Senior College Drop-in Day to be Held on Friday


By Adisa Ozegovic, Staff Writer

Students will be free to attend the drop-in day on Friday, Nov. 1 in the College and Career Resource Center during all periods to have their college and application-related questions answered.

The day is held in an attempt to ensure that seniors are completing their application at an adequate time before their deadlines.

“We like to have an internal deadline for our seniors to talk to their counselors and make sure they are sending their applications. We don’t want students to wait till the last day to submit their applications because there needs to be some time on our end to process transcripts, send our letter of recommendations,” college and career counselorĀ Daniel GinĀ said. “If we move this up on two weeks before the actual deadline, then our counselors can guarantee that everything will get [their applications] in on time.”

Many seniors are making certain to use the drop-in day to their full advantage by stopping in, especially since their biggest concern is meeting their deadlines.

“I’m intending to go,” senior Casey Pashup said. “The regular decision deadlines are approaching really quickly. Going makes me feel like I’m doing everything I can, and getting all of the help I need to finish my applications beforehand.”

Other senior students have already completed their applications because they applied Early Action or Early Decision, both of which were due mid-November.

“I am done with all of my deadlines, so I don’t feel the need to go,” senior Zoha Ullah said. “Since all of my applications are finished, I feel stress-free from anything college-related other than admission letters.”