Niles Township to hold Blood Drive to Support Harvey Victims

Sep 8, 2017
In wake of the devastation and destruction that Hurricane Harvey left, Niles West is working hard to support struggling Americans in every way possible. Along with taking donations, Niles Township, partnered with LifeSource, will be hosting a blood drive for all D219 residents in a new effort to aid those in need.
The drive will take place Monday, Sept. 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the Lee Tamraz All Purpose Room at the Township’s offices (5255 Main St., in Skokie).
All blood donors will receive a coupon for a free pint of frozen custard, courtesy of Culver’s locations from around the area. In addition, LifeSource will make a donation to support emergency relief efforts along the Gulf Coast for every donor that day.
“There’s no substitute for blood, and we encourage Niles Township residents to give the gift of life by making a blood donation that day,” supervisor Marilyn Glazer said. “One pint of blood can save three lives, and blood donations have come to a standstill for the foreseeable future for those areas impacted by the hurricane.”
While it is essential for West to help out as much as possible, some students see a problem with holding the drive during the school day and in a separate location, as they would have donated blood if they didn’t have to be in school.
“I think it’s great the district is doing the right thing by taking some initiative, but it’s at a pretty inconvenient time, and since a lot of people won’t be able to donate that would have, it’s not as effective as it could be,” junior Lexi Lee said.
While walk-ins are welcome, appointments are preferred and can be made by calling (877) 543-3768 or by visiting, selecting “Make an Appointment” and using group code 88A to schedule your appointment.