What’s Going on With Black Friday This Year

Nov 24, 2020
With Thanksgiving around the corner, many people will be staying at home and celebrating with only immediate family due to Covid-19. That begs the question: What’s happening with Black Friday this year? In short, the Covid-19 pandemic will change the Black Friday experience.
This year, Black Friday falls on November 27th, 2020, the day after Thanksgiving. While many are familiar with the endless lines and door-busting stampedes associated with Black Friday, that will all be a thing of the past. For those going out, they will see many if not all of the stores have Covid-19 safety protocols and a limit on how many people are allowed in a store at once.
According to Katie Bourque from Good House Keeping, “most brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping sites start their Black Friday deals at midnight on Thanksgiving night, but in the past, some major retailers have opened their doors early to customers as early as 4 p.m. on Thanksgiving. However, many major chains are already updating their holiday hours to announce that they will be fully closed on Thanksgiving this year.”
To find a list of which stores will be open and at what time they will be open, click here. To find a list of large stores, their plans for Black Friday, and some of their deals, click here.
For those going in person to shop, it may be a good idea to call ahead and confirm that the stores that hold their interest are going to be open.
While many stores will still be open for Black Friday, according to USA Today, “…a survey of 1,000 consumers by Suzy, a real-time market research platform, 36% of Americans said they plan to shop in-person on Black Friday. The survey found online shopping is expected to be more popular, with 59% of those surveyed planning to shop online on Black Friday vs. in-store visits.”
As such, this year, the frenzy of getting the best deals will be surrounding the computer. Retailers are also opting for more deals online to attract more customers online.
No matter if it’s the holiday season, during these difficult times, we still need to stay safe and healthy. According to the State of Illinois Coronavirus Response, “…to slow the spread of the virus, remember the 3 Ws: WASH your hands, WATCH your distance, and WEAR a mask.”