6th Annual Coffee House Cabaret To Be Held This Weekend


By Teodora Simic, Staff Writer

The annual Coffee House Cabaret is going to be held this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm, at the blackbox theater. A variety of performances are put on by Niles West students for anyone who wants to come watch.

The Niles West theater department turns the blackbox theater into a “coffee house.” When you purchase your ticket, you are also given a free Niles West theater coffee mug to fill with a variety of beverages including tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. Audience members get to enjoy a variety of desserts as well.

Each night, Coffee House Cabaret has a set of different acts.

“On Friday, I’m singing ‘Stay’ by Rihanna, but on Saturday I’m performing ‘Opposites Attract’ with Sean Collins and ‘More than Words’ with Anthony Saldana,” said senior Parth Shah. “I’m excited for this year because my acts are a blend of singing, dancing, and comedy. I also get to perform with my closest friends for the last time at coffee house. It’s really bittersweet.”

The Coffee House Cabaret is an opportunity for students to be exposed to Niles West theater. It’s a small showcase of some the talent that walks the halls of West.

“I started performing at Coffee House Cabaret when I was a freshman,” said senior Tricia Pabst. “It was actually my first time in a performance like that and was an introduction to Niles West theater for me. Coffee house paved my path to theater, and without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

The show is a great fundrasier for the West theater program, and any students, alumni, and teachers can perform.

“When we started this six years ago, we barely had enough acts to fill two evenings. We had to go looking for hidden talent in the halls of Niles West,” said Niles West theater director Andrew Sinclair. “Flash forward to the sixth anniversary and I am amazed by the talent that came to audition. This year we have over 48 acts and I’m very excited for how it’s going to go.”

The different acts vary from acoustic singing, spoken word, dance, original poetry, and more. All the money earned from ticket sales will go toward the Niles West theater department.

Grab your family and friends and head to the black box theater for a fun-filled night with unlimited warm drinks and treats.