Submit Your Holiday Grams Video Now!


Holiday Gram poster from the Niles West Choir regarding gram orders that was sent out by Ms. Odell on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2020.

By Emily Chin, Staff Writer

Students received an email from student activities director Katie Odell on Tue. Nov. 24, 2020, regarding holiday grams from the Niles West’s Choir. The grams include an audio link with the recording of a well known holiday tune from a solo or small ensemble. All tunes will be sent out via email the week of December 14.

If you’re interested in ordering a holiday gram, you can order it through the Niles West Choir Website. All holiday grams are free, but there is a suggested $10 donation to help support the Niles West Music Parents Association (NWMPA).

If you have a friend in Niles West Choir, you can request a recording with that student, but it is not guaranteed. Remember, orders close on Wed. Dec. 9. Go order now and bring the holiday spirits to your friends, family, and neighbors!