This morning the boys varsity gymnastics team was formally sent off to state in the Oakton Lobby by athletic director Kendall Griffin. The team, as a whole, has not qualified for state in 28 years.
Griffin, addressing a well-attended send off, admired the team’s milestone. “To reach that pinnacle, which our athletes will be doing a little bit later on this evening, is something that I think a lot of high school athletes cherish. Today, we’re here to celebrate our boys gymnastics program and coach Adrian Batista,” he said. “This is probably one of the most successful seasons since 1990. I’ve been to several of the gymnastics meets, and I don’t know how they do what they do, but obviously what they do they do very well for them to have gotten to the point where they are. ”
Coach of the year in the CSL Adrian Batista felt that the whole team could look back on the season with no regrets. “Going to state as a team is always the big goal and it’s hard to do. Gymnastics is not an easy sport– most of these guys that came in never did it before they walked into the gym– and now they are number 5 in the state of Illinois for high school,” he said. “It’s a great group of guys, these guys are in the gym every day, I have to kick them out and if I let them stay they’d stay until 10 at night.”
Batista felt very fortunate to coach the group of guys he helped qualify for state. “They’re dedicated athletes, great role models for the school in general. I have not had any issues with academics, they’ve all kept their grades way up there, and they’re champs. They came in, they kicked butt, had goals and took it all the way to the end. Wherever we go today, they’ve already won,” he said at the ceremony.
The boys will compete tonight at Hinnsdale Central High School at 6 PM.