DECAlicious Goes Eco-Friendly


Sammy Butera

Mohammad Larya serving DECAlicious.

By Lexi Lee, News Editor

DECA’s very own student-run ice cream business has recently made the transition from traditional plastic supplies to environmentally friendly spoons, cups and bags. They made the executive decision to go green in order to help reduce the effects of plastic on the environment.

Seniors Mohammad Larya, Jack Joseph and Nabil Saiyed are the ‘CEOs’ of DECAlicious this year and were the driving forces behind the decision.

“DECAlicious chose to go green because we’re transitioning our business to be more environmentally friendly. We want our brand to be aligned with [the environment],” Larya said.

All of the materials were switched to a biodegradable material to improve the carbon footprint.

“We transitioned all of our plastic supplies, our cups, spoons, bags, stuff like that, transitioned over to biodegradable supplies, so instead of spending 400-500 years in a landfill as plastic spoons, our supplies are biodegradable in 180 days, which is six months,” Larya said.

DECAlicious was inspired by their peers to finally make the change despite the costs.

“Our costs almost doubled, but in the end it is worth it because we are saving the planet and making a difference,” Joseph said.

“We were inspired by Go Green club and seeing fellow our fellow peers and our school caring so much [about] the environment and we just wanted to do something to do our part,” Joseph said.

DECA sponsor Tricia Brown is proud of the change despite the costs.

“I think it’s been a long time coming, and I’m glad these three boys are carrying that out this year,” Brown said.