Combined Band and Choir Concert to be Held Tuesday


By Sidney Hines, Sports Social Editor

The Niles West Fine Arts department will be performing their annual fall concert on Tues., Oct. 24, at 6:00p.m.. Both the Niles West choir and band will be performing together, showcasing the talents of both. This fall concert will be a very exciting one, considering the band and the choir usually do not play alongside each other; Niles West a cappella groups will also be performing.

Senior choir member Tricia Pabst is looking forward to playing with the band and watching the younger choir members perform.

“My favorite song we are performing is called ‘Earth Song.’ It’s a very pretty piece and challenges us not only on our individual abilities, but being as cohesive as we can as a whole. I am really looking forward to watching the younger choirs perform because they are so talented, plus they are the future of the choral department,” Pabst said. “I look forward to singing a piece with the band entitled ‘Meridian.’ We haven’t done many combined pieces, so I’m excited.”

Junior and percussionist Dario Susjnara is eager to perform alongside the choir, since it is his first concert in which choir will be performing with the band.

“In this concert, I’m looking forward to playing in combination with the choir for the piece ‘Meridian,’ since it is the first time that anything like that will be happening during my time as a part of the band,” he said.

Junior band member Kivaun Jahad is also enthusiastic about the upcoming concert and believes it will be one of the best concerts yet.

“My favorite piece that we are going to be performing would probably have to be ‘Summerland.’ I think it’s such a moving piece and it has so much emotion to it. I think it’s one of the best or favorite pieces that I’ve ever played,” Jahad said. “I’m so thankful to have such a great teacher like Mr. Johnson conducting the band.”

The concert is anticipated to last 2 hours and will be held in the auditorium.