The NWN sat down with the 2018 homecoming court, seniors Angelyna Madrid, Colin Gillespie, Donya Richter, Isa Gil, Michael McKay, Pavle Vuksanovic, Poom Pasapong, Rita Ismayl, and Zainab Shaikh for a Q&A on why each candidate deserves your vote.
Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I decided to run for homecoming cause it’s my last year at West. My friends also encouraged me, saying that I have a lot of school spirit. With that in mind, people should vote for me cause not only do I show a lot of admiration I have for this school by participating in every single spirit week and going to games, but I’m a friend that anyone can count on or relate to. Plus, I’m pretty funny (I mean, I think so).
What are some of your future plans?
I plan to major in Forensic Science and maybe minor in Biology or Chemistry. My dream is to be in the FBI, but I’m happy and satisfied with just solving crimes in a lab. And yes, I know it involved a lot more work than what “Dexter” displays. My top colleges include Michigan State, Loyola, Marian (Wisconsin), and Carroll University. But if I really want to get away, I’d go to the University of Tampa. I also plan on pursuing my track career.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
Throughout my four years here, I’ve played volleyball, tennis, and basketball. This is going to be my second year of being on track. I really regret not running freshman or sophomore year, but I’m for sure going to make the best out of this last ear. This one’s for you, Coach Medland.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
Winning homecoming royalty would definitely make my last year memorable. I want to finish my last year strong with track and my academics. Senior year is totally going to be memorable because of the people I surround myself with. Other than that, I want to make this final year memorable enough so that the Class of 2019 is a class that everyone remembers and wishes they could be apart of if they aren’t already.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
Vine was so iconic, too bad it died. But there’s so many to choose from! One of my favorites is the “I shaves my eyebrows” one. The girl asks, “Why did you do that?!” His response was. “I don’t know.” and jut the way he said it is literally my mood since I shopped basically all my hair in August.
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I grow my hair out up until it reaches my belly button. Then, I chop it all off just so that my hair rests right about my shoulder and donate it! I’ve done this about twice already.

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I wanted to run because I think it would be a lot of fun, and it would also be different, cause I have a disability (hard of hearing). People should vote for me, because I feel accepted at Niles West. Also, they should not vote for me, seeing my cochlear, they should vote for me for who I am.
What are some of your future plans?
I am going to study criminology at some schools. My top three schools are probably northern, whitewater, and ISU.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I am heavily involved in cross country.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
Trying to win homecoming king, and being a leader to the underclassmen.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I have a magnet in my head, that can connect to my cochlear to hear.
Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
Ah, that is so easy! This nomination was so big to me because I was one of those little girls who just thought that the whole idea of Homecoming Queen was so cool. So finding out I was on the court, the little 6-year-old Donya who wanted to be a princess when she grew up totally took over! It’d be cool if y’all voted for me because I think that I represent so many parts of Niles West, whether it’s the higher curriculum, athletics, or fine arts, I’ve really just tried to be super involved throughout high school, and it’s honestly one of the better choices I’ve made! My heart would obviously be so super happy if you voted for me, but if not, I’m sure that whoever you are voting for is just as awesome!
What are some of your future plans?
I’m really leaning towards some form of Biology major right now with a minor in German. Ideally, I’ll end up in either the environmental branch, the medical field, or the FBI. I’m so super excited about college too, I’ve been looking at a bunch of larger out of state schools and I’m hoping to go down south.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I’ve been such a huge extracurriculars kinda gal these past 4 years! Sports wise, I’ve done basketball & tennis, and I was the boys volleyball manager one year. I’m also in Masters Choir & I’m in charge of the program’s social media pages. Additionally, I’m in the Theatre Honor Society, and do some stuff with that. Probably not shocking since I wanna minor in German but I’m also in German Club!
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
Honestly, this year is all about memories for me! I want to meet the new underclassmen, hang out with my friends, and do a bunch of “senior stuff.” I want to leave high school having no regrets and knowing that I tried everything I wanted to.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
For some weird reason, my favorite vine is the “Ms. Keisha” one! If you look up the full video it’s hilarious! That little girl is possessed or something!!
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I love love love country music!

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I decided to run for homecoming court because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and I’ve always seen it in the movies so I thought “Why not?”. I also decided to run because my sister did it and she said it was a fun experience. Also, I’m running to represent the Hispanics in the school. People should vote for me because I feel that I represent what it means to be a West student. I’m involved in multiple different activities like being class president, being a tutor leader, NWN, and student cabinet. I feel that I represent the West students in a positive way.
What are some of your future plans?
For my future plans, I plan to go into communications or journalism because I’m really interested in that after being in NWN. The colleges I’m applying to are UCLA, USC, Boston University, and some safety schools like University of Illinois and Indiana University. My top is definitely USC because they have an amazing journalism and communications program that can open the doors for me.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
Some of the extracurriculars I’m in are NWN, which is the school newspaper, I’m also a tutor leader in the Lit Center, I’m on student government and I’m class president, I’m on the speech team, DECA, and I’m in NHS and National French Honor Society.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
I want to make my last year memorable by just enjoying the last things high school has to offer because, after this, I won’t be able to see a lot of these people. So I’m just gonna enjoy hanging out with my friends, going to the last football and volleyball games, and just living the high school experience.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
My favorite vine is the “I don’t care that you broke your elbow.”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
A fun fact about me is that I religiously wear crocs, every day.

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I knew ever since freshman year that I wanted to run for Homecoming Royalty. I saw how much fun all the past seniors had running their campaigns and bringing people together; it was something I wanted to be part of. I believe the West student body should vote for me because I would love to bring school spirit and tradition back for all grades. West truly is the best, and we can show it off by having our best homecoming ever this year.
What are some of your future plans?
I am hoping to attend a 4-year college, preferably Clemson University and South Carolina, and I would love to become an athletic director/administrator for a high school or Division 1 program.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I am currently serving my second year as captain of the football team, and I am also the Sports Section Editor for the NWN. I am also part of the Iron Wolf Club.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
My last year here at West is truly going to be something special. Whether my buddies and I wear the same uniform every Friday in school, or if I’m out on the football field with my brothers, I know my last year here is going to be spent doing everything I love with the ones whom I love most. I hope the day comes where I can look back at my senior year and reminisce with a smile on the impact I made here.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
Colin Kaepernick Nike ad parodies.
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I always carry a gallon of water and the United States Constitution with me/in my backpack.
Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I just want to go back home. Before I was born, the Serbian imperial family had kicked out my family from their rightful home. Now, stuck in a foreign land, we desire but to go home. By ascending the imperial heights which homecoming king would offer, I would have a chance to marry into the royal family and move back to my homeland. So please vote for me so I can go home. 1 vote = 1 go home.
What are some of your future plans?
College is a mere backup. King of all the lands is a title I plan to hold. If that falls through, I’ll probably go for something stem at a college. Princeton is my early action school, but I’d be happy (not royal family happy) anywhere.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I’m in a few sports (Cross Country, Swimming, Water Polo) and a few clubs (Math team, WYSE, scholastic bowl, Serbian club). But, by far the most demanding is being this beautiful.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
Becoming king of Niles West and ruling with an iron fist.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
This is so sad, can we get 1000 votes?
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I don’t think it be like it is, but it do.

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I want to bring a positive influence to people. People should vote for me because I’m a good person and I can be a good role model.
What are some of your future plans?
I want to study geology and psychology.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I also do sports such and Football, wrestling and track
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
I want to bring a positive influence for the younger grades to the be the best they can before I’m gone.
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I play guitar, sports, martial arts and theatre. Also, I like rock music and country music.

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I decided to run for homecoming court for fun. I told my close friends to nominate me and that if I go in I’d be a fun experience but if I didn’t get in that’d be okay too. People should vote for me because I give a good representation of what a good Niles West student is. I always want to help others in any way that I can and overall by the best me I can be.
What are some of your future plans?
I want to major in political science as an undergraduate then go into law after that. I want to help people and change their live for the better. I strive to be a district attorney one day so I can use my platform to fix unjust situations.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I am apart of the National Thespian Society of Niles West Theater. Previously this year I was Assistant Technical Director of our first show, “Proof.” Currently, I am Paint Lead for our upcoming show, “The Diary of Anne Frank.”
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
I want to make this year memorable by being as positive as I can. I want to make as many friends and I can and do a well in school as I can. I hope to do a lot of fun things not just in school but outside of school with my friends and new friends.
What is your favorite meme or vine?
Is that a chicken?!- Kylie Jenner

Why did you decide to run for homecoming court?
I had friends to encourage me to run for the homecoming queen and when there was homecoming I saw the homecoming court in the stage and getting recognized and thought I should do it as well. My teacher last year was the homecoming sponsor and seeing her made me run as well. People should vote for me because I have helped with decorations for the last 3 years and I have joined Homecoming Committee. People describe me as a very caring, sweet, kind person encouraging me to run to represent my school spirit. I am very willing to listen if people have some issues and I address them to Student Government in which I am part of.
What are some of your future plans?
At first, I was looking for colleges that are nearby by my house like in Chicago. Then I narrowed my search to DePaul or UIC. I also thought of going to Northwestern University but people encouraged me not to go there since it is very expensive, very hard to get into, and very competitive. Then talking or consulting with my parents I made my decision to go to Oakton Community College for 2 years and then transfer to DePaul or UIC after that for 4 years. I wish to major in Teaching or Education because I love to be a teacher. I wanted to be a teacher so I can teach children but mostly I would like to be an Elementary Teacher so I can teach all the subjects.
What are you involved in at Niles West?
I am involved in many clubs like Student Government in which I was a treasurer last school year and I helped address issues to the school board and I am still part of it. I have been in all the cabinets from Freshmen to Senior year meaning all 4 years. I am in Archery Club and I run the Instagram media page for that club. I am also in MSA or Muslim Student Association, I am in Book Club for 3 years and I am the President of that club. I am part of Go Green Club in which we recycle the whole school and it takes a lot of strength and I came in 4th place for how many hours we did the whole school year. I just recently joined Middle Eastern Club and I am the treasurer of that club as well as I am in Indo Pak Club. I also recently joined Homecoming Committee to help with decorations for the dance.
How do you want to make your last year memorable?
Homecoming and Prom mostly because me as well as other Seniors want to make their year memorable by going to Prom and Homecoming with their friends. I also love to remember the International Week because in that week we dress and represent our culture and I think that is pretty cool because our school is so diverse. I want to remember all the Spirit days and all the Pep Assemblies we have making it exciting. Then we also have Senior send-off a barbecue for the seniors after finals hosted by Student Government which is also memorable. Then comes our most memorable part, the graduation which is very much sums up our whole high school years which is sad and happy at the same time.
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I began to work at McDonald’s at Dempster Street for 3 months and I have occupied my time over there taking people’s orders and being a cashier. I love to watch Netflix and I love the Harry Potter saga. I love reading books and I am currently watching A Series of Unfortunate Events. I do a lot of volunteering at my local library and I represent myself in clubs and in my community as well. I am very active and I am a hard worker and occupy myself and find myself constantly busy.
Vote here for your 2018 homecoming royalty. The deadline is Oct. 11 at midnight.