What’s Up December?

Nov 30, 2018
Counting down the days until Winter Break and finals can feel tedious, so here are some events at Niles West, around town and downtown to keep you busy (when not studying for finals of course.)
December 3rd: Niles West Theatre’s Improv Party in the Black Box
December 6th: Senior Panoramic Photo During Homeroom
December 7th: DM Trivia Night in the Lit Center
December 10th-14th: Winter Spirit Week
December 11th: Holiday Double Assembly
December 12th-15th: The Director Studio in the Black Box
December 14th: Winter Pep Assembly
December 19th-21st: First Semester Final Exams
December 22nd-January 6th: Winter Break
Now-December 24th: Christkindlmarket at Daley Plaza
Now-January 6th: Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo
Now-January 6th: Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier
Now-January 6th: Christmas Around the World Exhibit at MSI
December 1st: Holly Days Festival in Morton Grove
December 8th: B96’s Jingle Bash at Allstate Arena
December 9th: Muse at Aragon Ballroom
December 12th-15th: Greta Van Fleet at Aragon Ballroom
December 14th-16th: Con Alt Delete at Donald E. Stephens Center
December 15th-16th: Randolph Street Holiday Market
Hopefully, some of these events will keep you busy to distract you from Holiday anticipation, or finals fear.