Hey guys! So today, I decided to shake things up a bit, and make a list of… something.
The idea I ended up coming up with was, things I wish I had done differently my freshman year of high school. Now I know I’m only a sophomore and don’t have that much high school experience, but I still believe I have some experience to share with the freshmen. So let’s just get right into it:
1. I definitely wish I hadn’t filled up my backpack with all my books and notebooks, binders and folders. At least 99% of the freshmen always have humungous backpacks that end up sticking out five feet from their back. But, hey, once we get acquired to our schedule and everything, usually those ‘freshman backpacks’ lose a few pounds and not to mention, a few inches.
2. I wish I hadn’t slacked off from the middle to end of the year. Middle school and junior high had gotten most of us in the horrible habit of slacking. I’ve definitely learned my lesson from that, considering my grades were a reflection of my procrastination.
3. I would change the fact that I didn’t take finals as seriously as I should have. Yeah… I didn’t study that much at all, I mean I did fine, I didn’t fail any finals, but I know I could have done a lot better if I had taken it a lot more seriously.
4. Oh gosh, I wish I hadn’t neglected the fact that I have so many resources to help me when I don’t understand something in math or English. Obviously we have the Lit Center, but our teachers are willing to also help to if you reach out to them. Yeah… I didn’t exactly realize that for a while.
5. And lastly, I wish I had joined more clubs. Although I did get pretty involved by joining debate and writing a freshman blog for the NWN, I wish I had just done at least one more club. Getting involved is super important for your high school career, as I’m sure you all know!
So, yeah! Those are the main things I would have wanted to change. Nothing too embarrassing, but if you guys had anything embarrassing you did your freshman year of high school, please share!