The Niles West girls varsity volleyball team went up against the New Trier Trevians last night. They fought hard, but in the end, they could not pull out the win. The Trevians and Wolves both had been battling for the first-in-conference spot, which was up for grabs and dependent on the outcome of this game.
The Wolves took the first set with a final score of 25-15, but they lost both the second and third game with a final score of 25-12 and 25-22.
The support the Wolves received at the game was undeniable with all the cheers and chants of the fans fueling their desire to win.
“The game was very intense, and the student section was very energetic,” sophomore Christian Lewis said. “I was upset at the loss because there were debatable calls in crucial parts of the game that cost West the win.”

The fans were not the only ones sadden by the loss; the girls themselves had worked very hard up to this point in the season and were really fighting for the win.
“I was devastated because I know we could’ve won, but I was also happy with the way my team pulled through,” freshman Arianna Lopez said.
The loss was a very unfortunate and hard one to watch, but the girls plan to come back and grow from it with optimism for the rest of their season.
“I am a very positive person,” sophomore Natalia Pehar said. “I know it was a really, really hard game. But I know I put in my all, and as for the team, we are all very emotional right now and mad because we know we could’ve done it. Tomorrow is a new day, so we need to move past this and start playing our hardest to get as far as we can.”