Class registration for incoming freshmen begins Wednesday, Jan. 20 and runs through Tuesday, Feb. 2.
These new students have to decide classes that they want to take for the 2016-2017 school year. They are meeting with their assigned counselors to discuss course recommendations.
Counselor Mitch Stern has been helping guide students for years now.
“Registration is a collaborative effort between the student, counselor, and current classroom teacher,” he said. “Recommendations for classes from the current year teacher is crucial in developing the plan for next year. Underclassmen choose their courses based on the course requirements for graduation at their grade level and of course their interest level with activities.”
Lili Youkhana, incoming freshman, said she is very excited to sign up for her classes and begin her high school career.
“I’m looking forward to meeting new people, and I can’t wait to start learning new and interesting things in every class,” she said.