5 Great Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Oct 30, 2018
We’ve all been there, you’re tired, school is stressing you out, you completely forget about planning a Halloween costume, and if you’re anything like me, not dressing up just isn’t an option. If you’ve got yourself in a last-minute disaster, and are too broke to get the 50-dollar itchy spandex costumes from the store, here are some great costumes to make out of regular clothing items.
- Athlete
To be fair, this one is a bit of a cop out, but if you have any athletic gear hanging around, it’s incredibly easy to throw on your uniform and go as an athlete. It counts since you don’t normally wear huge football shoulder pads or soccer cleats to school. For an added effect, carry around a tool of the sport with you, so people don’t confuse your lacrosse uniform for a football one.
2. An Animal
This one is incredibly easy, and you can pretty much wear whatever clothes you want as long as their one uniform color. Don’t go full furry with this. This one has a lot to do with the makeup and all you’d have to purchase is a simple headband with some sort of animal ears. The easiest ones are probably a bunny, a deer, a bear, a cat, and a mouse. I suggest not going full Karen Smith or Elle Woods with your costume since you’ll probably have to wear it to school. Pink eyeshadow or lipstick on your nose for a mouse or bunny, and black for other animals. Don’t forget to add some whiskers too. Deers have become popular, so there are countless tutorials online for it.
3. Barbie or Ken
Pink or blue clothes and a lot of hair gel is all you need to make this look complete. It’d be even funnier if you moved very robotic throughout the day. A pink dress, heels, a little purse is all you need to pull off a Barbie look. Alternatively, you can also use these pink items to make a Sharpay from High School Musical. Pull off a Ken by being more fashionable looking than normal and use almost an entire bottle of gel in your hair. If you for sure want people to know who you are, copy the Barbie or Ken look from Toy Story, though not everyone has access to a blue ascot and full body leotard.
4. Burglar or Mime
If you own a striped shirt, you’re already halfway there. Being a mime requires a good deal of face paint and general miming skills, but all you’ll need in addition to the shirt is a beret and white gloves. For a burglar, you’ll just need to add some black gloves, beanie and maybe a cheap mask. If you want to try a little harder, fill a bag with something or other and put a huge dollar sign on it.
5. An Advertisement
If you want everyone to know who you are without putting in much effort, dress up as an ad. If you’re bald, dress in all white with a cleaning bottle and now you’re Mr. Clean. If you’ve got a beard and some flannel, go as the Brawny man. Jake from State Farm, Flo from Progressive, and the Six Flags Guy are always staples people know and they’re pretty easy to dress up as too.
With these ideas, hopefully, you’ll be able to put a Halloween costume together in no time.