Volunteer Fair to be Held This Friday


By Teodora Simic, Staff Writer

The annual Volunteer Fair will be held during all lunch periods this upcoming Fri., Oct. 27. Local organizations will be gathered in the halls outside of the cafeteria to provide students with opportunities to volunteer and collect volunteer hours.

Kelly Adamovic, the executive secretary of student activities here at Niles West, is excited for the fair this year.

“This is an opportunity for students to see what’s out there and see what they want to do. Different local businesses come to Niles West for this fair. The Skokie Public Library, Niles Public Library, the ELL Parents Center, and Bears of Hope are some business that are coming this year,” Adamovic said. “Every single year this event goes really well. We get a lot of good feedback from the participants that come in from outside, and the students really enjoy themselves.”

Students had fun helping out the businesses in the previous years. Senior Julia Gladysz participated in the fair last year and plans on participating again this year.

“I decided to take the time from my study hall to go see what the fair offered for students. I was surprised to see so many organizations at Niles West seeking out help from students. I helped out at a couple of different places and honestly had fun. I got involved and helped out for good causes,” Gladysz said. “I think it’s important for students to get involved. I particularly helped out the charities that were there, and it felt good to help out those who are less fortunate than us.”

Students are beginning to hear about the fair, and many are excited to be a part of it this year. Senior Elizabeth Chin heard about the fair from some of her friends and thinks it’s going to be a great opportunity.

“I didn’t know about it the previous years, but I’m glad that my friend told me about it this year. I’m planning on volunteering for some of these organizations because I think that I’ll learn some interests from it. It’s also a good opportunity to get some volunteering hours. I’m excited about being a part of it,” Chin said.