Last night MTV premiered their annual Video Music Awards and as I’m sure you all read on your Twitter feeds last night, controversial and enticing are the best two words to be able to described the night. From Miley Cyrus’s interesting performance to Kayne’s, sort of, apology to Taylor Swift, it was all to please and entertain the crowd.
Alright, so the tearjerker of the night has to go to the reunion of NYSNC. I have to say, those ten seconds they were singing on stage together was one of the best moments of the night (and possibly my life). Justin Timberlake, to say the least, was amazing last night considering that he literally performed for 20 minutes straight. And those random cuts to his parents crying was pretty adorable.
But as amazing as JT was, I think the best performance of the night has to go to Macklemore, Jennifer Hudson, and Mary Lambert up there who started out as a backup singer and ended in a battle with Jennifer over who sang “not crying on Sundays” best. The emotion and energy that went into the performance of his newest hit “Same Love” was fantastic and really sent out the message of the song. Seriously though, props to Macklemore for being able to rap across such a strong and deep message for human rights.
The award for the most provocative performance of the night would have to go to Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke, and I don’t mean popular in a good way. The performance started out with Miley on stage dressed in some weird teddy bear leotard and ended with her in a spandex/plastic/nude bikini, a foam finger between her legs and Robin lost in the performance. Although Cyrus has attracted a lot of bad attention I have to say that I thought her performance wasn’t that bad. Sure, it wasn’t very conservative like her old Hannah Montana identity, but it was pretty entertaining. Let’s be honest, the VMA’s are all about getting as much controversy as possible to bring attention towards the awards, that’s show business, and with that being said, Miley did a great job at that. Also, I didn’t think her sing was half bad either.
Now although most say that Miley and Robin’s performance was the worst moment of the night, I think that there were two other face-palm worthy moments. The first would have to be One Direction winning the best song of the summer award with a song called, “The Best Song Ever”. Are you kidding me? There are way to many directioners in the world that it literally floods out all the real songs that were competition.
And lastly, the biggest heartbreak of the night has to be the fact that Ed Sheeran won no awards. I mean, come on, Bruno Mars is old news, I definitely think that Ed deserved that award. But alas, award or no award, he’s still beautiful. Next year Ed…. next year.
Overall, the VMA’s were super enjoyable and definitely worth procrastinating all my homework.