It’s Promposal SZN; Get in the Game
Senior girls showing their corsages at prom 2018
Apr 11, 2019
The long-awaited and final bash of high school is slowly creeping around the corner, PROM! There have been movies, books, and music made solely on this event. Everything about this day is glamorous, including the promposals.
All West students who are attending prom may enter the 2019 Promposal Contest. Contestants have the chance to win two free yearbooks or a dinner at a restaurant of their choice with their significant other that they are asking to prom (up to $50).
To enter, use the hashtag #nwnpromposal19 on a picture of the promposal. You can enter via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or email us at [email protected] or DM any of our social media pages if you happen to be private on social media.
The deadline to enter is Thurs., May 9 at 8:00 A.M. After all submissions have been submitted, The NWN staff will pick the five best promposals to move to be finalists. Then the voting for the finalists will take place via 5-star poll and will commence Friday, May 10. The winning couple will be announced and notified on Tues., May 14.
Rules for the contest are simple:
1. All entries must be submitted by Thurs., May 9 at 8:00 A.M.
2. Finalist round voting will end at 8:00 a.m. Tues., May 14.