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Top 10 Ways to Ask a Girl to Homecoming

If you’re a girl, it’s embedded into your genetic code to be a hopeless romantic. Trust me, Leo DiCaprio still makes my heart weep. If you want to do it, do it like DiCaprio. Take notes, follow actions, and have a sexy grin. So, boys, here’s how you make a girl swoon over you: Homecoming. Girls go ga-ga for boys who are creative when asking a girl to Homecoming.

Here are the top 10 ways to ask a girl to Homecoming:

1. Maze. A friend of mine asked his girlfriend out, with my help of course, by having her go through a maze. We made nine posters, one for each classroom she was going to. Each poster had a word from the question, and a quote that represented them. The posters spelled out: “Sam, wanna go to Homecoming with me? Love, Jake.” The quotes made it more cute. It represented their inside jokes and relationship.

2. Scavenger hunt. Leave a clue for your special lady friend in the morning with a riddle leading her to another clue. Keep her on her toes with clues until the end of the day, where you lead her to the area of your choice. There, you will be waiting for her with flowers of your choice, make sure she isn’t allergic though she won’t say yes after that. You can choose to be over the top and sit on one knee and ask, “Will you go to Homecoming with me?”

3.Wanted. Get a cute picture of the girl you have in mind and Photoshop it on to a flyer that says, “WANTED.” Tape it around the entire school, or in the areas you know she would see them. On the bottom, say something like “call Joe Snitterman if you see her.” Someone will definitely tell you and you go up to her and ask her to homecoming.

4. Detention. Find one of her teachers and ask them to give her a detention. Convince them to make it a huge deal, as if she was about to go to the dean’s office. Have them give her the detention, but it won’t be an actual detention, it’ll say something cute like “troubled girls need dates to Homecoming too. Will you go to Homecoming with me?” I just made that up on the spot. Cute, right?

5. Announcements. Get the one of the broadcast reporters to make up an incident. Johnny English was just in a freak accident, he is now paralyzed from the waist down and the only way he will regain motion is if Sara Applebee will agree to go to Homecoming with him. Sara if you’re listening, Johnny is waiting for your answer.” Don’t use that exact example, it might be a little too extreme. Regardless, she will love the innovation. Or you can ask her in the NWN website ticker. See me!

6. Car. Get all the shaving cream needed to cover an entire car and leave blanks for the letters that spell out Homecoming. Be sure to do it right when she is about to go to her car or the shaving cream will melt away. If she likes it enough, she’ll hit you with the shaving cream.

7. Bake her cupcakes. With the help of someone who knows what they’re doing, make 10 cupcakes. In frosting, spell out homecoming and hand deliver it to her. The fact that a guy baked for is girl is hot on its own.

8. Make t-shirts.  Get a friend who is artistic and make t-shirts. Have a bunch of your guy friends wearing them. Each shirt should say one word from the sentence on the back of the shirt. On the front of the shirt it should say, “Hey, Jenny!” or whatever her name is. Or you could even ask her with body paint. Same idea, sans shirts. (Note: This idea was successfully done last week in the cafeteria.)

9. Raid her locker. Girls always share locker combinations with each other,  so just get one of her girlfriends to give you the combination. Disarray everything in her locker but leave one thing perfect and untouched. That untouched thing should be the question of asking her to Homecoming.

10. Pep assembly. In front of the entire school, give a small speech and then ask her, ever so sweetly, if she will go to Homecoming with you. It’s easy to get the assembly coordinator to give a few minutes, just enough for you to sweep her off her feet. She will admire you boldness.

Me unleashing the secrets of girls should get you, boys, the best Homecoming ever. You’re welcome. Seniors, this is our last Homecoming, so make it memorable. And for everyone else, have a blast.

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  • N

    NoahSep 20, 2022 at 4:08 PM

    Hey i need help my homcoming is in a coulple of weeks i need idias

  • E

    EamonSep 21, 2021 at 10:04 AM

    So this is what happened to me. I was at school and I asked someone to homecoming and she said yes :0 so we went to homecoming and my girl got slapped -_- then everything just went up in a big war.

  • W

    woodyAug 31, 2021 at 9:42 PM

    Homecoming is in 25 days and I don’t know how to ask the girl I like I am so nervous.

  • T

    TheresaFeb 9, 2021 at 9:15 PM

    Guys, Please don’t rearrange our lockers, and also, some of us don’t give out our locker combos. I mean, in an emergency, I would but for real, please, don’t go digging through our lockers. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if it was one of my girlfriends, but a guy is a different story.

  • Y

    yJun 23, 2020 at 2:54 PM

    I just want to say, as a girl, most of these are bad idea,,,

  • A

    Aaron KusnerOct 1, 2019 at 10:07 PM

    There’s this girl in my Science class and I want to ask her out but none of these seem like they are going to work. But homecoming is in 3 days and I have these days called Block days but I don’t have a class with her tomorrow and I can’t ask her Thursday because I have a Cross Country race. How and when should I ask her?

  • G

    GrahamSep 12, 2019 at 8:02 PM

    SO… As you can guess I’m gonna ask a girl to a back-to-school dance, and I wanna do it in a way that doesn’t make it awkward… we are both freshmen and we have honors geometry class together… we text pretty regularly and i think it might be time but I don’t know… We both are very smart and we both take german (but not in the same class)… I don’t know if I should ask her out to the dance, or, since she is going anyways, just ask her to dance there when they play a romantic song (it happens every time just over halfway through)… Please help its thursday and the dance is sat and I don’t know whether to wait or ask her or do what, or how to ask her (neither of us have cars and i don’t want to get her pissed cuz idk what school you went to but some of those ideas are just plain asshole pranks) please help… detention would be a bad idea and she has all sorts of friends, not one specific friend group.. she is really one in a million. I really want this to work, and I’ve been planning to ask her out for almost 3 months now, but i feel like since we have only known each other for a year and a half, it might be too early. I’m thinking about asking her to help me study for a test on monday, but the dance is in 2 days so I don’t know… also, I have no idea whether or not she likes me, because although she laughs at all my jokes and specifically says hi to me in the hallways, it feels like she acts like that all the time, or maybe thats just cuz i’m around, but i’ve never actually had a girl like me in a romantic way and I have asked out 2 already in the past couple of years, both of which didn’t really like me in that way. I want to seem like a nice, friendly person, like I always am around her, but I don’t want to make it seem like the only reason i’m nice to her is because she is cute (don’t get me wrong, she is really cute, especially when she is thinking or laughing, which she does a lot), but I don’t want to be to sudden and abrupt and stuff like that. I am completely inexperienced in this field.

    All said, what I really want to do is ask her to dance with me in a way that will be likely to get a good response, while not jeopardizing the friendship we already have. She is cute, smart, and I have had a crush on her for 6 months and decided I wanted to ask her out during the summer, but haven’t had the chance yet. Now the time is right, and I have no idea what to do.

    Also, she has been dancing since she was 5 and I’m not sure if that will make me seem incompetent or cute, in a hopelessly lost kind of way… I don’t even care anymore, I’m done procrastinating. HELP ME PLEASE

  • L

    Lance WestJul 18, 2019 at 11:09 PM

    Everyone knows that you don’t dig in a girls locker

  • C

    CalebApr 27, 2019 at 11:27 AM

    I want 2 ask a girl to homecoming but only see her once a day and am thinking of buying her a necklace and giving it to her when asking. Is that too much?

  • P

    PeterFeb 9, 2019 at 7:42 AM

    What if I have no friends…. and i’m after school in detention… Should I go out now, she is there…. I’m going for it!

  • G

    GstaffOct 1, 2018 at 4:55 PM

    So, I’ve been talking to this girls for quite some time now and I want to ask her to HOCO. I want to make it EXTREMELY special. But… Im lost on how to do it… Suggestions… Please comment HOCO is in 1 week!!!!!!

  • R

    ReddSep 21, 2018 at 11:42 PM

    Homecoming is in less than two weeks and I am still trying to think of ways to top everyone else at my school…. Help

  • K

    Koby BruingtonSep 16, 2018 at 1:25 PM

    So, I like this girl but I hardly ever see her. She knows me and we were childhood friends but we don’t hang out anymore. I want to ask her to hoco but idk what I should do. I am a song writer so maybe sing a song and play guitar? Suggestions?

  • T

    this dudeSep 12, 2018 at 11:43 PM

    WOW, I am trying to too…

  • E

    eli reidSep 5, 2018 at 2:51 PM

    There is a girl I’m basically IN LOVE with, but she’s homeschooled so I only see her at the beginning of the day and the end. And when I ask her I want it to be completely unexpected. How should I do it?

    • K

      Koby BruingtonSep 16, 2018 at 1:28 PM

      so Talk to her mom and get her moms help. Her mom is her teacher so lots of opportunities. Ask her mom to give her a an assignment that involves going to dinner with you. And then pop the question there saying you asked her teachers approval;)

  • M

    MaxSep 28, 2017 at 8:36 PM

    I tied a sign to a little drone and flew it to her, middle of the school too. Just make sure you know how to use it if you wanna try

  • J

    JohnSep 9, 2017 at 7:45 AM

    Hey, heres another Idea, Use a magic trick!

  • T

    TristanSep 13, 2016 at 8:29 PM

    Yo, so I don’t go to your school, I go to Fremont High in Utah. We don’t have detention or a Dean here but I like the idea of doing something like number 4. Any suggestions to make something similar?

    • @

      @the.dudmeisterSep 14, 2016 at 9:14 PM

      Hey there Tristan, I’m kinda thinking about using that one but we had to change a lot of stuff and we eventually scrapped the idea. If you don’t have a dean or detention, we were going to have a group of friends/ the announcement people to tell the girl that she needs to go somewhere. This is literally the simplest thing that can be done and you can mess around with it however you want. I’m sorry if it’s too simple, but this is one of the classics.
      The best of luck from a guy nervous as heck too.
      – D

  • C

    ChelseaSep 27, 2015 at 11:10 AM

    The boy that asked me just said it straight to me. We were just talking about how everyone was going and he did it. If he didn’t ask me I would have asked him…..Just go for it

    • K

      KoltonOct 18, 2015 at 6:15 PM

      Did you notice that the names in number 1 were the main characters of sixteen candles?

  • S

    SamOct 22, 2013 at 12:12 AM

    I used a parody music video of One Direction’s “What makes you beautiful”

    • M

      MichaelOct 17, 2016 at 8:56 PM

      Hey there’s is this girl I like and we never talked before and I was thinking to ask her but homecoming is in 2 days so idk what to do because we never talked and I don’t want it to be awkward also what should I start talking about first

      • J

        jessicaSep 16, 2017 at 11:20 PM

        surely you have 1 or more classes with her, right? start with what youve noticed sparks her interest the most. doesnt have to be about homecoming at all. honestly show her thats not the only reason youre talking to her which hopefully its not,
        so then apply something in that conversation to a random song. doesnt have to be good- the funnier , the better especially if you break out in a funky jackson dance move! after the laughs subside, make your move. then the night of the dance tell her all that was just for her.

  • T

    TaylorOct 3, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Ok, I’m a girl and I’m trying to find a way to ask my girlfriend to Homecoming. I’m a freshman and she’s a sophmore, so I’m totally inexperienced. If anyone has any ideas, please comment them. Thanks!!!

  • A

    AlexSep 15, 2013 at 8:14 PM

    In number 7 she could just take all the cupcakes except the “n” and “o” and give it back to you

    • D

      DylanSep 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM

      Well played!!!!

    • B

      BobbyAug 29, 2018 at 5:10 PM

      lol thats great !

  • R

    Rozy KanjeeOct 13, 2010 at 9:21 PM

    The only reason that I know that it would work is because I was asked to homecoming that way. It doesn’t sound ideal, but if the guy does it the right way it is actually really cute.

  • L

    LikeAG6Oct 13, 2010 at 6:07 PM

    Don’t even try #9. You gonna get in mad trouble! Seriously though, you should change that…
