarities and differences we love to have among cultures without meaning disrespect.
melody • Apr 13, 2019 at 9:14 AM
I had a coke soda the other day, am I appropriating American culture? oh noooo.
Seriously, sharing is carrying, stop being so tight with your culture and open your mind.
If you aren’t open minded, how dare you talking about having a third eye?
Indria drayton • Apr 2, 2019 at 9:26 AM
Most of you might be too young to remember an actress in the States named Bo Derek. She was a white woman who in the movie, 10, was running around with blonde braids in her hair. This was the late 70’s, early 80’s where a black woman could not GET A JOB wearing that hairstyle which was and still is the epitome of blackness, whether American or otherwise. Only musicians (Patrice Rushen), and the few black actresses (Cicely Tyson) could be gainfully employed wearing braids. Other than that, you were a maid, a cook, a field hand in older days. Black woman and ESPECIALLY children with braids were depicted as black, doglike animals, thick tendrils sprouting from their heads and huge, pink lips. So, yeah, I understand what you mean.
Effia • Mar 27, 2019 at 4:39 PM
According to one aspect of the universal law of love,is respect, if you are doing something that offends another . you should not do it…. An apple tree try never copies an orange tree. Is there nothing in your own culture that is cool… that you can express. colonizers always steal from other cultures… respect other people culture and find your own cool culture stuff.
Tania Maree Stronach • Mar 21, 2019 at 2:22 PM
Gosh lots of comments. I always liked Indian clothing wore it for many years cooler pretty etc. Recently I have got skin issues where your bindi is and it looks like I am having a third eye…no skin issue in scar tissue. I think you are spot on I dont feel comfortable with jokes about my forehead. I respect your words and really appreciate you explaining the feelings or western people stealing your culture but then being cruel when it suits. I will be more careful in future to respect these ways. I am sorry to you that you have been disrespected I am kiwi in oz and I am constantly made fun of by my name its a joke to the oz woman they say I want my name to sound pretty no I want my name thats all it hurts. I would never wear a bindi as thats wrong unless its your culture. Take care be strong haters dont matter
Miris • Mar 4, 2019 at 5:25 PM
I wear a bindi because I want to celebrate my third eye and my body, and because I think this accessory and the culture behind it is beautiful. I find my own way to style it and I feel like it really fits who I am. Sorry if you get offended but you don’t OWN celebrating or decorating your third eye. You just can’t tell people what to wear or not wear dude, you’ll never stop being offended and sad! At the end of the day everyone is going to do whatever they want…
Mel • Feb 7, 2019 at 12:22 AM
I am a mix ethnic of Chinese-Portuguese from Malaysia. We have so many different race, religion, cultures & tradition practices in this Multi-racial country. It have come to my surprise to stumble upon such article of people getting mad over non- hindu’s wearing bindi. It is indeed a statement of marital status here in Malaysia besides the religious aspect of it. Red for Married ladies, Black for the single ladies. However there are many decorative ones that’s colorful & bejewelled with rhinestone that we the non-hindu wear for several occasions to go along with our sari’s, lengha’s & punjabi suits. None of the hindu’s or punjab’s here are ever offended. Far as long as the wearer are using it appropriately on the forehead & not turning it into a earring, mole or sticking it on some other places on the body then it’s original purpose of where it’s suppose to be at – no one is offended. Probably is because it is accepted & embraced here as a fashion statement. The Indians had never had a hard time wearing their bindi’s, Muslims- The Hijab, Shiks- Turbans. So I guess it doesn’t offend them when someone else is pulling that look to dress up for an occasion.
friendly • Oct 17, 2018 at 11:02 PM
Whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or a Christian, please know that you are all a child of the most high God. The bindi that the hindus wear is a representation of their hindu culture. I get that and I truly respect that. What I don’t get is this “Why can a non hindu wear a bindi as a fashion statement Bindis are worn throughout South Asia, specifically India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, by women, men, girls and boys and no longer signify age, marital status, religious background or ethnic affiliation. The bindi has become a decorative item and is no longer restricted in colour or shape. Self-adhesive bindis (also known as sticker bindis) are available, usually made of felt or thin metal and adhesive on the other side. These are simple to apply, disposable substitutes for older tilak bindis. Sticker bindis come in many colors, designs, materials, and sizes. Some are decorated with sequins, glass beads, or rhinestones. Bindis are not usually worn by women in Pakistan, or typically by Indian Muslim women. However they are worn by Bangladeshi women regardless of religious affiliation.There you have it. I am all for happiness, joy and beauty. If a bindi makes an individual beautiful and makes that individual feel loved and appreciated to herself and others, then what does it matter. Stop and think about it for a moment. There are too many other things in this world that we should worry about like starving children, abused women, etc. etc. Come on people! Hindu, Christian or Muslim, we are all God;s children lets act like we are. Just saying:)
Jade • Sep 30, 2018 at 10:34 PM
I wear them because though I am white, I still practice the hindu religion. I practice just like all the other southern Asian women. It’s one of the oldest religions, So don’t put most of the blame on americans. I am american, I am also a hindu just like you. 15% of people worldwide still actively practice, and I pray Every morning that religion wouldn’t divide people like it does. This is ridiculous. I know it seems like normal american people are making fun of it, but lets not get offended and look past the ignorance.
LEA • Sep 26, 2018 at 4:38 PM
Wow everyone. I have many Indian friends, and would never wear a bindi, because…why would I? I’m not Hindu.
Also, they tell me how much they prefer it here in “western civilzation” amongst the Americans, because they were treated poorly back home. Women are treated much better here, they tell me.
That being said, let’s get over criticizing western culture just for the sake of it. If I want to travel overseas I don’t get to get off the plane wearing whatever I want to in many countries. I’m held to their standards. Accepted and understood. So be thankful you were only made fun of and not thrown in jail, or worse, for your bindi.
I think other people wearing a bindi to be fashionable is weird, but many fashion choices are weird. That’s kind of what fashion is…always trying to be different. It usually goes too far. This is another one of those times. It too shall pass. People do tend to be ignorant in all shapes and colors.
Please focus on the people offending you and not western civilization. My great-grandparents were driven off their land…I’ve adapted and don’t blame my neighbors for it. Stay focused people…you can’t control everyone. Be safe with your opinions out there!
kiran powell • Sep 3, 2018 at 7:52 AM
My name is in sanskrit and I wear south asian clothing yet I am half white half korean.If you hindus want americans to stop wearing hindu things then stop building those stores you have all over the country.There are about 7 indian wear stores where I live.
kiran powell • Sep 3, 2018 at 7:34 AM
would it be culturally appropriating if i am korean and wearing a bindi? I am fully aware of the bindi’s purpose and completely respect the indian culture behind it.
kiran • Sep 2, 2018 at 3:00 PM
Honestly, I love and embrace hindu culture and religion but it is completely racist if you think white people are”stealing your culture” because most of us are not trying to.
Ty • Aug 24, 2018 at 10:31 PM
You not wearing your culture clothing often are you? Wear salwar kameez at work, and out and about. Wearing western clothes to blend in, being modern. Your an insult.
????? • Aug 24, 2018 at 10:28 PM
If the western women want to wear a bindi, let them. They probably don’t know the significance of it nor does it matter. I don’t know why you saying, it belongs to south asian hindu. If your a Muslim, then why you so concerned? If your a Hindu, then that’s something else. The thing you should be concerned about is South Asian Muslim women imitating the Hindu. Don’t be concerned
Also, you will always have people ridicule you and some who love you. That’s common knowledge, probably this may be way above your head.
If your a Muslim who wears a bindi. Your a total insult to the Muslim nation.
Emillia • Jul 21, 2018 at 6:15 PM
How about anyone can wear whatever they want and everyone else can chill out? If I’m wearing something of significance and you copy it, even if you don’t know what it means, I’m going to be flattered because you thought is was interesting enough to copy, not accuse you of cultural appropriation. How do I know that your culture doesn’t have something similar?
Everybody is looking for something to be upset about all the time. Who cares? How does this prevent you from doing what you’re doing? Nothing is being taken away, mocked, or diluted, it’s being added to, celebrated, and shared. We are all one and there is no ‘other’ unless you choose to make it so.
ARPANA YADAV • Jul 10, 2018 at 3:39 AM
I don’t know what other significance a bindi has. I have seen on many occasions while taking photographs my grandmother used to say “Please wait a while. My forehead looks empty. Let me put a bindi”. My mother never wastes a minute to put the bindi after bath. Whenever I went on trips with my friends and relatives in India, none of the girls found bareforehead. They even carried packets of very tiny bindi. I have seen my friend’s father-in-law applying Ponds Talc powder on his forehead.
It feels personally better whenever other race women sport a bindi, whatever significance do they assign.
Either I am at the office or at the home, in a party or in a ceremony, with my husband & in-laws or with my parents & siblings; without bindi it feels incomplete, whatever attire I am in.
Antonia • May 13, 2018 at 10:54 AM
FALSE- the third eye bindi does NOT represent being married. It is worn even by babies. The red line in the part of the hair represents being married. The third eye bindi corresponds to the pineal gland, our connection to the spiritual realm, and to Lord Shiva, Tryambakam. Personally I think a Muslim has a lot of nerve telling people what they can and can’t do.
BusyMinds • Apr 22, 2018 at 9:30 AM
What is the answer to the underlying question: Why is the Bindi sometimes complimented as a ‘beautiful fashion statement’, when worn outside of its traditional reference(s), yet, sometimes ridiculed, when worn by South Asians?
Emillia • Jul 21, 2018 at 6:19 PM
Yours is the most interesting comment on this thread. My take, I think it represents the different kinds of ways that people think. Those who wear it would never ridicule it, and those who ridicule it would never wear it. Some people believe we are all one, and some people want to destroy the ‘other’.
Juhi Gulati • Apr 17, 2018 at 2:03 PM
Hi! I’m a North Indian Hindu, and I have a question of genuine curiosity. For bindis that are decorative, usually worn with lengas and sarees to functions, do those have cultural significance as well? And if so, can someone please explain to me what it is? I’m genuinely very interested in learning about where the culture that I partake in comes from.
Miranda Jane • Mar 19, 2018 at 8:19 PM
Hi, I have a question. Is it still cultural appropriation if you wear a bindi as a spiritual practice to bring your focus on the third eye? I am not Hindu nor South Asian, although I do enjoy wearing bindis for their spiritual significance. I look forward to hearing your perspectives.
aisyamustaffa • Feb 22, 2018 at 3:47 AM
As for me, it is not wrong for writer (that is not have any relation with Hindu) to write this article. This is just her opinion. As a Muslim, I think that wearing bindi is just like wearing hijab. It is about religion. If I see someone is wearing hijab and her intend is for making jokes, I will feel upset of course! but if I see someone wearing hijab for trying new thing or having new experience, I will be okay. There are also few non-muslim pupils in my college that wearing hijab when celebrating Eid Fitr. We are all glad to see her in hijab. In Islam, there is saying that every doings is based on someone intention. So, there can’t be any issue if someone is wearing bindi with a good purpose.
B • Dec 14, 2017 at 5:32 PM
Black Americans, black people, Africans, Afro people … we go through this every day with every little single thing. From the way we physically look, our dance, hair, language, everything. It’s all made fun of and then taken by whites and praised.
I’ve read, heard, and experienced so many negativity about us blacks just to have our identities stolen. One of the worse comments i ever read was that black features are beautiful but black people are ugly.
My point is they do it to everyone and there is nothing we can do about it. Their ignorance is their leading excuse.
That’s all
W. Siobhan Ravenfeather • Nov 14, 2017 at 8:18 AM
There is a big misunderstanding here. I’ll start by saying that I personally do not endorse the wearing of any religious symbol as a fashion trend/statement. However, I’m a white Canadian woman, I am also a Witch and can tell you for a fact that many Witches have been wearing markings/jewelry that are equal to bindis for centuries on their forehead as it connects with the third eye chakra, something used in Witchcraft a lot in things such as divination and meditation, many Witches refer to it as the “psychic eye” which is also one of the 13 “Witches Runes”. Witches also tend to wear such thing for warding off bad luck, as historically, we haven’t had much luck, other than the fact that we’ve survived genocide. As such, I don’t believe that my fellow Witches in history had the opportunity to travel to India to pick up the Bindi from them.
I’ve also seen mention of body modifications, almost every culture that has ever existed has contained body modification. Male priests of the greek goddess Hecate would literally castrate themselves and live the rest of their lives as women, just to honour her. Most cultures throughout history had tattoos, scarification, many had facial piercings in many cultures it was a means of growing up, you became an adult when your face was pierced, you gained favour by the gods for inflicting pain on yourself (similar to bloodletting).
I’ll keep wearing my bindi because it is a part of my people, culture, and religion as a Witch, I honour and lives these ways because it’s who I am and I remember those long before me who died at the hands of extremism and why they died. I don’t like people wearing cultural/religious things out of fashion either, many symbols of Witches and Witchcraft, and the Occult in general are used simply as fashion, I dislike it, but I’m not going to make a stink about it. I also have a 13 inch statue of Kali on my alter, and a huge tapestry of Saraswati, so I do work with multiple gods from Hindu traditions.
In the end, the gods do not believe in the concept of your skin colour, they do not care where you were born, they do not care what culture you grew up in, if you are drawn to them, they will teach you, they will speak to you, and they will give you gifts, placing them upon your path. As is from the goddess Kali, “you need not know much to please me, only that you love me as if your mother had taken you in her arms.”
-W. Siobhan Ravenfeather
puneet • Feb 23, 2018 at 1:56 PM
its bindi for us ,what do u guys call it? if u dont know the term for it ,i suppose its because not much has left of the european paganism today, am i right? i personally think all nature worshipers like wiccans or graeco roman pagans etc are very close to us hindus in so many ways.
hinduism is a very reform loving religion,we were not always vegetarians u know, but non veg is bad and we accepted this reform which was introduced into hinduism by buddhist scholars.
this is an example to show how hinduism is ok with people learning from it and vice versa.
Yholanda Mills • Oct 22, 2017 at 3:43 AM
Ethiopia n womem and african women have since the beginning of time wore jewelry or paint on their foreheads..It all began with what scientists proved were the first people on the earth…Im ok if everyone wants to use it. People do not have to be of the indian race to practice Hindu beliefs. The nose ring and ear piercing is also of african origin and africans dont seem to care if india shares the beauty
Kayla Nicole Yaremko • Sep 13, 2017 at 6:24 PM
As a white Canadian women, I find it a bit upsetting where you said that people in western countries aren’t wearing it with that culture in mind. Now, I have only worn a bindi in Canada a few times, for special occasions. I absolutely do have the culture in mind, as I have spent many months of my life living in India, learning from an Indian teacher, and having him anoint my forehead at celebrations. I occasionally wear bindis that I bought when I was in India. I wore a bindi quite often when I was in India and I can tell you, no one has EVER taken offence to it that I have encountered. In fact they were happy to be sharing their culture.
Harvest • Sep 2, 2017 at 7:02 PM
I was raised in a Buddhist household and was taught the significance of a bindi from an early age. My mom would put one on me made of ash from herbs to help me meditate. I am not South Asian or Indian, but a “white” American. I was taught to respect the culture and people as we should for all. I have felt such a connection to the tradition and meaning of the bindi that I actually had my third eye position pierced with a micro-dermal implant. Just a tiny, clear crystal that is always a reminder to keep me pure, thoughtful, and kind to all. It’s cultural significance and meaning is beautiful to me. I love the look, but I don’t do it to be “trendy” or make a fashion statement, as I’ve been doing this for decades before it became one. If this is insulting and culturally insensitive to those who see it on me, that’s a shame. Everyone does what they do for a reason, but if there is no harmful or negative intent for wearing a bindi, I don’t believe it should bother anyone. Just like a meaningful tattoo. Many cultures around the world have them, and they my show their own personal, cultural, and aesthetic meaning. I’m thinking this is meant for women of “white” skin, but what does that mean? How do you know what race or culture someone is based on skin color? I’m of West African decent yet have light skin. Would it change anything if I had dark skin, hair and eyes and wore one? So how can one be sure it’s not part of their own culture as well?
Blue Moon • Aug 3, 2017 at 7:57 PM
Hi, I generally have an issue with the term cultural appropriation being thrown around easily these days, however this is possibly the first article I’ve seen that really explains to me how and why some things such as bindis are completely c/a and I can fully understand why you’re so offended by them being used as nothing more than a fashion statement in the west.
I still think the term is bandied around too easily by people who don’t fully understand it, but in cases of sacrilegious use I think you are fully justified in calling people out and being infuriated by the theft of your culture by uneducated imbeciles who mock you and then essentially belittles your beliefs and cultural traditions.
As much as I adore the aesthetic appeal of bindis I will not be purchasing any.
Much love.
Frank • Feb 6, 2017 at 12:04 AM
I am in India now and Hindu women are trying to sell white, foreign females sparkly bindis. So I’m not sure it offends every Hindu. Also after having my Ayurvedic massage in a nontourist area of Kochi a few days ago the ladies did my make up, hair, asked if I was married and did the appropriate bindi, people were friendly on the street on I went and had dinner like it and no one seemed unhappy. So again I’m not sure it offends them that a white, English female has one. People travel a lot and are actually probably more educated on cultures than you think, being a foreigner in America I would imagine you would be aware of this and be more open minded to people adapting and embracing other cultures. Sounds to me like you just don’t like Selena! 😉
Angel Shell • Aug 30, 2017 at 9:13 AM
My friend is from Chandigarh and every time she comes to visit England she brings me the most beautiful bindis. As a Hindu she has more right to wear one than me admittedly but is not offended by others sharing her cultural heritage and openly embraces it.Personally im offended by Selena Gomez wearing one or anyone doing it because they think its cool. You should tread softly in this world and with reverence. Everything should be undertaken with a pure and open heart. Lets bring HOPE into this world…Help Other People Evolve.
Im an artist, a market trader and a mental health support worker. I sell incense and all sorts of goods from around the world. Today im wearing a beautiful gold bindi I bought from my Indian wholesalers….not because its trendy…because its beautiful and the placement over my third eye reminds me constantly of my spirituality.
Flea • Jan 23, 2017 at 1:17 PM
I am white and from America, does that mean I can’t we’re one, I’m Buddhist and I want to show it in a chakra sence but I feel like people will get mad at me bc I’m white and I’m not from India, I do know what it symbolizes so can I we’re it? Damn now I feel like I’m going to offend people some one please reply
megan • Aug 13, 2016 at 9:50 PM
Hello! I would first like to state on behaf of my self and other liked minded caring individuals, I truly respect your culture. I am sorry and saddened to hear that you and other women have been at the end of crud jokes and disrespect. Im 25 years old and find such beauty in your culture as well as the Bindi. I would also like you to know not all westerners wear the Bindi or are contemplating wearing then, as I have recently been, are intending, nor do we mean any disrespect. I have personally been going through an incredible spiritual transformation and with the Bindi as representation of the third eye, I feel a pull to the idea of wearing one in significance of my enlightened journey. I feel it is a souful expression and I respect those who wear them in the same embrace, as well as other cultural reasons. I find it magical. I hope this message is clear, I mean no disrespecy to anyone.. this is from my heart. All humans and all cultures are beautiful. Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. -Megan
Diana • Aug 25, 2016 at 11:16 PM
What about Wiccans? It is widely used and accepted in Wiccan society. It is worn at or near the third eye. It wards off bad luck and reminds of the sacred nature of each person. Is this offensive towards those of the hindu culture? Because it’s not being used as a “trend” or “exotic,” it has an actual meaning, it’s just not as known or accepted.
Jyoti • May 9, 2016 at 9:41 PM
Hi there – I hear you so much here.
I wish to ask some advice. My daughter has experienced some ‘hate’ on her social media when she wears a bindi in some of her shots. She was 12 years old at the time mind you. My father is from Hyderabad. We grew up with both Christian and Hindu values with my mother being Irish and French Canadian. Trinity (my daughter) embraces the culture, loves being part Indian although not immersed in the Hindu culture with my white Christian husband who by the way has taught her to cook South Indian cooking. I am frankly hopeless in the kitchen. She feels the bindi is a sign of beauty and wards off some bad juju. So my question is – do you think she is ok to express her love of her coolest and most beautiful roots (in her words)? I am glad she hasn’t forgotten this part within her. I have to say I do get much flack in India when I go being half and half – and when I was a kid I was called alot of derogatory names for being Indian – but I have taught my kids to LOVE everything about Inida and their background. I would love to hear and respect your opinion on this. Thanks you, Jyoti
Lannah • Jul 5, 2016 at 6:18 PM
I really enjoyed your Blog! I found it very insightful, and meant as a way of educating and sensitizing people about the issues of non-majority groups in the US. I used to teach “Diversity in American Society” at a university in Chicago, and “Hispanics in the US” at a university in Michigan, so I understand what you are saying regarding the issue of respect and appropriation. The truth is that my students were/are completely oblivious about all issues pertaining to individuals and groups belonging to minority groups in the US! I’d point out the issue of “we love Mexican food, but we hate Mexican immigrants, they need to go back to their country!” Thank you for your insight!
Phoebe • Jan 6, 2016 at 4:40 AM
All the people saying that non westerners taking western clothing and wearing it in their home countries is cultural appropriation – it’s not the same! Western countries have a white majority that have never experienced racism or oppression unlike ethnic minorities. You will have never been mocked or discriminated against for wearing high street or designer clothing. Whereas black people who have dreadlocks, Asians who where bindis, henna etc have all been discriminated against. That is why it is so disrespectful and hurtful to see white people who get white privilege wearing these things as a fashion statement and being praised for it. It’s so ignorant, and it’s very typical of you to come on this post claiming that it’s not offensive etc. Well you don’t get to decide if someone gets offended when you steal parts of their culture/religion when you don’t honour and respect or understand it!
Cathy Thompson • Apr 7, 2016 at 10:17 AM
I had no idea that non- Indian or non- Hindu people were making this a trend. Thia is very informative. I know we have missionaries in Africa that where their traditional outfits when they visit the US but again, is different. They live there and have for 4 years and they care for 50 plus children, aging from newborn to 18. These kids are from Africa with no parents. They are doing this out of respect. Getting the news out and educating people on what is not offensive is good. I would not want to disrespect anyone concerning their culture and religion anymore than I would want them to disrespect me. Thank you all for educating people and sharing your feelings so others like me, that care, don’t inadvertantly dishonor your clothing or cultural dress. I care about all people regardless. God commanded us to Love one another. We all should do that whether you believe or not. Just a good way to be.
Lia • Dec 29, 2015 at 10:27 PM
Hello. I’m sorry for your suffering at people’s insensitivity to an important part of your life, culture, and traditions. If you can, the best way to deal with that, I’ve found, is try and ignore those who are just “following the masses” new fashion trends, or whatever reason they decided to change their minds about a very important part of a large majority of humanity’s culture and heritage, like you said, without any obvious other reasons, and started wearing them. Also, (from what I’ve heard and read anyways, and I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me) a lot of people are actually started wearing that type of jewelry for meditation/raising the consciousness through Kundalini Yoga/healing for the body and soul purposes (although, I think they call them Intuitive Eyes, Third Eye or Chakra Jewelry when worn for this reason). I thought that was great, that at least there are people out there who don’t do things just because it’s “the popular thing to do now, even though they had an opposing/no opinion about it before that, but choose to do something for their own reasons. I don’t know how you feel about it, but maybe they changed the name, not just to reflect the personal reasons for wearing the jewelry, but also to acknowledge that the bindi is special and sacred in it’s own right, even though the placement is the same, the two are different, but unique, symbols of each other. As for the others, it’s hard for me not to feel sad, and a little confused, that so many people have no reason, other than “they do it”, for the way they live their life. It will forever be a mystery to me. But hopefully this helped, have a good day. 🙂
Lia • Dec 29, 2015 at 10:36 PM
Oops, my bad, sorry, didn’t mean to post that twice. The browser froze. Oh, well. Namaste (The Divine within me recognizes, and bows, to the Divine within you :D) everyone! Peace and much love.
Chantal • Dec 9, 2015 at 10:59 AM
I am part indian part black,persons of this mixture are referred to as douglas, I am from Jamaica and i respect the indian culture, i do understand what the author is saying, i use to wear the jewel bindis when doing indian dances but i didn’t know the true meaning, so after research i do understand the meaning of it and i will not wear it unless i wear it with meaning. I’m not religious but if I ever want to settle with a religion it would be Hinduism or Buddhism as they do not discriminate and they deal with peace. I soo dislike Christianity
Lia • Dec 29, 2015 at 10:31 PM
Hello. I’m sorry for your suffering at people’s insensitivity to an important part of your life, culture, and traditions. If you can, the best way to deal with that, I’ve found, is try and ignore those who are just “following the masses” new fashion trends, or whatever reason they decided to change their minds about a very important part of a large majority of humanity’s culture and heritage, like you said, without any obvious other reasons, and started wearing them. Also, (from what I’ve heard and read anyways, and I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me) a lot of people are actually started wearing that type of jewelry for meditation/raising the consciousness through Kundalini Yoga/healing for the body and soul purposes (although, I think they call them Intuitive Eyes, Third Eye or Chakra Jewelry when worn for this reason). I thought that was great, that at least there are people out there who don’t do things just because it’s “the popular thing to do now, even though they had an opposing/no opinion about it before that, but choose to do something for their own reasons. I don’t know how you feel about it, but maybe they changed the name, not just to reflect the personal reasons for wearing the jewelry, but also to acknowledge that the bindi is special and sacred in it’s own right, even though the placement is the same, the two are different, but unique, symbols of each other. As for the others, it’s hard for me not to feel sad, and a little confused, that so many people have no reason, other than “they do it”, for the way they live their life. It will forever be a mystery to me. But hopefully this helped, have a good day. 🙂
Hello • Nov 11, 2015 at 8:03 AM
The whole idea of this article is not saying that only Hindu people can wear a bindi, it’s about respecting the purpose of it in someone’s culture and religion. This article does not encourage restricting other races or religions from wearing it, but simply asking people to respect other people’s believes on the bindi, and not to use it as a fashion object because of the cultural meaning behind it. Even if we do not agree with what someone believes in, we must always respect it. I hope that the people who are complaining about this article do understand this, and be more supportive towards the whole cultural appropriation idea.
Individual • Sep 25, 2015 at 8:08 AM
Tired of all the crybabies with no right to tell people what to do. I’ll do or not do as I wish…with respect and good manners and respect the choice of others. Including the ignorant, the bad mannered or disrespectful … like the author of this ridiculousness. ?
Anon • Aug 6, 2015 at 5:57 PM
Well I’ll never wearing anything from another culture or even get a piercing again so I don’t offend anyone
Hope you got the sarcasm
MissTea • Jul 29, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Why is a muslim woman getting angry about bindis? She’s not a Hindu. If people who are not Hindu are not allowed to wear a bindi, then she has no business writing an article about it and trying to police who gets to partake in a culture she’s not a part of.
One would say she is appropriating an issue that has nothing to do with her: what right does she have to appoint herself the moral guardian of Hindu culture? If the bindi is of special significance to Hindu people, then only Hindu people have the right to wear it: not all “south asians” as if they are one simple ethnic group with the same culture. It’s pretty arrogant to speak for an entire culture you are not a part of.
Myself • Aug 20, 2015 at 12:40 AM
You Have No Right Telling Her She Has No Right. She Has Just As Much Right As Everyone In The Country For Freedom Of Speech. She Is Appointing Cultural Appropriation Because She Is A Minority and Knows How It Can Be To Have Her Culture Ripped Away From Her. So If You Were Offended By Her and I’s Post Then Keep The Shoes On Because They Obviously Fit.
Cynthia • Jul 24, 2015 at 11:04 AM
As a Black female I can relate. When I wear my natural hair in braids, of wrap my hair. I am questioned. Shamed And ridiculed. But let a celebrity do it. It’s all of a sudden acceptable for them, fashion forward, to be, admired while for me I still get stares. I can completely relate
Avery Mae • May 18, 2015 at 6:18 PM
I am Dutch and Southeast Asian. Yeah, that means my skin is very pale. But I enjoy bindis and their association with the Third Eye and warding off bad luck. I do not want to offend anyone by wearing them. I am torn between wearing them nearly daily or not at all because of the comments I may get from those who believe I am too light skinned. It frustrates me very much because I am interested in my heritage and feel it is my right. Any advice would be appreciated.
Kimberly • Jun 27, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Wear your bindi. I am completely Caucasian, and I truly love and respect the Hindu culture. I am married and meditate daily, I wear a bindi daily to represent my marriage and my third eye. I too get strange looks all the time for it, I live in a small country town where it is not accepted. However, I still believe it is essential for me to wear one. I’ve chosen a bindi over a wedding ring.
I completely understand where the author is coming from, but there has to be exceptions. Not every girl or woman in America who wears a bindi is wearing it to be “exotic”, while there are many of them that do not understand the significance, there has to be exceptions. Just as I also wear a pair of deer hide moccasins an old fiend made for me in the winter. I am not trying to “dress up” as a Native American. I completely respect their culture and everyone’s cultures of the world. There are good and bad people of this world. We all need to respect one another’s decisions.
Anastasia B • Jul 28, 2015 at 7:22 AM
My skin is also very fair, however I have always respected my Indian heritage. I have my left nostril pierced only after careful research, for my union. Many people have the nostril piercing for fashion but i wear mine without fashion in mind, it is a symbol. I am very intrigued with body modification, and am planning my bindi implant. I know I will get a lot of comments. and perhaps i can help some curious person learn something new. I don’t like the fashion trend! I like honoring heritage and religion. I choose to where my bindi on my fair skin with my head held high.
Thank you :) • Nov 20, 2016 at 6:33 AM
Thank you, thank you
Anon • May 9, 2015 at 6:19 PM
However, does this mean that if there weren’t any racism and discrimination, it’d be OK for everyone to use whatever they wanted?
michelle • Apr 10, 2015 at 1:39 PM
I guess the author of this article must hate George Harrison. But I wouldn’t consider him an appropriator of culture at all, since he was heavily invested in Indian culture, and I believe he even became a Hindu. He also used his platform as a celebrity to organize the Concert for Bangladesh.
Midnight • Apr 6, 2015 at 11:35 AM
I wear what I want and think everyone else should .. as well .. Let people live and enjoy each others ways , foods, spirit ,and so on .. People want to control everything and everyone gets so Insulted these days ,, Silly if you ask me , Someone copies someone else’s ways . Take it as a complement , Plus How do it hurt you ,, Im going to wear A COWBOY HAT TODAY and I dont even own a horse ~~
Jasmine • Mar 25, 2015 at 2:06 AM
I have a question. I am black and Puerto Rican and I practice buddhism, I wouldn’t consider myself a buddhist just yet though. I would like to wear bindis as a representation of my third eye and for luck. Would it be offensive if I were to wear a bindi? I ask because I would hate to offend a culture that I have tons of respect for.
Naz • May 29, 2015 at 11:34 PM
I feel you have every right being that 1 parent is South Asian. I am not, but I am Hindu. I have been wearing different types of bindis lately. Such as the crystal beaded ones, the different colored felt ones and just kumkum. I live in a predominantly caucasian/white town (I am not). I get stared at, especially by children and a few times I have been laughed at by teen girls. This just shows the ignorance and lack of knowledge people have. Since I am Hindu, I will continue to wear them 🙂
Pichard • Mar 9, 2015 at 9:16 PM
I am half Indian and half Norweigian, and I feel like im on both sides of this argument and can take neither. My grandmother have me bindis as a child and told dm there were a symbol of beauty and good luck. Ivd with them all my life since a young age. I’ve been told off by random women presumably of indian decent for wearing them as a teenager! Because I look mostly white. Yet, if an Indian or someone of another race wore a Thor’s hammer I would never even think of it a cultural appropriation. Especially wouldn’t tell them off as a stranger.
Khem • Dec 23, 2014 at 4:12 PM
Im of caribbean/Jamaican and Nigerian /Yoruba heritage…..I wear Bindis for cutural and spiritual purposes . Bindis also can be found in ancient Kemet aka egypt. India /Hindustan was also connected to east Africa at one point ( Hindu Kush) . There is a lot of history not being added in the article and how or where the Bindi originated. I am a so called “Black ” Indigenous woman and I wear Bindis and in no way shape or form do I see it as a fashion trend. Western existence is based on taking everything from non westerners and ideolizing it for profit!!!!!!!
Elias • Mar 21, 2015 at 11:04 AM
“Western existence is based on taking everything from non westerners and ideolizing it for profit!!!!!!!” what an ignorant and ridiculous statement. Westerners have been developing and progressing the world for the past few centuries . It has certainly not been entirely based on “taking from non westerners”. They were making huge breakthroughs without needing to “take from non westerners” There is no doubt that they have exploited certain peoples, but really every successful culture takes advantage of others in some form or another. This doesn’t make it right, but to demonize western culture is ignorant and hypocritical.
Ashairah • Apr 25, 2015 at 7:29 AM
Khem you are correct and hit the nail right on. I was thinking that the Bindis was also worn in Egypt.
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:34 PM
On point!
Ishita • Dec 23, 2014 at 7:07 AM
I am hindu. and I dont wear a bindi. lol. my mum does. going by the writer’s logic asians should not wear western clothing. ! lol. because thats not part of the initial culture. haha. the best part about globalisation is you can wear anything you want as long as you like it. lets not put these cultural bans. please. ! and lets stop being such fanatic. who cares about the origin, the past. lets focus on the future. thats it mates. !
sarah • Jul 13, 2015 at 10:08 AM
But there is literally no negativity or cultural significance of western clothes??
Brit • Dec 11, 2014 at 6:28 PM
I’m Jamaican but my aunts Indian I’ve told her about my pass experiences and she made me a bindi to wear for to keep away bad luck, and o wore it to work and this white women said like your Christmas tree, it made me mad because it was insulting to me and made me also think of the women who do wear there’s religiously and get tease because of it. But a black man asked me when it was but was like are your Hindu and I feel like mostly white people are ignorant about other people’s culture Etc not all but most ????
Kari • Dec 4, 2014 at 12:59 AM
I am christian and I dont say people who wear clothing or jewelry with a cross on them appropriating my religion even though i always use the sign if the cross for things on a daily basis. People can wear bindi’s and respect and appreciate the beauty of it.
Alex • Sep 9, 2014 at 3:57 AM
Excuse me? I’m a hindu and bindis do not symbolise a married woman only. Please do your research before this. Seriously.
Jyoti • Sep 11, 2014 at 8:16 PM
If you’re Hindu why is your name Alex? And she said that it doesn’t only represent a married woman so please read carefully before this. Seriously.
Anthony • Oct 9, 2014 at 5:48 AM
Hindu is a religion not a culture. Alex may not be a South Asian or Indian Hindu, in which case has the name Alex.
Isabella • Aug 22, 2014 at 8:05 AM
I absolutely respect the Hindu culture , but I’ve done lots of research on the bindi sticker to make sure it’s ok for me to wear it without being Hindu . Honestly I wear it to ward off bad luck and that’s it .
Jyoti • Sep 11, 2014 at 8:17 PM
Calling it a sticker is offensive. So you probably shouldn’t wear it.
Leila • Nov 2, 2014 at 6:13 AM
Easily offended and easily judging people! : “You can’t be Hindu and called Alex. You should not wear bindi”. Overall you seem very uptight, judgemental and ignorant. Sticker version of the bindi can be found in shops nowadays, so what’s wrong with saying bindi sticker?
Mina • Jul 23, 2014 at 8:01 PM
Hi, I have a few questions here. I just want to see if my use of a bindi would be considered cultural appropriation.
So I was born into a Christian family, but did not practice the religion at all, in fact I spent more time studying my dreams and connecting with nature. I studied the chakras, astral projection, and meditation. I felt connected to Hinduism, but also connected to other religions, cultures and philosophies. Many of them share the same morals, and those I live by. I have actually had dreams where Ganesh and Saraswati appeared in them, and Green Tara. Dance is my main form of meditation, and I study classical Indian and belly dance. When I wear a bindi, it is for a performance, for a song that has deep spiritual meaning. When I do counselling, I wear a bindi, and also during moon ceremonies.
So I would like to know if this is offensive?
I am not trying to be trendy, and even I was in shock when I saw many people wearing them who didn’t even know what a chakra was, or even what the third eye is.
IamSpiritInAHumanExperience • Jul 7, 2014 at 11:20 AM
I know what a bindi is. I know it’s significance. I am white. We are all citizens of this planet, this time around. While my culture is not South Asian this time around, I know that I have had at least one lifetime as an Indian man (as I had a spontaneous regression). I believe in reincarnation, and I believe that we will be a part of many different cultures and both sexes, throughout our lifetimes on Earth. So, yes, be sensitive to other peoples’ experiences. It goes both ways. I will be sensitive to you, but to say that marking the forehead belongs to only your group, is xenophobic.
LOL • Jul 19, 2014 at 12:57 AM
XENOPHOBIC, lol. no one dislikes you because you’re from another country or culture, people dislike you because you’re TAKING something that has deep meaning to someone and claiming it as yours. “citizens of the planet” lol go live in india, marry into a hindu family, and then claim the religion as yours. otherwise stay out of it – because you HAVE to recognize that as a white person, you have privilege. you are legitimizing the use of the bindi by white people. and we can’t have that happening. YOU may identify as a hindu, but most white people don’t. and if you use it, you’re encouraging or allowing others to use it too. and it loses its symbolism.
Mia • Aug 12, 2014 at 10:20 PM
I’m sorry that is wrong. People of any race and any location can be whatever religion they want, so saying when white people associate themselves and actively take part in that religion encouraging other people to see a different culture make it “lose its symbolism.” By joining a religion or believing in a certain meaning does not mean you are “taking” something. The meaning of a bindi or something else with a deep meaning doesn’t belong to one group, one race, or one location. What you have said is that you can’t be hindu unless you “live in India” or “marry into a hindu family” which is wrong. No one says you have to live in Asia to be a certain religion, so why do you have to live in India to be hindu. I can understand the frustration of people misusing something with deep meaning like a bindi, but I don’t believe you have to be india, or hindu to wear them. I believe that it is fine to wear a bindi if you believe in its meaning and you don’t have to hindu for that.
Sherry Sam • Nov 1, 2016 at 9:32 AM
I love my country. I alone genetically share DNA with people from approx 15 different countries. As a result of my ancestors migration to this country which is made up of many many different cultures I do not have just one influence or tradition. Those who come here from other places need to be informed this is a new birth of a nation. We all bring something to the table and a new culture will arise in time. This is a process I suggest you either embrace with respect and excitement or maybe rethink your choice decision to live in the UNITED STATES
Anon • Oct 27, 2014 at 4:43 AM
Anyone can be any religion they want, but people are born into a culture. There is a difference between religion and culture!
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:31 PM
Jerica • May 25, 2014 at 1:45 PM
okay so what if you’re from America and you’re a white female who wears the bindi because she’s married to a Hindu man. I know of the Penal gland the third eye also the culture I am white. Am I being disrespectful?
Debbie • May 5, 2014 at 3:04 PM
Fantastic article. I’m an indian woman and I agree with this 10000000%! It annoys me to see my religion being turned into a fashion statement. If you’re a Hindu, I don’t have a problem. If you’re in India, then I don’t have a problem. But when I see groups of girls my age wearing them, it just makes me cringe. They don’t know the significance of bindis, and that makes me sad.
Brittney • Jun 18, 2014 at 1:37 AM
I’m West Indian and I love bindis my grandfather is Indian but grew up in Jamaica so my mother is indo Jamaican it upsets me if a Indian women walks by with a bindi people stare and look but if a white person does it it’s cool it’s not fair
Akshat • Apr 25, 2014 at 1:20 PM
I think this article is ridiculous…no one race has a monopoly over Hindu/Indian culture…I think the issue of ‘cultural sensitivity’ is being stretched a little too far here! If anything, as a Hindu I would welcome anybody who embraces my culture.
Anonymous • Apr 14, 2014 at 10:55 PM
OMGGGGG yes. that is all. just..yes. I agree 500000%
Poornima Subramanian • Sep 28, 2013 at 9:50 AM
i speak as a born and raised hindu from a very conservative south-indian family. I think its funny that this article was written by a muslim, a culture where the bindi is forbidden. muslims may not be, but every indian I know is so eager to share their culture and excited when white people want to learn about it. white people are entirely capable of being hindu and/or educated about the meaning and significance of the bindi, and thereby capable of wearing it gracefully and respectfully. if someone is ignorant or racist, that is the fault of their thinking not what they are wearing. I love wearing my bindi because I feel it connects me to the women in my family, my grandmothers and ancestors. sure there are people who trivialize it by not being conscientious of its significance but I actually think its pretty harmless. It certainly makes me feel LESS self-conscious and more free to express my religion and heritage in america. So all in all, I think white ladies wearing bindi is a GREAT thing, I certainly loved wearing my bindi as a 8 year old watching gwen stefani in the 90’s. people need to stop finding every excuse to be upset/complain.
jesenia khan • Jul 15, 2014 at 11:47 AM
Lol yes I totally agree with u Poornima!! I love u for what u said! I agree with u 100% ! My Muslim Fijian Husband and I laughed at this article!! You stole the words right out of my mouth! U go girl!!
Poornima Subramanian • Oct 5, 2014 at 7:46 AM
Thank you mrs khan, thank god there are some practical and not-tediously-politically-correct people left in the world. much love 🙂
Ruth Iram • May 18, 2015 at 10:20 AM
Wow, thank you so much for this response. I personally love India and Indian culture although I am a 17 year-old Mexican-American and currently living in Mexico. I am going to wear a Sari for my high school graduation coming up and I wanted to go full out with the Bindi and henna tattoo, but I had to do my research and know exactly what a Bindi represents before wearing it and that was what brought me here. I can say I was so discouraged! As a Mexican, I love seeing when people from other cultures wear our typical Mexican dresses and see people wear charro sombreros. Sometimes we are mocked just like all cultures are mocked but I do not condemn these people for being ignorant, it happens. We are all ignorant in one way or another but I am thankful for articles and insights like these.
Thatgirl • May 10, 2018 at 12:39 PM
Bruv I’m a Pakistani Muslim and my whole family wear bindis I wear them and they aren’t forbidden
For Hindus it is a religious symbol and for Muslims it is a decorative thing
Namaste Mommy • May 31, 2018 at 8:32 AM
Beautiful perspective. Thank you. And likewise.
anasianindian • Sep 28, 2013 at 8:58 AM
I absolutely love America as a nation (its not mine) but i think its telling that the people disparaging the article are clearly neither hindu nor indian (with the exception of the lady below). You have failed to see the point she’s making about the reality of their cultural experience being cheapened by popular culture and the double standards at play when people of that culture wear it the way it was created to be worn. Its an extreme view to be too critical of its usage by anyone outside the culture which is why i can’t wholeheartedly support this point of view but let’s be real here, most westerners that use it haven’t the slightest clue what its about. It’s of huge cultural and religious significance. Its an unfortunate legacy of western colonialism and imperialism that still remains where a culture’s unique identity can be used for its exotic value as transiently as any other fashion trend with the voices of minorities being silenced or spoken for by anyone but themselves.
Ruth Iram • May 18, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Thanks for breaking it down, I was feeling greatly discouraged by the article. I’m neither Indian nor Hindu and I respect and admire the culture immensely. I want to wear a sari for a special event and I wanted to try wearing the Bindi but in no means of disrespect or to ridicule Hindu or Indian culture. But now I really understand where this girl is coming from, cheapen like you said is exactly what fashion trends do and it hasn’t happened to just the bindi, our folkloric blouses and tribal Aztec print (I’m Mexican) have also been cheapened by these trends. I can’t be mad at the majority for having poor taste and great ignorance, but there are a few of us who want to wear the bindi in appreciation of its beauty and symbol.
Keeley • Sep 20, 2013 at 12:43 PM
So, I’m slightly confused about this whole cultural appropriation thing. I am a white British woman and religious studies student and I have converted to Hinduism. I wear a bindi almost everyday as a symbol of my religion, just like my Grandmother wears a cross as a symbol of her religion.
So, my question is…is it ok for me to wear a bindi as a Hindu even though I’m white?
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:25 PM
You are Hindu so why would you even ask that????Also it has nothing to do with color so why even take it there? Are you trying to pick a fight?
Thatgirl • May 10, 2018 at 12:36 PM
MrsRobinson • Aug 5, 2013 at 4:39 PM
I would venture to say that Indian/South Asian women wear Western-style clothing and hairstyles, and jewelry styles in their home countries, right?
Well, should I be chastising your people for taking our clothing and culture and not keeping the American/Western culture in mind? Should I be offended that I see women in those countries wearing Nine West and Ralph Lauren styles?
What about our products and lifestyles? Dare I mention “Bollywood” copying Hollywood? Yet no one cries foul …or worries about it.
Appreciation and honor of a culture is a two-way street. If something in your culture was made fun of in the past, but is now in the positive lime-light, maybe adjust your thinking to the idea that while it may not be what you would like to see, but at least the intent is a positive one?
So what if Selena Gomez wears a bindi? I see people of other cultures/religions wearing and doing things that are traditionally American/Western or even going as far as Catholic or Christian origin. Yet no one bats an eye and just moves on with life.
ES • Jul 16, 2014 at 1:23 AM
Lol are Nine West shoes a religious symbol? Do they have cultural significance? Nah
Vish • Jul 10, 2015 at 12:32 AM
There is a difference between pop culture, and symbols that are sacred to one’s identity. Yes, the Bollywood copy of Hollywood is tacky and embarrassing as hell, but there is a difference between that type of appropriation and a woman wearing a bindi as nothing but a fashion accessory. There is a differnce between a non-Hindu woman wearing a bindi with no understanding of its meaning and significance and Indian women wearing Ralph Lauren and Nine West, as American consumer brands are aggressively marketed around the world and American companies aim for those women to wear their products. I, personally feel that it’s ok for people to wear bindis when they understand what it means, and out of respect for the culture of origin, but think it’s tacky and disrespctful to wear it as a superficial fashion accessory.
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:22 PM
You are so on point and so correct with your statement THANK YOU!!
Sarah • Jul 21, 2013 at 5:08 AM
I think this article is a real shame, a lot of western women embrace Hindu culture and incorporate it into their own; the wearing of a bindi as a symbolic representation of their own third eye chakra. It would be nice to think that trend and popular culture could do some good in all of this, an opportunity of creating a familiarity among impressionable people of what a cultural aesthetic represents, I understand that you seem less than impressed by Selena whateverhernameis. But is the point in harmony among humanity not acceptance? And is this article not just another form of separating us all and making us stand apart rather than being a unit? I think this argument hypocritical and flawed.
Chloe • Jul 17, 2013 at 12:27 PM
This article is absolutely ridiculous. What if a young woman decided to research bindis, knew the significance and as a result decided that she would wear one and fully respected Hindu traditions in doing so. How would you know that? I have a feeling that you would not bother asking and would be extremely quick to judge. I hope that one day you do confront someone about wearing a bindi and I hope that that person is a bright young girl (or boy) that knows exactly what he/she is wearing it for and has full respect for the Hindu culture. This is just as bad as judging people for wearing any item of clothing. I understand the points made about younger people being bullied but I’d have hoped you would see that a trend such as this may lead to less bullying? Lots of fashion items from different cultures are being embraced as the world develops and I would be proud, not bitter. The world is changing.
Jules • Aug 8, 2017 at 11:08 PM
It’s different when someone does the reaearch and understands the significance of what they are doing. You are talking about someone with an earnest heart and the author is talking about girls who wear it for fun like a shade of lipstick they wipe off at the end of a concert. You should attack the bullies, not people trying to preserve their culture as a culture and not a festival costume.
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:19 PM
That’s exactly what this young lady was talking about ….your attitude! Wearing a Bindi is not the same as wearing blue jeans or a certain shirt. One is a piece of clothing the other is a symbol of something significant and sacred to their religion. So please don’t minimize it just because you don’t want to understand or care to understand the significance behind it.
Jaenelle • Jun 12, 2013 at 1:17 AM
Given that a number of other cultures throughout history have also worn decorative forehead marks for a variety of reasons, perhaps it would be less offensive if people used a different name? Yes, that was sarcastic. Forehead marks/decorations are not a unique tradition to India.
Jostens • May 2, 2013 at 7:41 AM
I see the Bindi ridiculed in so much media. I know a game where a creature wears a Bindi, named Espeon, from Pokemon GameBoy. Some sort of psychic cat that wears a Bindi, it’s almost offensive. Unless Bindi’s are downright sacred to the South Asians, I see no issue with this. I’m not one for fashion, but I think self-righteousness abounds, here particularly. You’re being reverse-xenophobic, that’s never a good quality.
bindiboy • May 2, 2013 at 7:26 AM
Where can I get a bindi?
Lacey • Sep 15, 2013 at 2:26 PM
Ebay…Cheap and you get a lot.
I wear Bindi’s and I’m a white American!
There is nothing wrong with it, I completely respect the culture.
Jane • Sep 13, 2017 at 1:22 PM
Hi Lacey,
If you truly respected the culture then you would stop appropriating it.
Western culture is still very dominant in the world today and this unfortunately often leads to mistreatment of minorities so, as a white person and as a decent human being, you need to be more mindful of other cultures. Your need to wear a bindi as a fashion statement does not outweigh the importance of protecting the sacredness cultural traditions.
I think you need to check your privilege a little.
Sfora • Nov 10, 2017 at 9:59 AM
I am a 27 year old White American Girl who wears bindi’s, but that is because I am a Hindu. I been practicing the religion for many years, and so on. I wear the bindi because I am married, and not as a fashion statement. I think people who wear it for kicks, or to be trendy is kind of insulting for people who wear it for the right reasons, and who appreciate the culture, religion, and follow it completely. Not everything needs to be a trend.
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:10 PM
It is quite clear that you do not respect the culture. How do you respect their culture? By not saying mean things about them? By not teasing them and calling them names? Sorry, not enough. If you even had an ounce of respect for this culture you would not be wearing a Bindi. Reading your comments and the way you bring yourself across to people you seem very young (young-minded) and totally disrespectful also you seem to have a somewhat “privileged” mentality. Respecting the culture would be doing research on it. Respecting the Hindu philosophy and all it entails and getting a full understanding of what you are wearing and why you are wearing it.
Mirchi • Mar 25, 2018 at 9:08 PM
Of course you don’t think there’s a problem with it because you’re one of the ones that are appropriating my culture.
I don’t wear a bindi. You want to know why? One… I’m not married
Two… Stupid people like you have ruined the significance of it
If you think your third eye is open you are severely mistaken.
Jisoo • May 10, 2018 at 12:30 PM
I agree with you. When someone wears a bindi you western people are just like OHHH SO COOL I HAVE ONE AT HOME. Oi oi MAYT OKAY SORRY just because u have one doesn’t mean ur so uniqu
Embrace your own culture then others
carolyn Sullivan • Apr 2, 2014 at 5:07 PM
when I visited India a few years ago, the first thing a bookstore owner did was place a bindi on my forehead. She explained it as a Blessing. I thought it was very gracious and wore it all day with pride
Jules • Aug 8, 2017 at 11:03 PM
It’s different when it’s gifted to you in the Motherland of the culture…
Victoria • Sep 2, 2017 at 8:09 AM
So what if someone from the motherland gifts it to you when not in the motherland and you decide to purchase them from then on out. Is that fine as well?
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:12 PM
Who is “Allowed” to Wear a Bindi?
There has been a torrent of online attacks on non-Indian women who wear the bindi. As a non-Indian woman wearing a bindi with a colorful experience of online attacks, I wanted to write about this topic. Cultural appropriation is a very sensitive subject, many people fear that the deep significance of a tradition or symbol will be lost or misused if others start to use it. The bindi is an iconic South Asian symbol, so should women who do not originate from South Asia be allowed to wear one?
haldi kumkum thali navdurga Durga
Our world is shrinking, people are mixing, cultures are merging (our marriage is one example of that) and therefore cultural appropriation is inevitable, but is it always a bad thing? Many think it is.
I personally feel we should all attempt to understand and acknowledge the significance of the symbols we adorn ourselves with. We should learn what our wardrobes represent and assess whether that conflicts with our personal ethos. We should learn the history and try to understand the sacred significance of the things we wear so we are able to respect them. If we all took more time to understand the cultures of the people who live among us, surely it would go beyond dressing appropriately and dissolve some poisonous prejudices.
My experience, as a non-Indian woman married to an Indian man living in India, has been the opposite. If I don’t wear a bindi, people get upset! On the days I have forgotten to wear a bindi, aunties have offered me a bindi from their handbags, my grandmother-in-law has been deeply hurt and a priest appeared from nowhere whilst I was waiting in a restaurant and poked me between the eyes with a stick covered in Vermillion.
As someone who will not do something just because someone has told me to, I had to make a choice whether or not to wear a bindi. I asked Indian women what the bindi meant to them and tried to uncover the ancient symbolism. Afterwards, I thought long and hard about what the bindi means to me.
I wear a bindi as a reminder that I am more than this body, I am a soul. When I notice the small red dot in the mirror, I find focus. I am conscious that there is more to me than this reflection! I also didn’t want to upset my husband’s grandmother.
Obviously, you don’t need to have a spiritual connection with the bindi to respect it, many Indian women wear a bindi as a fashion accessory. We do, however, need to respect that the symbol is sacred to some if we choose to wear it. Unfortunately, even if you do respect the bindi but are not South Asian, you may still be subjected to those online attacks if you chose to wear one. I feel like those who make this malicious attacks are disrespecting the bindi themselves by being so cruel and hateful.
We must remember that whilst the cultural appropriation police are busy behind their computer screens attacking young women for wearing a bindi, there are many more South Asians who feel honored that the world finds the bindi beautiful. Not only should we be respectful of cultural and sacred symbols, we should also respect each other. Something I read hope it helps someone.
Leslie • Apr 29, 2013 at 11:14 AM
Non South Asian women wearing bindis merely as “exotic” decoration disrespects the culture by trivializing it. This cultural appropriation, however, also serves to normalize it and make it LESS “other” and less likely to be subject to mockery as in the “Family Guy” episode, unlike wearing it as part of a Halloween costume, which is essentially saying “people who dress like this are weird and funny”. While it is shallow and ridiculous and should not be done, you overstate your case.
Fatima Farha • Apr 29, 2013 at 3:32 PM
Hi Leslie, but why should the culture become less “other”? Why can’t this culture be respected and appreciated for its differences without letting the differences become a reason for it to be a mockery? You first stated that by trivializing the culture, it is disrespectful, but making it less “other” is the same thing as trivializing it. Which is also disrespectful. This culture is VERY different from the dominant culture here in America, but that should not subject it to mockery, ever.
Saffron • Jun 29, 2014 at 7:58 AM
Thank You Fatima.I am glad that there are people even from Islamic Culture who could see the blatant abuse thrown at our civilization by the west.They just want to mock our culture,and abuse everything that this civilization has in a very brutal manner.How every crime or negativity that happens in India like rape is attached to Indian Culture or lets say Hindu culture,while America tops in rapes shows their clean attitude to our people.This is because we don’t have a right wing to answer for these abuses.I doubt they would even dare target let’s say Islamic civilization and get away with it.But we don’t have any answers we just take the abuse and sit silently.Those who can’t have the spine to fight against discrimination deserves to be discriminated.
Amani • Apr 23, 2013 at 2:02 PM
This is honestly amazing and so true. Reading this, when you said that you were made fun of when you were younger for bracing your own culture, I remembered how my classmates would make fun of Indian people by calling them Dot-Heads and what not. Even like with Henna, before it became “cool” these people would be like “oh why do you have marker all over you, that’s so weird.” But ironically enough these same people are so ecstatic with the “exotic” nature of Henna. I really think it’s unfair that now that they think its “cool” and “exotic” it is okay to brace OUR culture as fashion, when we got taunted and made fun of for it. Talk about double standards & hypocracy.
subduedjoy • Feb 27, 2014 at 10:54 PM
“same people”?
The people who call Hindus Dot-Heads are not the same people who wear Bindis. All white people do not think alike. To think they do is nothing short of racism. And yes racism comes in all colors. You don’t have to be white to be racist.
Anna Christensen • Jun 27, 2018 at 1:01 PM
Not your culture, not your choice, your comments just add another layer of racism to the argument. Do you even have a spiritual tradition of your own, where do your own ancestors come from? When you find your way home you won’t need to try to justify stealing someone else’s heritage.
John • Aug 21, 2018 at 5:58 AM
If Indians have a problem with DOMINANT CULTURES appropriating their customs and cultures – stop selling your stuff to them or ask for a passport check. Are Indians being Westernised because they are appropriating culture. Oh I forgot – they are the same poor subjugated colonialised as they were back in the 1800s. How do you know they didn’t steal the Bindi from someone else???
Liz • Nov 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM
I was looking up Bindi’s and I ran across this article – It made me so angry that even though it was written 4 years ago – I have to respond. Fatima Farha, I think it is INCREDIBLY arrogant for you to assume that only South Asians wear facial jewelry or so-called “bindi’s” or art on their faces! You need to step outside of your small little world and use a Google search engine and expand your horizons! Also to use your logic, are South Asians who wear Western clothing insulting Western culture??? Of course not! So how can you say that Westerns who wear bindi’s are insulting South Asian culture?? Selena and other non-Asians who wear bindi’s are not insulting your culture YOU are with your moronic insights!!!
I hope you’ve grown since then…geesh, how moronic!!!
Mary • Dec 9, 2017 at 2:46 PM
Not fair for you to come down on her like that really. I can see her point but yours to as well with a certain degree of correction on your part. Firstly, the Bindi is more than just a fashion statement. If you did your history you would know that firstly only married women wore them signifying that they were married of course. It then became a representation of the third eye being open. So wearing it just because you think it looks cool is somewhat disrespecting to a degree. Symbolism is something that people have gotten into arguments since the beginning of time and probably won’t change anytime soon. I’m a Black woman and I also wear have a Bindi but I’m wearing it because I believe and respecting the philosophy behind it. I am also educating my self on the Hindu culture also I’m married and my third eye is open WIDE! It shouldn’t be treated as just a fashion statement because there is so much more to it than that. I believe that is the point this female who wrote this article was trying to convey.
Alica James • Feb 22, 2018 at 10:16 PM
I agree to those of you BASHING her for her feelings is shameful. It shows your mentality or lack there of. My daughter was asking asking about the Bindi and I was explaining to her the meaning of it. I decided to double check myself and found this article. I’m very ashamed of my country being so insensitive and disrespectful. I apologize Fatima for their ignorance and disrespectful behavior. Not all of us are like that. I love the culture and beliefs. Thank you for sharing your feelings and I wish I could repost this.
julia watman • May 9, 2018 at 9:49 PM
I Totally Agree With Mary 100%.
Melissa • Jun 10, 2018 at 2:48 AM
Yes, ikr! Im South indian and i hate when people take cultural attire. People used to make fun of me saying ur so indian. Now o see them pierce thier noses wear Bindi and henna ankle braclets oh ya two piece prom dress it’s called lengha in our culture!
Juju • Jul 12, 2018 at 9:50 AM
I agreed with Armani! I rather embrace than making fun of disrespect one’s culture! Times have changed and we should change too! Old fashioned take it the hardest!
Nushrat J. • Apr 22, 2013 at 6:15 PM
As a South Asian, I want to express how much frustration I feel towards the people who think they can take advantage of the little things my culture has to offer. I don’t see my culture as a trend that needs to be followed, or an exotic world that can contribute to the white man’s fashion sense. My culture is a way of life that is part of the human race. Using a bindi or any other object from my background gives people the sense that my culture is a thing to play around with, to use for your own entertainment. Influences from America and Europe are so strong in South Asia, that is redefined my culture completely. The dominant race took away so much from my country, in terms of culture, that it’s only fair that we get to hold on to what we have left. We value our customs because it means something to all of us, and it doesn’t give other people the right to practice them without having any significant purpose in mind or using it for a menial reason such as fashion. My culture isn’t “exotic.” It’s a way of life practiced by millions of people all over the world, people who deserve to practice it because it is how we are raised. The most insulting thing a person can do is to turn this sacred way of life into a fashion trend, and I hope this article and comments like mine can show people how demeaning it is to people who are truly of that culture, when you practice culture appropriation.
Lacey • Sep 15, 2013 at 2:32 PM
Wow! You know what…I wear bindi’s! I completely respect your culture. Instead of thinking that we are ‘playing’ with your culture, The bindi will always be owned by the South Asians! Just because other races wear it doesn’t mean your being disrespected! It doesn’t matter anyways because it’s becoming popular!!! Thanks.
Anna Christensen • Jun 27, 2018 at 11:12 AM
Not your culture, not your choice, your comments just add another layer of racism to the argument. Do you even have a spiritual tradition of your own, where do your own ancestors come from? When you find your way home you won’t need to try to justify stealing someone else’s heritage.
Kk • Dec 10, 2013 at 9:20 AM
All of you are ridiculous! South Asian, American, European, Hindu, Christian, catholic, atheist, satanist! What ever the case may be we all live on this earth together. Yes western people have recently taken the bindi as a “fashion statement” or maybe not! Have you ever seen a white woman wearing a bindi and asked her about It? Like it was mention by nushrat the culture has changed from adopting western and European influence, you say it like it is bad. I am positive!, no one would change something for the worse. Over time things change, and sometimes other people have better ideas than us, so does that make it wrong to think it is a good idea? Or to like it? I am white and live in the United States. I have always felt spiritual but want no part in Christianity. I had seen women in their bindi and it makes them look beautiful, but I would never just adopt this custom for fashion! So I researched a lot about bindis, spirituality, and Hinduism. So I now choose to wear my bindi, it makes me feel Amazing! I wear my bindi and feel serene, connected with the earth, confident and beautiful. I have taught myself about the subject and intend no disrespect, i wear my bindi with pride confidence and respect for its origin and originators. If this is still offensive to you I can make up my own center of the forehead adornment, call it something else. I am not embarrassed to copy a wonderful tradition. What do you think people have been doing since the beginning?
Erin • Mar 15, 2018 at 8:37 PM
Hey lady, I want to tell you,since when do you own the right to decorate your third eye alone? Everyone with a healthy brain has a third eye and can rejoice in their magical body part however they please, that is perfectly acceptable in America, the new world, which I don’t understand where you come up with the idea that it is dominant! How can a place that is so young be dominant?
Carolyn Berg O Neill • Apr 26, 2018 at 7:23 PM
I agree with the author. I don’t think people of western culture would like it if the crucifix was trivialized in such a way.
Sarah • May 14, 2018 at 2:46 PM
I’m Christian btw.The crucifix has been trivialized in such a way for ages. Don’t tell me every person (punk/rocker, goth, etc…) that has worn a cross is Christian or Catholic. And a native American friend of mine makes moccasins and jewelry and she’ll sell them for a small fortune to anyone who will pay what she is asking. Native or non.
It’s seems to me that there is an exception to everything and some people are more inclined to feel like victims than others. I got bullied at school and it had nothing to do with religion or culture. It’s because people in general (esp. kids) are blunt and cruel if not raised by their parents to be kind and accepting of others.
El Toro • Jun 18, 2018 at 5:32 PM
Bad example Sarah. The “exception” is based in ignorance, which is what the writer was attempting to say. The majority of comments by the bashers, are made out of ignorance and selfishness. They only want to appease what they want to be true. A person wanting it to be true does not make it true.In your example, there is a big difference between a cross and a crucifix. A crucifix is a cross with a figure representing the body of Christ. A bare cross represents the Resurrection of Jesus. The difference between the two represents the focus of your belief. Is Jesus still on the cross or was he resurrected? (rhetorical) There was a time when I thought the Crucifix was cooler because it had the body representing Jesus. When in reality, it was insulting to most Christians (except Catholics). Do you think that those (the Punk Rocker, Goth, ETC) who wear/wore a Crucifix know the difference, or are they of the same juvenile mind that I once was., Thinking it was the cooler of the two?
You bashers need to remove your personal feelings and look at things with honesty.AND wisdom and stop responding to things based solely on your emotions!