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Stop the Flirtlocker(ing)

Hey Guys,

This one is not just for the freshmen.

Just a few days ago, I had a few people come up to me asking if I’ve checked out this new website called Flirtlocker. I honestly had no idea what that was, and at first I actually thought it was a dating website. I asked what it was, and they told me it was a site where most high schools have their own page. Of course, Niles West did. It’s basically a website where someone can talk trash about anything and anyone anonymously. Sort of like a Formspring for the school–and if you don’t know what Formspring is, it’s basically a page where people can ask you questions by name or anonymously.

Back to the story, I go home and look at this Flirt Locker website, and I am shocked. Not only am I shocked, but I’m disappointed. I mean we’re all 14 through 18 in this school, and people are saying rude and just mean comments about girls and some boys. Aren’t we all in high school? Because this website makes us all look like immature preschoolers. No, actually preschoolers aren’t as horrible as some of the comments were. That page represents our school in the worst way–and, on top of that, it makes the girls and guys mentioned on that site look bad. Why do we want to make Niles West look like a dangerous environment for any student?

This goes for any site like this. There is absolutely no point in saying the kind of rude stuff that I have seen on the Internet. Everyone is a person, and I don’t see any pleasure in crushing them by cyber-bullying. People have hearts and those few words that you type can break them. Why would anyone think that’s okay to purposefully hurt someone? We all as high school students have bundles of stress from homework and sports and other activities, and we don’t need to build bullying onto that stress. We all know what it’s like to be put under stress, why do you want to add to it?

That one comment on Flirtlocker, Formspring–or even on Facebook–could really hurt someone. So, think before you type, because those quick fingers of yours could quickly take a person’s life.

Stop the hate and spread the love,

Breana Brill

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  • N

    Nashiha AlamMar 16, 2011 at 6:31 PM

    I’m so proud of you taking a stand for your student body with this article!
    I think we all need to improve on our attitudes toward each other.

    This may be cheesy, but everyone should remind themselves about the Golden Rule before they go to attack one another on flaws that you can’t help to have.

    Love your debate bud, Nash

    • A

      AuthorMar 17, 2011 at 12:12 PM

      Aw, thanks Nash! I completely agree with you (:

  • A

    AnonMar 8, 2011 at 11:29 PM

    Looks like the site moderation has changed to allow better protection for users. Anybody can now remove posts if they are inappropriate or hurtful.

  • C

    Czarina LandichoMar 7, 2011 at 7:20 PM

    I agree, it serves no purpose. Writing trash about other people…. and we’re currently #5 as the top list.

  • J

    JohnMar 7, 2011 at 4:14 PM

    I’m not sure as I’ve only visited the site once, but can’t hateful comments be reported to the admins?

    • A

      AuthorMar 7, 2011 at 7:55 PM

      Yes, I’m sure they can be. But I don’t think the administration can shut down the website. I’m sure we can only express our disappointment about the rude comments on the website because it would be hard to give any punishments, since they are under anonymous names.

      • K

        Kaine OsburnMar 8, 2011 at 7:23 PM

        Students can be disciplined for certain kinds of comments. For instance, if the comments suggest that there could be a disruption of the learning environment or if the comments suggest that the victim of the comments might face a hostile or unsafe environment at school, then the school has some disciplinary steps it can take. But these matters are not clear. What constitutes a threat? The courts protect free speech, especially outside of schools. So schools look for what is called a “nexus” with the school environment, which sometimes can be difficult to prove. The greatest preventative measure that we can all take is to NOT make bullying, threatening, or hurtful comments and to NOT participate on such sites. Keep reading here and keep commenting here, a thoughtful and constructive environment.

  • G

    GwenMar 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM

    The site is down. Huzzah! They closed the site indefinitely due to concerns people expressed about cyber-bullying.

    Okay, but seriously, I hadn’t heard of this site until I read this article. And I take that as a good sign ’cause it means the people I hang out with aren’t the types to know/use such an awful, cowardly method of harassing others and badmouthing people to their faces. When I did check the site I was also shocked. I couldn’t believe how awful some of the things people were saying on there were. I’m glad the site is down.

    • R

      Rebecca YunMar 6, 2011 at 12:17 AM

      Unfortunately, the site is back up. I have no idea why the site owners would: a, allow the site to keep running; b, let people talk all the trash they want; and c, even think of starting a website that encourages teens to insult and spread rumors about things that probably aren’t true.

      The last time I checked, Niles West was number 5 on the top ten schools list. Niles North is number 1. Dudes, that’s just sad.

      In my opinion, that just shows how cowardly people at this school are. Seriously, if you’re not going to say something to someone’s face, don’t even say it. Better yet, save it for someone who actually cares. I don’t want our school to be known as the one that isn’t dignified enough to know right from wrong.

      Think about it. In a few years, when we are all living our separate lives, will you look back and remember this experience? When your children search online and see what kinds of hurtful things their mom or dad posted, will they look at you the same way? Once you post something, it never goes away. Just think about that when you write something stupid or hurtful about a person that hasn’t done anything bad to you. We should all know better than to write about others in a way that won’t accomplish anything.

  • G

    gretchen thinks breana's the best person in the worldMar 3, 2011 at 10:31 PM

    omg. best thing ever. i’m honestly glad someone brought this up cause legit that website makes me sick. good job breeee:)))

  • R

    Rebecca YunMar 3, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    I agree with Breana 100%. Seriously, you guys, you’re all acting like immature two-year-olds when you post stuff like that on Flirtlocker. If you aren’t [wo]man enough to say it to their face, don’t say it at all.

    I’ve seen what has been written, and honestly, it’s all about whether people are hot or not. That kind of stuff is not only rude, it’s also a waste of time. No one should care whether someone says random crap like that about them. I say this all the time, but you should only care about what YOU think about yourself and not what others say. If you listen to every little thing someone says, it’s just going to bring you down.

    But really, if you consider calling classmates stupid names on an even-stupider website under a pseudonym a “good time”, then I really don’t know what to say. I honestly have nothing to say to the people that take joy in knocking people down by posting trash about them.

    That’s all I have to say about the subject. Thanks if you’ve actually read this far.

  • J

    Jennie CourseyMar 3, 2011 at 3:05 PM

    I love peace in this school. I totes magotes want everyone to get along. There should be rainbows and unicorns around the whole school. I love everyone and everything about this school. I love Tommy Schlesinger!!!!! Peace and love yallll.
