Last week while we were all eating pumpkin pie and turkey, I’m sure we were all thankful for the people and gifts we have in our lives. I’m sure some of us donated to charity or helped others who are less fortunate. I’m also sure that some of us didn’t. That doesn’t mean you still can’t. Niles West offers many philanthropic clubs that help all aspects of the world. Some of the clubs are S.A.V.E, W.H.O, Relay for Life, and Dance Marathon. S.A.V.E. helps the environment, W.H.O. helps the poor and participates in Habitat for Humanity annually, Relay for Life helps the American Cancer Society, and Dance Marathon picks a new charity every year, this year’s being Special Gift’s Theatre.
Why should students participate in these clubs? It may sound overused, but we should all participate in a club/activity that helps others just for the sake of helping others. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’m sure none of us would mind a little help for ourselves. Personally, I’ve been involved in both Dance Marathon and Relay for Life for the past two years now, and I love both charities. I only wish I had joined these clubs sooner, meaning my freshman year.
It’s OK freshman, neither of these clubs bite and they both look tremendous on college applications. A great detail about both activities is that you have time to raise money. Dance Marathon normally has its annual dance in the beginning of May, but this year the date is May 26 so all the dancers have even more time. Relay for Life is almost always the first weekend after school lets out, unless we have snow days; then we still unfortunately have to deal with school. This year the date is June 8-9 because, that’s right, you sleep over! If you wish, that is.
Really, nothing is better than seeing the people that you’ve been slaving away raising money for happy. When you go to the Dance Marathon dance, the recipients from the charity are there to dance along right next to you. Last year West and Niles North raised $85,603 for Refugee One, so fellow students, help West to give back, whether it be through an environmental club or going to Habitat for Humanity.
S..A.V.E meets Wednesday at 3:30 pm in 3185, W.H.O. meets every other Thursday at 3:30 pm in 1750, Dance Marathon meets Wednesday 3:30pm in the Student Commons, and Relay for Life meets 3:30 pm in 1100, but dates vary(this club doesn’t require going to meetings, neither really does Dance Marathon) . Start making a difference now!
Jenny • Dec 2, 2011 at 9:27 PM
Hi, Mara! Nice article! 🙂 However, S.A.V.E Club meets on Wednesday. 🙂
Mara Shapiro • Dec 5, 2011 at 10:07 AM
Thanks Jenny! It’s been fixed:)
Jenny • Dec 5, 2011 at 9:13 PM
Thank you, Mara. 🙂