Starbucks Fall Menu: Worth the Hype?

Starbucks drink
Oct 17, 2022
It is finally that time of year when teenage girls all over the country go crazy for pumpkin spice drinks. During this yearly craze, Starbucks releases multiple fall-flavored drinks. To really see what the hype was about, I decided to taste test and critique 5 of Starbucks’ most popular fall drinks.
Drink #1: Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
As pumpkin is in the name, I expected to get a hint of the orange fruit – yes it is a fruit. However, the gist of this drink, is that it doesn’t even taste like pumpkin. Although there are hints of cinnamon and vanilla, the pumpkin flavor was nowhere to be found. Now the foam was a fun addition to the coffee, but it is unfortunately not even reminiscent of the pumpkin. While the drink is not bad itself, the name is completely misleading. If you ask me, it should be renamed to something fitting, that has zero mention of anything related to pumpkins.
Drink #2: Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino
This is probably the most visibly pleasing drink off the Starbucks fall menu. With this being the front runner, I had high expectations. Although my hopes are not completely crushed, I am simply just underwhelmed by this drink. Compared to the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, I could taste some pumpkin, but barely any. It tasted as if the barista put a teaspoon of pumpkin puree in the drink before it hit the blender. It is possible that there is more pumpkin in the drink than I thought, but the immense amounts of cream and 65 grams of sugar definitely play a part in drowning out the flavor. The drink undoubtedly needs more pumpkin in it to even qualify to be named the Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino. Overall, the drink is still enjoyable, I just would rather spend money on something that tastes as advertised.
Drink #3: Apple Crisp Oat Milk Macchiato
This is the drink I liked the least. With the apparent theme of drinks not tasting as marketed, Starbucks somehow managed to do it again. This macchiato is supposed to have an apple crisp flavor, but instead solely tastes like an Oat Milk Macchiato. The only flavors I picked up were cinnamon, oat, and lots of sugar. Starbucks should instead name it the Oat Milk Macchiato.
Drink #4: Cinnamon Dolce Latte
Although I thought it was impossible, I finally found a drink that tastes as advertised. With the first sip, I could taste cinnamon and caramel. It is very creamy for a latte and the overall taste reminded me of hot chocolate, but with a caramel twist. As the first drink on this list that tastes as one would expect, it is also the first drink I would recommend.
Drink #5: Caramel Apple Spice
After tasting this drink, I felt the most defeated and scammed. Unlike the elegant, sweet, caramel-flavored juice I was anticipating to grace my taste buds, it literally tastes like normal apple juice with a dash of caramel sauce. Anyone can save some money and make this drink at home. Simply get apple juice, put it in the microwave, and put a drop of caramel sauce into the glass. If you go to Starbucks, do not spend money on this supposedly extravagant drink and instead ask for apple juice in a cup.
Overall, all but one of these drinks are worth the price Starbucks charges for them. I sadly felt more poor than pleased after my taste tests. Do not spend your money on a drink that is made out to be something that it will not taste like. The cheap flavors and incorrect marketing evidently need to be changed to something more accurate, but I suppose this is the common ploy of Starbucks (unless we are talking about the Cinnamon Dolce Latte).