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Being Republican: My Take on the 2012 Elections

Senior Justin Sia on Obama’s re-election

On Tuesday, Nov. 6 at around 10:15 CST, CBS projected that Barack Obama would become a two-term president.  As for me, I made the same projection around a month ago. The subdued feelings were just as strong as the millions of people across the country who thought Mitt Romney would be the next president of the United States and would bring about a change that Obama cannot.

This past weekend, it became obvious that there was no way Obama would lose the electoral vote because of the simple numbers game. Watching the results come in Tuesday night obviously confirmed my suspicions, but seeing the situation happen in real time was really disheartening. With each swing state turning blue on the magic wall on CNN, the expectation of a Republican presidency was reaching the end of its rope. The morale of Republicans around the country was wearing thin this past election night.

We will have to wait four more years till a conservative plan could be enacted in the White House; another four years of failed plans, false promises, and reckless spending.

My prediction has been, for about a month now, that Obama would take the electoral college and Mitt Romney would take the popular vote (meaning he would literally have the most votes in the country).  I was proved wrong regarding the popular vote, with Obama leading by three million votes. Regardless of all of this, what can be said with certainty is that this election was a close one. America could barely decide on who would be the real savior of all of our problems between the two candidates.

Dan Poskus, the NWN’s liberal columnist, told me bluntly that the popular vote doesn’t matter. While the electoral count is quite clear in the results, the popular vote between the two candidates is very close. This is an evident example of a country split in two. You have one half of the country terrified of a future with less government and another half who can’t tolerate a national debt higher than it already is. Half the country doesn’t support Obama, he’ll see many blockades in his path to “continue” to a better America. The final numbers in this vote will tell a story of a country divided on how to bring America back to its former glory, which seems more impossible every passing day.

However, it’s time for both sides to move on and grow up. While much of half of the country is still reeling from election results, there is no use in trying to change our president now. Still, this is not the time to be bashing a candidate and his supporters. I’ve had students come up to me and bash me for my political beliefs when they don’t even understand what Mitt Romney stands for.

There’s a lot of ignorance floating around among voters, particularly shown to me at Niles West High School. It’s great to be involved, we are the future after all, but there’s no use in voting if you don’t know what you’re voting for. If you decide to vote or get involved in politics, PLEASE hear me out. Nothing is more dangerous and irritating than spreading around incorrect, blown-up rumors. Future voters, just stick to the facts; that’s what will really get you a just vote. Also, stay informed of both political viewpoints on both sides. There’s always two sides of the story, and your vote should never be solidified if you’re not aware of the other side’s views.

As I’ve previously said, I am not a committed Romney supporter; in fact, Ron Paul is my hero, but I’m a Republican at heart. Now, I know that now is the most crucial time for America to come together behind Barack Obama. With the House of Representatives remaining red, the Senate remaining blue, and a population so split, this country has a massive challenge of working together ahead of itself. I call for the removal of the theoretical “aisle” dividing the two parties so that everyone can come together to truly work for a better America. The time to take action is now.  We can’t move “Forward” to prosperity if we don’t move together.

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  • A

    Alan KotlyarDec 7, 2012 at 6:22 PM

    Hi Justin,

    Great, great article. It must of been very hard to write something like this with such a democratic audience, but you have my vote. Keep standing up for your ideas and don’t let other people put you down. The article is totally accurate and unbiased like some articles are, and you nailed everything!

  • C

    Concerned DemocratNov 12, 2012 at 2:51 PM

    1. Justin the only thing accurate about your comment was pretty much just that Obama won.
    2. I know Dan, and he would never say that the popular vote doesn’t count, it means more than the electoral college, it proves who really won in the eyes of America, and you being a hard core Conservative you obviously said a misleading quote.
    and above all the main reason why no one is going to follow Obama in the Senate and why they haven’t in the past is because most of the Senate is all Republican to begin with, of course they’re not going to agree with a Liberal, that is why i am so tired of everyone saying that Obama doesn’t do anything. In retrospect he does, it just never gets passed by Congress, because they are so completely biased to the whole situation of having a Democratic president.

    • J

      Justin SiaNov 12, 2012 at 4:07 PM

      I’m not entirely sure what comment you’re referring to (I believe you’re referring to the one on Dan’s article). If so, you can contradict however much you’d like. You have your “facts,” I have mine.

      Also, I’m deeply insulted that you’re making the assumption that just because I’m a republican (I’m not even hard core, I consider myself a moderate) means I misquote people. You should read Ivana Kosir’s article on political respect. Maybe you’ll get a better understanding of what I’ve been trying to tell this community all along. I could respond to your comment by saying, “That’s really all I can expect from a passionate Democrat like yourself.” However, that’d be rude, inaccurate, anddisrespectful to half this country. So I’ll be the bigger person and pretend you didn’t just insult me.

      Aside from that, I’d like to tell you that the Senate is actually Democrat. You probably mean the House of Representatives. Obama hasn’t BEEN ABLE to do anything. Is that better? Another misinterpretation of GOP opposition is that we’re “biased.” Excuse me? Sorry I’m fighting for what I think is morally right. Politicians don’t just disagree to disagree, they fight over what they think the best course for this country is. Before you or anyone else reading this starts taking shots at GOP opposition or ANY opposition in any case, just know that fighting for what’s right, or what your own idea of “right” is, is what a true leader does. While it’s unfortunate that this country could be stagnate for the next 4 years, standing up for what you believe is how to truly vote. That’s also why I’m not afraid to say I’m a proud republican in Illinois, in Chicago, and at Niles West High School.

  • A

    Alex BrownNov 8, 2012 at 10:23 PM

    Great Stuff.
    A lot of the issues with the government come from the polarity. Republican-supporters and Democrat-supporters are seriously locking horns, making if difficult, if not impossible, for any prosperity or change to happen within the U.S. Obama is not a bad president, but he just had the misfortune of being in the right place at completely the wrong time. His ideals aren’t awful, but they conflict with 50% of the nation.
    The U.S needs someone who can actually unite the two parties for the greater good, like Abraham Lincoln. That said, it’s much easier said than done, but one can imagine, and hope.

  • J

    JohnNov 8, 2012 at 9:55 PM

    I’m tempted to argue with you over some minor matters but I’ll let it be. You’re completely right that this is a time when we need to come together.

    Mitt Romney was a great candidate – and I’m a liberal – and honestly, I can’t think of any mainstream Republican I’d have been more comfortable with. He’s a moderate who had to swing further right in the primaries and it killed him in the general election. But I’d take him over Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich or virtually any other Republican who’s seriously contested the presidency since 2000… Ron Paul’s actually great as well, but it feels unfair to treat him as part of the Republican Party given his own party’s bias against him. The fact is that Romney ran in the wrong election at the wrong time. It’s only been four years since Bush left office, and the folly of the last Republican administration is still enough in the public’s mind that there will be time before they return to the White House.

    I’m glad Obama won, but I’m not very optimistic – as long as the House and Senate are split, there’s not much either party can get done. With the fiscal cliff looming, I think we’ll get some much-needed compromise in Washington D. C. and how Obama manages that, I see as the deciding factor for his second term. Hopefully, the President can make some sort of progress, because this stalemate is annoying the heck out of me.

    It’s time the parties came together for America’s best interest, but I’m not holding my breath.

    • R

      RustyNov 9, 2012 at 12:23 AM

      Don’t worry John. The Republicans have to compromise this time around. The gridlock in Congress, would result in major losses for their party in 2014. The future is bright. BullS*** mountain is falling

  • J

    JackNov 8, 2012 at 5:27 PM

    Perhaps if Republicans weren’t preoccupied with their constant PR mishaps they would have had a better chance, but unfortunately for the Romney camp, their candidate is completely out of touch with the American people.

    • Y

      Yup...Nov 8, 2012 at 9:22 PM

      I agree with you. The Republicans need to realize that American demographics have shifted and need to make an effort to appeal to all of America, not just the people with the “most” influence.

    • H

      hankNov 8, 2012 at 10:06 PM

      He appeals to the people who matter in this country–hard-working Americans.

      He doesn’t appeal to the welfare-dependent and the lazy; he’s not the candidate who will coddle them the way Obama has and will.

      • R

        RustyNov 9, 2012 at 12:20 AM

        Ok first of all this letter is full of crap. For the vast majority of the history of the United States of America, we have been a divided nation. From the creation of the country there were those that favored states rights vs those who favored a strong federal government. From the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, America continually proved that it was extremely polarized. The emphatic notion that Obama is responsible for the division of the country is complete and utter nonsense. What happened on November 6th, 2012 was that history was made. We learned that our country is changing, demographically and socially. The rapid increase of Hispanic immigrants is beginning to sway the voter pool. Hispanics ( excluding most Cubans) have chosen to vote for the Democratic party because of the attack on their civil liberties by the Republican party. Since the beginning of the Obama administration, the far-right has ignited a barrage of extremely conservative policies upon the nation. For example politicians such as Todd Akin, have revealed to the American public their views on abortion and contraceptives. The belief that women are simply ” using tax dollars from good hardworking American tax payers” to engage in excessive sexual intercourse is absurd. In fact, the same people that advocate for this, seem less inclined to attack men who use condoms ( which receives government funding as well). The same notion occurs in abortion, which many on the right feel that they can push their personal ethics onto the entire nation. Yes, the vast majority of people in the United States are of the Christian faith, but we are not a Christian nation. The very founders of the United States of America ( most notably Thomas Jefferson, an atheist), strictly fought for the division of Church and State. Why is that the same people that claim we are moving away from the original intention of the United States, advocating against the will of the founders? In addition, the same people that continually appeal for less government involvement in the lives of everyday United States citizens, want to prevent the decision of women to partake in Family Planning? The right consists mostly of aging Americans, who have yet to pull their minds out of the 1920s. The massive appeal by outlets such as Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Fox News, and Bill O’Reilly have corrupted a large portion of the American public. As the comedian, Jon Stewart has pointed out these outlets should be referred to as ” Bulls*** mountain”. These people that inhabit this “mountain” are responsible for igniting such radical groups such as Tea Party, who feel that “their country has been taken away from them by a Muslim, Communist, Kenyan, Anti-Christ”, who’s only purpose is to infringe on the personal liberties of all ” hard-working tax paying Americans” ( Ironically, many of the senior citizens in this movement are not working and receive their monthly Social Security and Medicare check ( that the supposed “lazy Americans” fund on a weekly basis”)). This mountain also perpetuates that minorities of this country are ” leeches that plan on destroying the stable white establishment in America” ( let Bill O’Reilly tell it to if you don’ t believe me: ). In their delusional world, Obama has opened the flood gates for millions of illegals to get more Democratic votes, given out handouts to at 95% of blacks ( because the other 5% like Hermain Cain and Allen West are examples of those are their token minorities), Asians are being allowed to cheat in school and go to Harvard ahead of white kids through affirmative action programs, and that people of Middle Eastern dissent are hear to bring their “terrorist religion” to ” Christian America ” and destroy “our ethical values”. Lastly, that at least 65% of the youth today are “drugged up welfare mongers” who are being indoctrinated in the liberal agenda to destroy ” Core American Conservative Values”. Imagine hearing this on a daily basis? After a while, you begin to believe these malicious lies perpetuated by “bulls*** mountain”. What happened on Election Night 2012 was that the “Avalanche fell on Bulls*** mountain”. They were so certain that there lies would bring out a large conservative base, as they did in elections in the past, and reclaim ” their country”. Unfortunately, the true majority showed up on election night. Republican turnout was phenomenal, but they were not the majority. The fact of the matter, is that the vast majority of the country is now progressive. They have ignored the status quo and begun to represent what America really is and how it will continue to improve in the future. Coming from all races across the globe, all religions, and all sexual orientations, this coalition took down Fox News and the Republican Party. It was also a forecast, that the conservative agenda is an endangered species in the United States of America. As we now transition to a new era, we need to remember that our nation is changing. We need to improve to compete with the rapidly changing world. Infrastructure across the nation requires billions of dollars in investments to improve. Education is pathetic as only 28% of our workforce has a 4 year degrees or more. We must also, cut spending in wasteful areas ( such as overspending on the military and unfunded mandates) as well as, raise taxes on those who have refused to pay the national average of 33% over the last 10 years. In conclusion, we can attain a brighter future. Through progression and innovation we can bring America to greater levels of achievement than ever before. The right serves as blockade and a promoter of the status quo.

      • J

        JustShutUpNov 16, 2012 at 4:18 PM

        ok, “hank,” just because someone is on welfare doesn’t mean they’re lazy. What you’re saying is that if tomorrow you are laid off from your job, and then you break your neck making you paralyzed, that you are now “welfare-dependent and lazy and need to be coddled.” Good luck trying to afford your house, pay your bills, and put a meager meal on the table with that under Romney.

  • D

    Dan PoskusNov 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    I never said the popular vote doesn’t matter. Please don’t misquote me, thanks. Also, Obama won the popular vote, so your point is irrelevant.

    • J

      Justin SiaNov 8, 2012 at 12:25 PM

      Actually, you did. I also didn’t quote you, so your arguement is invalid. Yes Obama did win the popular vote, I never disclaimed the results.

      Don’t hate me cuz you aint me, bud.

      • H

        HooverNov 8, 2012 at 7:48 PM

        You’re all a joke. That includes obamawama.
        Also Justin, i highly doubt by the way you two are arguing that Dan is your bud, bud.

        • J

          Justin SiaNov 12, 2012 at 5:59 PM

          Nahh we’re actually friends! Dan and I shook hands after the elections and it was an epic moment. We just like to fight it out politically; but at the end of the day, we be straight chillin, dawg.

          Ah, if only our government would work this way. If only…

          • D

            Dan PoskusNov 13, 2012 at 2:35 PM

            Me and Justin are best buds. True fact.

      • F

        Former Student*Nov 8, 2012 at 8:15 PM

        Where did he say that eh popular vote does not matter? Reading his article over and over again, I did not find that statement. Well anyway, it is nice to see both sides’ — Republican and Democrat — reaction on Obama’s victory.
