Done With College Apps? Here’s How To Celebrate


By Abby Davis, Staff Writer

At this point in the year, the early action/early decision applications for college are due. After months and months of hard work, long nights, and endless essay writing, the first round of application season has officially come to a close. Before you dive head-first into regular decision, take a moment to reward yourself after all the stress you’ve been through.

Beach Walks

Of course summer is officially over, but that doesn’t mean the beach is closed. One of the most relaxing activities to do is walking along the water and feeling the sand on your feet. Because it may be cold outside, make sure to throw on a jacket, some sweatpants and enjoy the atmosphere. It’s a free way to clear your mind, and it is also just a short drive away.

Spend a Day in the City

Removing yourself from the suburbs may be what is needed, and what better way to do that than taking the L with some friends to downtown Chicago? Depending on how much time and money you have, you could fit in some serious sightseeing; The Bean, Navy Pier, Maggie Daley Park, etc. It’s a fun and somewhat extravagant way to celebrate yourself and hang out with people you now have more time for.

Retail Therapy

Treating yourself to that outfit, game, or appliance that you have been pining for, is the perfect way to reward yourself after submitting college applications. Spend an hour or two at the mall, and search for the perfect item that makes you happy. After months of hard work, you deserve to buy yourself something special.

Family Time

In less than a year, you more than likely will not be living with your parents. Take the months you have left, and spend them with your family. You honestly don’t have that much time left to rely on them for everything, so try not to take what you currently have for granted. Seeing them for only a couple month out of the year in the future may be heart breaking. So, relish in the time you still have.

Visit Schools

Once your acceptance letters start rolling in, it is crucial that you begin to visit the colleges you are seriously considering. Decide which one has the right major, perfect campus, price, and vibe that you’re looking for. This is the most rewarding part of turning in your college applications, seeing what your grades and score have gotten you.

Everything you’ve done and accomplished in high school has led up to this. That’s why it’s important to treat and reward yourself. It’s officially over, and there is nothing you can do besides sit back, relax, and wait for all of your acceptance letters. Give some self love, and take the next couple of weeks to focus on you– not overwhelm yourself about your future.