Netflix Releases New Reality TV Show “The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On”


“The Ultimatum” show poster

By Isa Gil, Staff Writer

If you have been on Netflix lately, you’ll see there haven’t been many shows worth watching — that is, until the release of “The Ultimatum.” Given the title, you can already infer what the show is going to be about: an ultimatum put upon a partner due to their objection to getting married. Can an ultimatum really save a relationship? Or will it end one? Well, that’s what this show is about.

In this series, there is a group of six couples of whom, one has placed the ultimatum and the other one has doubts about getting married. The point of the show is to let the couples spend a day with each other before splitting and choosing another member of the cast to live with for a couple of weeks. The point of this is to see if they stay truthful and miss their partner. In addition, it challenges them to overcome internal obstacles they need to get rid of before getting married. It also makes them become aware if their original partner is the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

After the new couples end their week trial, they then pair up with the people they’ve arrived with and live with them for the same amount of time. The show then ends with each person deciding whether they want to get married, break up, leave alone or get into a relationship with the new partner they were living with. I thought this process was super nerve-racking, and I personally couldn’t do it because it would suck to see your person with someone else.

Although this show may sound boring, it isn’t. All the couples develop some jealousy and choose unexpected paths. Some individuals continue to be love-struck by their partners, while their partner is out there building a relationship with someone else. Also, some of the cast brings their new partners to meet their parents, which really does a deep dive into their previous relationships and how strong they were or what they were missing. I found this scene very interesting because it just gave you some insight into how much the parents loved or hated the previous partner.

Aside from relationships, it is interesting to see how easily people are willing to date others even if they have been in a  relationship for years. It shocked me how contestants Madlyn Ballatori and Rae Williams quickly got over their partners. It really makes you wonder if they ever did love the person or were just looking to finally build a family with whoever is willing. Furthermore, the show teaches you that a relationship is built on loyalty, trust and a willingness to talk things out with a person which is something that prevents most of these couples from getting married.

Overall, I would give this show an 8/10. It is something that is new and fresh and it’s just interesting to watch why people do or don’t choose to get married.