Expressions: A Club For Creative Writers


Zubair Muhammad

Expressions members working on writing prompts during a club meeting.

By Zubair Muhammad, Staff writer/blogger

Are you a creative writer? Do you love writing stories or anything crazy that comes to your mind? If the answer to both these questions is yes, then you should check out the creative writing club, otherwise known as Expressions.

According to sponsor and English teacher Michele Lewis, members of the club have the opportunity to write about any topic they desire or create artwork, to be eventually featured and showcased in the club’s literary magazine.

“Expressions is the student literary magazine where we showcase works students have written throughout the school year. Most of the magazine is creative writing, however, there is also original student art that is featured. The main purpose of our club meeting is to put together a magazine that we will print in May, at the end of the school year, and distribute to students,” Lewis said.

Typical meetings for club members include completing fun writing prompts, writing short stories, poetry, and eventually putting together student submissions for a website and creating the literary magazine. Although students could write about any topic they choose, they must keep it school appropriate.

“It’s a school produced publication and so things need to be appropriate for the general high school audience, but yes they [students] could write about anything they desire,” Lewis said.

Some students like the opportunity and time Expressions provides to do some creative writing at the end of a busy school day.

“One of my favorite things about this club is I get to set time out of my day to just sit down and write because school is kind of hectic and you don’t usually get that time to just write what you want to write,” sophomore Anne Kelly said. “A lot of the time school can get very overwhelming and you don’t get to do a lot of the things you enjoy, and if you enjoy creative writing but you just don’t have the time, this kind of forces you to sit down and write and focus on something other than schoolwork.”

The club is also a great opportunity for creative people to get together and create amazing work, even if it isn’t writing.

“Creative people can just get together and do their thing– it’s mostly creative writing but anything creative [artwork, photography] can go,” senior Megan Bulmash said.

For anyone interested in joining Expressions, the club meets on Tuesdays after school in room 1195. If students are unable to attend meetings, there are other ways to get involved and have your creative work included on the club website and in the magazine.

“You can always submit your writing to me, send me an email [[email protected]] and attach what you have, or if you have physical artwork that you would like for me to include you could leave it on my desk in the English office. Or students can even give work to their own English teachers and those teachers will pass along the work to me,” Lewis said.