A while back, I was asked to write an alumni blog for Niles West News to inform all of you about what college is like. So, the first, and perhaps the most important, thing I can possibly tell you is: college is going to be exactly what you make of it. It’s a fresh start and a chance to be whoever you decide you want to be. For the most part, no one knows you here. They won’t know about all the great, or the not-so-great, things you did in high school…or middle school…or preschool. It’s a shot at new friends, new opportunities, and a new identity. So, what does that mean for me or for you?
Well, for starters, I decided that I wanted to major in education. There are so
many options for you to explore in terms of your education at college. If you can
imagine studying it, you can probably major (or minor) in it. No guarantees you’ll
find a job if you decide to major in something totally random, but, hey, do what
you love ’cause college is your time to shine.
There’s also a ton of clubs and fraternities related to different majors to get
involved in. The Sunday before classes start, the University of Illinois hosts an
event called Quad Day. Basically all of the clubs, fraternities, and club sports set
up tables around the Quad and spill into the areas surrounding it so that they
can get a chance to recruit new members. I always thought Niles West had a lot
of clubs to get involved with, but then I walked up to the quad and I was clearly
Another great aspect that most universities will offer to you is Greek life. Let
me start off by saying I was personally unsure about rushing (the process of
trying to get into a sorority or fraternity,) but I decided to give it a shot. I went
through with it though just to make sure that I wasn’t missing out on any possible
opportunity, and it turns out that it was probably one of the best choices I made
all year. I joined the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma and instantaneously had over
200 girls looking out for me, helping me with classes, and becoming amazing
friends with me. Greek life might not be for everyone, but I definitely recommend
keeping an open mind about it and looking into what it has to offer you at the
university that you choose.
The best part, in my opinion, though, is the chance at tons of new friends. From
my experience almost everyone in college is so much more open-minded than
they were in high school. I’ve made friends that are totally opposite from me and
found ones that we basically have twin personalities. Turns out that one of my
best friends here lives a mile away from my house in Niles, but we never met each
other before. We’re going to be roommates next semester. How’s that for ironic?
One thing I will throw out there though is that it doesn’t matter where you go to
school as long as you’re willing to make the most of it. I wasn’t totally sure about
my decision on May 1 when I had to commit to a university, but I decided before
I moved into my dorm that I was going to make the next four years ones I would
never forget. So far, I don’t think I could even if I tried. Of course there are times
I wonder what it would have been like to go somewhere else, to the other school
I wanted to attend, but then I look at all the amazing friends that I’ve made, all
the fun times I’ve had, and all the memories I’ll never forget, and then I realize
that college is exactly what you make of it. So, the advice I’ll leave you with is
this: make it count. You’re going to get out of it what you put into it, so be open-
minded. Take chances you would have passed up before. Try new things. Be
friends with someone you never expected to be friends with. Make college the
four years you’ll never forget. No regrets.
Colene’s Bio:
Graduated Niles West: 2012
College: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Major: Education
Favorite Part about Niles West: Niles West News (Colene was NWN’s editor last year)
Michelle Sproat • May 9, 2013 at 2:16 PM
At first I was really confused as to why a story by Colene popped up…but then I got REALLY excited that it was an alum column. Haha anyways…Thanks for all the advice Colene 😀 Sounds like college is really something to enjoy!
Asher Roth • May 9, 2013 at 1:02 PM
I love college!!!!!!! Ayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
Dennis Hopper • May 9, 2013 at 12:59 PM