Halloween at West: What You Can and Can’t Wear
Oct 30, 2017
Our beloved Halloween, a holiday that we all grew up taking part in or just observing, is beginning in less than 24 hours. It serves as a day for dressing in whatever you desire and having fun with friends, whether it’s trick or treating or going to a party. Most people remember having Halloween parties in elementary school and showing up in costumes, and the trend of dressing up in school has (somewhat) continued to live on in high school.
Students will be allowed to come to school in costumes, but there are certain limits that may not be exceeded. The student dress code will be in effect: “…students may not wear clothes that distract students or teachers from [the] conduct of educational activities.” In addition to the dress code, students may not attend the school day in masks, full face paint, hats that are not part of the costume, fake weapons, and offensive/derogatory costumes.
“There are a number of things we could do if students don’t obey the costume criteria,” dean Tim Dykes said. “The first thing we’d do is work with the students to get them to comply. If they refuse, then there will be consequences which could go anywhere from a detention being given or having a parent called to pick up the student from the building depending on how unwilling the student is to cooperate.”
Not only do kids and teens like to participate in the holiday, but so do adults. You might be seeing some of your teachers walking the halls in unusual outfits or you’ll just see your teachers in their regular work clothes, not having a care for the holiday. Civics teacher Joe Edwards is not a big participant in the annual holiday.
“I think it’s a little silly to dress up. I will not be dressing up this year. I haven’t dressed up for Halloween ever since I started working here. We use to have institute day on Halloween and that was much nicer because it was calmer and students could just do their thing outside of school,” Edwards said.
Several students have lost their interest for dressing up at school. Sophomore Haris Mackic just doesn’t seem to have the desire to dress up at school anymore.
“I’m not going to be dressing up at school. When no one else does it, you lose the feeling to do it. Although, I do think we should have the day off. It’s just fun to spend time with friends and get candy. Having school makes it not feel like a holiday,” Mackic said.
Whether you’ll be dressing up in school or not, be sure to have a safe and happy Halloween.