Dance Marathon Blood Drive

Dance Marathon Blood Drive

On Friday, Nov. 15, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Dance Marathon is hosting a blood drive in the student commons. If you want to donate blood, you must sign up for an appointment before Friday at the table outside the cafeteria or in the student activities office.

Before being so eager to become a donor, you must make sure you meet the requirements:

  • At least 16 years old
  • At least 110 pounds
  • Have a signed parent permission slip
  • Sign up for an appointment during a free period ONLY

If you take medications or travel outside the United States, you might be deferred from donating. Check with the Heartland staff to determine whether or not you are eligible to donate. Student activities director Katie Odell sent out an email to the entire student body everything you need to know about the blood drive.

Senior Iza Batorowicz has signed up and will be donating her blood on Friday for the first time. Batorowicz is beyond excited to donate knowing that she is going to be helping people in the long run.

“I decided to donate because the more people donating, the more people will who will be receiving the help they need,” Batorowicz said. “I’ve never donated before because my health hasn’t been the best, but this will be the last time I’ll be able to donate, so I want to do the most I can. It makes me feel like I’m doing a good thing for someone I don’t even know and that’s something I wish everyone could think about doing when it comes to anything in the world.”

While many people wish to donate, not everyone has the ability to. Senior Alexander Benitez has a great fear that prevents him from donating.

“I’ve always wanted to donate because I want to be able to help those who critically need it. Unfortunately, I’m terrified of needles. There’s no way I’d be able to overcome that fear anytime soon. Hopefully, one day I’ll get over it and go donate as much as I can, but for now, I’m afraid to say I cannot,” Benitez said.

The requirements tend to become an issue for many students who want to participate, but senior Niyah Poole has finally beat all that is required and will be donating this year.

“My parents never let me give blood when I was 16, they wanted me to wait ’till I turned 17. My birthday just passed in September so now I’m able to donate,” Poole said. “I want to donate because it helps so many people. My stepdad donates as often as he can, and it inspires me to do everything I possibly can to help anyone in need.”

Blood drives are a great way to make a difference in someones life. If we have enough to sustain ourselves and extra to give to those who don’t have enough, then why not.

“Helping others is the key to everything in life,” Batorowicz said.

Parent permission slip form: