Daniel Liston: Taking an Alternative Path


By Abigail Davis, Feature Editor

After high school, students traditionally move on to college to pursue a degree that will help them pursue a career in the future. However, junior Daniel Liston has an alternative route to success. He has never been one to follow the crowd, and his plans for the future are no different. His primary goal in life is to be accepted into the Naval Academy and then become an officer in the Marine Corps.

Liston grew up under the influence of his family’s patriotism. “When I was little my dad told me about how his father came over here from Ireland and joined the army. I guess I want to carry on that legacy of patriotism and service to our country,” Liston said. “Not only do I plan on going to college, I’m required to if I want to be an infantry officer in the marines. I want to be an officer to do what my grandfather on my mom’s side couldn’t. He came over here and had very little education when he signed up, but my grandma had told me that if he could’ve been an officer if he had a higher education.

The thought of taking his grandfather’s dream to the next level helps him keep his motivation intact, even when he faces setbacks.

“The auto club being disbanded and the death of my uncle Mick set me back a little,” Liston said. I don’t know what happened because things usually don’t get to me but these did. The only thing that kept me going I guess was the dream of getting to the Naval Academy and becoming an officer in the marine corps. My best friend Nabil helped too, we’ve been friends for years and he’s never turned his back  on me.”

Junior Nabil Saiyed is grateful to call Liston one of his best friends.

“If I could describe Danny’s best qualities they would be that he is a patriot, hard-working, and caring… he always puts others before himself,” Saiyed said. “If I could describe him in one word it would be committed.”

Being involved in extracurricular activities is a top priority for Liston, and he certainly goes above and beyond.

“Currently I’m involved in the Niles West Shell Eco-Marathon club, I was on the racing team before it was disbanded, the Go Green Club, the Water Polo team, and the Swim team, also I’m currently working to finish my Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts. All of these provide a new challenge for me,” Liston said. “In the sports I play I’m challenged physically, in the Shell Eco-Marathon Club I’m challenged mentally, and in the Boy Scouts I am challenged to be morally better today than I was yesterday.”

Liston’s former teacher and current coach, John Przekota noticed his upbeat and positive personality.

“Danny has a great sense of humor and is always willing to help out his classmates if they are struggling. I don’t think Danny ever had an off day in class. He was always smiling and willing to work,” Przekota said.