New AP Summer Camp Comes to West


By Isa Gil, Arts and Entertainment Editor

If you’re interested in taking an Advanced Placement (AP) class, but are too scared because you don’t know what it’s going to be like, no worries! For the first time ever, Niles West is offering AP summer classes to students who are new to an AP class. These classes are intended to help students get the hang of the college-level course curriculum and get them in the zone as to what to expect.

Furthermore, this AP summer camp will allow students to think more efficiently, meet, communicate and collaborate with other AP students, strengthen attention and focus, build time management habits and work with AP teachers. The camp is free and transportation will be provided if needed.

These classes will be taking place at Niles West on Aug. 7, 8 and 9 from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. To register, you have to submit a Google form before the last day of school, Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

As for what the curriculum holds, it is a good chance for students to feel comfortable with the material as well as develop a growth mindset.

“The idea behind creating this sort of boot camp, we are calling it, is to really support students who are taking an AP class for the first time. The goal is to get more people to feel more comfortable about being involved in AP classes and to make sure that our AP classes are reflective of our school community as a whole. Furthermore, the camp will provide a preview of the skills that students will need in AP classes as well as some of the content. It is also a good opportunity for students to meet potential classmates in order to build a kind of AP community before the school year starts,” Social Studies teacher Megan Spletzer said.

One goal teachers are really trying to tackle in this program is the mindset within students.

“Everything in this program will have to do with growth mindset, but we will also talk about mental health and time management which are things that students sometimes don’t handle very well,” English teacher Michelle Hettinger said.

“This program is essentially built to give them a little head start and familiarize themselves with the course as well as the skills that will be needed,” Hettinger said.

“As we are planning it, we are really focused on making sure that students are sort of equipped with the mindset they need to do well in an AP class. We’ve talked about things like making sure students know that if they don’t get something on the first try, they can always push through and find the resources they need to understand, ” Spletzer said.

Physics teacher, Martha Lietz, also believes this program will be beneficial for students.

“I think this program is a good chance for students to get a jump on the curriculum. It allows them to familiarize themselves with the material, and it is a great chance to start building connections as well as see what an AP class is all about,” Lietz said.