Mark your calendars, Niles West, because next week every single one of you will have the opportunity to forever change a family’s life.
That’s right, seed packing is coming up on Sunday, April 28 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Willow Creek Northshore Community Church (315 Waukegan Rd Northfield, IL 60093.)
Now please try to resist the urge to click the red X in the upper right hand corner of your screen just because you see the word church. First, let me clear a few things up.
For the past few years, Willow Creek has been hosting an event called seed packing that gathers hundreds of high school students from all around the area into one huge room with great music, great vibes, and a great opportunity to make a difference.
This year, we’re focusing on two countries in Africa: Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Our objective is to pack enough seeds to ship to those countries in order to give families the opportunity to plant their own gardens, be able to feed their families, and avoid starvation.
To see what a huge difference we made last year, click here.
Considering the recent tragedies that have taken place, making a difference is something that can not only be therapeutic, but can also make you feel good about yourself and make you feel like you’re really positively impacting the world.
No matter what race or religion you are, you’re welcome to come and help the world. So here comes the church aspect of seed packing.
Yes, it is hosted by a church. Yes, it located at a church. And yes, it is within a church community, but the actual event has no religious affiliation whatsoever.
You can (and should) attend whether you’re Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Wiccan, a Newton Deist, or even if you worship trees.
We don’t discriminate, and I promise that we’re not going to trick you into coming to church so that we can perform a surprise attack baptism on you or force communion down your throat. The only religious act that may occur is a quick prayer that the seeds make it to Africa and help as many families as possible, but that’s it. You don’t even have to bow your head.
If none of that information is enough, then here’s another incentive: there will be free food.
And not free cold pizza and stale cookies, but free Chipotle and Buffalo Wild Wings.
In one night, you’re making a difference, meeting some great people, and eating some delicious food.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or Connie Dang at [email protected]
Tons of other students from Niles West will also be there, and we hope to see you there, too. Don’t be shy!