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Netbooks or Textbooks?

As everyone knows by now, the freshmen have been generously given netbooks this year. With the internet and programs like Skype, a laptop can supply hours of entertainment. Lucky them, right? Wrong.

Staring at textbooks for hours a day can be straining enough on our eyes. Now imagine staring at textbooks on a computer screen for hours. Many of the textbooks the freshmen use are now online-only. Typing this column up is giving me enough of a headache. I can’t picture learning about DNA replication or the history of Roman architecture by staring at a computer.

By the end of high school, the class of 2014 will all be wearing glasses or contacts and live with migraines for the rest of their lives. Sure, carrying one laptop versus multiple textbooks back-and-forth from school and home is a lot easier, but I’d rather have a strong back than weak eyes and headaches. Freshman Isabel Ramirez agrees with me.

“Personally, I like textbooks. Netbooks are nice to have, but they’re a big process and more time-consuming.”

Last year, the administration blocked Facebook from the school because it was a distraction. Facebook is one of the thousands of distractions online. Freshmen have access to the internet all day and every day now. I mean, how easy is it to Google the latest pictures of Lady Gaga’s outfits or play Pac-Man in the middle of a global studies lecture instead of taking notes? Freshmen don’t have enough experience in high school yet to know when to pay attention, or when it’s okay to take a break and still understand what’s being taught in class.

Not only do the laptops give you headaches and distractions, but they give you technical difficulties as well. How many times have you made an iMovie or a PowerPoint presentation for a class, and then it doesn’t work? For me it happens so frequently that I choose not to do those types of projects when I have a choice.

What is a freshman supposed to do if they can’t turn on the computer at home, and everything they did is on it, or the battery dies in the middle of class? In the computer lab, there is a help desk/netbook support office where someone is always at the desk. If the freshmen run into problems at home, they have to come in early to school and get help then.

How convenient.

What are they supposed to do if they lose them or get them stolen? All of these issues are serious, yet, for most freshmen, they’re still trying to get used to the building and high school for that matter, let alone fixing their computers.

Principal Kaine Osburn says that one of the reasons the freshmen received netbooks was to “prepare students for 21-century skills.” Getting students ready for the work force is a great idea, and I acknowledge that, but when it comes down to all these potential health issues and problems, is it really worth it?

I don’t think it is. I feel badly for the freshmen. On top of school work and extra-curricular activities, they’ll have to cope with all these problems and difficulties. And I thought my freshman year was hard…

Freshmen weigh in: Do you love your netbook? Why? Does it cause you problems? Is it worth it? We want to know!

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  • S

    Sheryl CherianOct 2, 2010 at 4:11 PM

    Ivana, congrats on a strong article! I’m not just saying that because I agree with your opinion. I think that the negatives strongly outweigh the positives in this argument. By looking at the comments of people who even disagree with your opinion, I see a concurring theme of one or two plausible positive points. People who think netbooks are better than textbooks mostly have opinion as their reasoning. It is great that some freshmen are enjoying their netbooks. What I’m concerned about is all the freshmen that are not. Also, you’re “how convenient” line made me smile out loud, so once again, great job!

  • I

    Ivana KosirSep 28, 2010 at 9:35 AM

    Thank you for reading my column. Even though I disagree with many of you, believe it or not, I appreciate your comments. I’m glad to read that many of the readers agree with me, but it makes me happy to hear that so many of you like your netbooks. Having the patience to deal with the netbooks is half the battle, so seeing that many of you like them is good to hear. Just over the weekend, I saw a freshman’s Facebook status as something along the lines of “just broke my netbook screen.” I hate to say I told you so….

  • M

    marwib1Sep 27, 2010 at 9:36 AM

    For the people that have disagree with this blog, good for you, I’m glad you’re sticking to an opinion. But if you think that people don’t like the netbooks because they are jealous, you’re strongly mistaken. Going to your locker, and carrying around a backpack of books is part of the high school experience. I understand how kids wouldn’t have access to a computer at home, and that is a positive outcome of all of this. I do not know of any teacher that will not force you to go on a paper. Most assignments are worksheets etc, and if you need the computer.. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE IRC IS FOR?!?! We have computers at school for a reason. And if the school was so upset about people going on facebook, they are just handing students a reason to try and break into the system. And now you have more to distract you (Youtube, all the game sites) I think it’s pretty much a waste of money. Money that we could have used for something better, that would actually benefit the school as a whole, and not just one grade.

  • A

    aimmoy1Sep 24, 2010 at 10:09 PM

    I strongly agree to the author of this article. I am an old school student who likes to read things paper and pencil method. I also think financially for a difference of 200 bucks, you could have just gotten regular laptops that are more functioning.

  • R

    Rick.j44Sep 24, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    I disagree. You are just hating that you don’t have one. Maybe you don’t like but other people do and taking it away wouldn’t be fair to other people who actually want them and some people don’t even have computers at home.

  • M

    matdel1Sep 24, 2010 at 2:03 PM

    I agree because, when we are on the computers it is very tempting to start playing games so a lot of kids are not paying attention and just playing games. Then when you are in class reading a book on your netbook it starts to hurt eyes a lot, since your always on the computer.

  • S

    SHALEV3Sep 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM

    My take on this article is that most of the time these netbooks have problems or are distracting most of the time freshmen are gaming during the middle of class or there is a problem with at least one netbook during a class period. I also think that by the end of the four years of high school students will all need glasses from staring at a screen for hours during the school day. The one positive thing we get out of these netbooks is it lightens the load in students backpacks.But eventually in the future most schools will probably be experiencing the same thing we have the opportunity to test out.

  • C

    clapar5Sep 24, 2010 at 1:45 PM

    I totally agree with freshman having net books because I don’t have to go to my locker everyday and be late for class. Net books are great because we don’t have to carry with all of our heavy books . If you are freshman don’t have a net books, your back must hurt after several days. Sometimes I disagree because I have technically difficulty with my net books like wireless, my log in, and not having my chargers. Sometimes the net books breaks.

  • J

    Jsoldier10Sep 24, 2010 at 1:42 PM

    I’m Kinda in the middle of this article. Im in the middle because it is nice not carrying all these textbooks and going to my locker to exchange it for another one, but the thing I really hate about the netbooks are the technical issues. After a while they get really aggravated. Also the software stinks so bad. Why don’t we get Microsoft software?. I mean at the end of the day we are gonna pay for the laptops right. So thats why the netbooks are good and bad in my opinion.

  • D

    DAVNIP1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:41 PM

    I both agree and disagree. I agree because since I already wear glasses, I notice that my eyes are getting worse. I disagree in some point because the netbooks are lighter and they are useful for researching in class. But I like using the book better only at home but not in class. sometimes I have troubles on my netbook but it still helps me in some ways

  • D

    DADDAR1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:40 PM

    The Net Books are both good and bad. the net books have their problems with it’s loading and controlling but it takes time to learn and i believe that we should wait a little longer before we can really we can comment about the net books but i think we should think about the positive abilities for the net books.

  • J

    jamhei1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:40 PM

    I agree and disagree with everyone for different reasons, these are distractions, but they are also tools to help us get work done faster and more efficient.

  • M

    mukbul1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:38 PM

    I like the netbooks because it’s way better than carrying books all around. It hasn’t caused any problems yet and I do think it’s worth it but sometimes the website that we need for research is blocked and can’t get the information that we need.

  • A

    alenis1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:38 PM

    I strongly disagree. For me, my network works perfectly fine and I never have trouble with it. I think that its a better idea than having to carry our books everywhere. Especially our Global Studies text books, have you seen the size of those things? They’re way to heavy. I disagree where you had said that its a distraction in class because if they are on during class when they’re not supposed to be, then the teacher would tell you to turn it off. Some websites like Facebook are blocked at school. I also like how were the first year to have the opportunities to use them and for the first time using them, were not having crazy problems. It’s the first year and were just getting used to them, over time it’ll get better. If we have essays or anything in school, we go on a website were able to go on the computers at home. Also, us forgetting our netbooks and or forgetting to charge it is our responsibility just as doing our homework. The only thing i agree with is the comment about our eyes hurting or something. I think that if teachers don’t like the idea of the netbooks, then they shouldn’t use it for their class. It’s simple and easier from many people. I do feel bad for the people that type slowly but maybe the netbooks can help improve how fast people type.

  • C

    colwon1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:37 PM

    I think that giving us the Net Book was great idea for us the class of 2014 and classes after us to be exposed to computers, and be able to be exposed to a door to the 21st century. Even though the net books could cause distractions, the net book is for the students to able to access their books on the web and be reminded of whats the homework. There has been people saying that starring at a computer causes people to have glasses, or contacts. The fact is, if your dumb enough to stare at a screen a few centimeters away then for a long period of time, without rest than thats your fault for having glasses or contacts.

  • M

    melstr1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:36 PM

    As a freshman I agree and disagree. Some of the reasons why I agree is because the netbooks are easier to carry around, it is easier turning in homework up on moodle than having a million papers mixed around in my folders. Some of the reasons why I disagree is because sometimes I would be in the middle of an essay and my netbook would either run out of battery or not work for some odd reason. The way I feel about net books: They are really nice to have, but sometimes they can get a little frustrating.

  • M

    MATLAT2Sep 24, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    I agree with the author of the article. These little distractions that we carry around with us every day are not helpful to Niles West students learning. One of the main problems I have with mine is the connection. The first week or two I couldn’t go online because none of the networks worked. I had to create a new network which was very difficult. They expect us to know what to do I guess. It also gets me very upset when I see someone doing something that they are not suppose to do like go on an inapropriate website or play games. How to you expect students to learn with something they can’t behave with. These Netbooks are just terrible.

  • E

    ELIJAI1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:29 PM

    I do not love my netbook because I don’t like to use it . The laptops honestly get really annoying! There not fun AT ALL. Its true they do distract you. My eye vision was perfect! Now its really not I cant see the board in math class. I rather be okay with my vision then have these netbooks. I never liked them from the start. I always complained about it, and i rather carry around my books. Yeah, who would ever say that? Me! I don’t like the netbooks, and everytime I do my homework the netbook its right there, and I have to open it, and do something. People say wow how lucky are you but, I bet everyone would hate it as much as i do.

  • N

    nomel42Sep 24, 2010 at 1:06 PM

    I think that it goes both ways. We as freshman will get one or the other, back or eye pain. But, I totally agree with you; people do go on the netbooks and search the web in class. I get distracted when he/she is playing and not paying attention to what is happening in class. This happen to me at least three times today in school. However this is a good tools for us when it is used properly like homework or research. If it wasn’t for my netbook I would have forgotten 5 assignments and get an F in one class. In my opinion, they are neither good nor bad

  • M

    Mrs.CookieMonsterSep 24, 2010 at 1:04 PM

    I think that the freshman should be able to choose which one they want to use because me personally i love the net books because i can use them anywhere i can do my homework in the car and in the store and at anytime. i have access to the Internet 24/7. Its not even five pound i can just carry this in my purse and not have to worry about ripping pages and leaving them in my locker. it makes it easier.
    We talked about this in class and one kid said that he doesn’t like them because he can’t type fast on them. i said that later on in life we are only going to have computers, we wont be using paper and pencils. and it will help in later in life too

  • N

    NIKAUD1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:04 PM

    I think that you are right about the hurting your eyes because we are using them every day in like every period and if we keep doing this every day until school is over then people would be wearing glasses or contacts. Having text books instead of the netbook would be much better because we could have problems with the netbook at home which then we couldn’t do our homework since most of our homework is on the netbooks.

  • J

    josrub1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:03 PM

    i think that we should have the net books because we have less things to take home. Also i mean it was good when we carried books because it made our backs stronger. Also it does save us from loosing our papers cause we cant loose them unless we loose our net book. But the article makes a good point because we shouldn’t be on the computer more because thats what most people do when they get home.

  • M

    mahjam1Sep 24, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    I love the net books because i don’t have to go to my locker at all to get my books and my backpack is so much lighter. The net books do cause a lot of problems especially in class. Every day in class theres people getting out of class to go to the help desk to fix their problem and it takes a lot of time. It is worth it in my opinion because it is a lot easier for me, but some kids in my class said that they don’t like it because they are a slow typer and rather use books so I think that we should have an option either we want to use books or net books.

  • B

    bledsoe94Sep 24, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    I both agree and disagree. I agree because slow typers, like me, are going to have a tough time typing papers. I disagree because no one is going to get glasses or contacts just by looking at a computer screen.
