The Lit Center held its seventh annual Training Day for tutors Friday, August 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15p.m.
This year the tutors broke off into groups led by tutor leaders and teachers. The tutors discussed how to tutor, acted out scenarios, and in the end wrote their own definitions of tutoring.
“What the tutors are supposed to get out of the training is a greater understanding of how to interact with their peers during a tutoring conference and a sense of the importance of team building and collaborative learning,” literacy coordinator Andrew Jeter says.
Sophomore and first-year tutor Andra Sabou said she feels that Training Day helped her to prepare for being a tutor.
“I think that it was a great opportunity for new tutors to get to know older tutors who have done this before and hear their personal stories and tips…. I found it useful and instructive,” Sabou says.
Jeter said that Training Day is the day where all tutors can come together and learn about the Lit Center so that when they are actually tutoring other people, there won’t be any discrepancies.
“The training day is the only time when all of the tutors and staff members can get together. We also need to hold a training day so that all of our tutors can receive the same training. Students should be able to expect the same quality of tutoring in every period of the day. If we can get all the tutors and staff members together, then our overall understandings become more coherent from person to person,” Jeter says.
Junior and second-year tutor Rachael Kossy said this year’s Training Day was a great experience, but feels that there is room for improvement.
“The training day itself should have been cut in half because by lunch time lots of people were worn out and we still had five hours left. But as a whole, it went well,” Kossy says.