Due to a decision made by the school board at the end of last school year, students are now allowed to text and make calls from their cell phones during passing periods and lunch.
“I think [the policy] is good for both students and teachers,” said senior Jasmin Nieves. “Giving out detentions is a hassle for both.”
During one of his class addresses Tuesday, Aug. 30, principal Kaine Osburn noted that the change came about as a result of student government asking for a policy change last year. Before the school board came to a decision, officials from Niles West went to another school that had a cell phone policy similar to the one in place now to see how effective the policy was.
The new policy has received some positive responses so far.
“I like it,” said freshman Ashleigh Aybar. “I’m on my phone a lot, so it’s easier this way.”
Dean Joaquin Stephenson agrees.
“I think [the policy] is fantastic,” Stephenson said. “It’s a place for students to use their own cell phones, and there are less instances in the classroom.”
Some reactions were more neutral.
“I really don’t care,” said sophomore Olivia Schoenfeldt. “My phone’s always in my backpack.”
Some students, such as sophomore Lynn Vo, feel negatively about the policy.
“People go slower in the hallway,” said Vo.
Some students are still questioning if the new policy has changed how often students text while in class.
“I’ve never really texted in class, but some kids finish their texts from the halls,” said Nieves.
Stephenson admits that some cell phones have already been turned into the deans’ office, but that there’s a difference.
“It’s much less than last year,” he said.
khan. • Jun 1, 2012 at 10:39 PM
This policy is great. I hope they continue with this policy for a few more years.
Paulina Michael • Sep 15, 2011 at 3:22 PM
I think the new cell phone policy is great, and really convenient for all the students here at West.
Joe Retondo • Sep 6, 2011 at 5:46 PM
I am a sophomore and I think that this new policy is nice because when I need to contact my sister who is on the other side of the school or if i need my mom to bring something I have the passing period to do that and not have to sneak it in the bathroom like I did last year. It also gives teachers a break from yelling at us too. I hope we keep this poilcy because i think it is working so far.